One less jew to worry about fam

David Rockefeller is dead at 101 years old. good riddance..i hope he burns in hell.

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to shit on his grave

I am pretty sure John D was a Baptist...

Rockefellers are protestants, dummy

For once OP isn't lying about someone's death.

Rockafeller was a fucking jew. you probably are too.

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I traced their family line back to Europe 17th century. Not one single hint of ((())).

The Rockefellers aren't Jewish.

Still an enormous piece of shit.

Lesson 101. Listen to your master.

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He died a year ago..

I thought this nigger died three months ago?


Man was pure evil

fucking nigger

s, but only cos its my kink

Wow I remember when he died last year too

The article is from last year you imbecile

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I wonder how many little kids were killed for blood transfusions and how many young adults had "accidents" for their organs just so that this evil fuck could live for a 101 years.

some mandala effect type shit my nigga

All nazi polltards are definitely subhumans and are destined to be purged by fire with their close relatives.

I bet you think George sore ass is a pure bred white male.

>Spitting on the grave of one of the few good rich kikes who cared about goyim enough that he gave away a big chunk of his wealth to charity, and even converted to Christianity.

Never change pol

The fuck are you talking about the Rockefellers are pure fucking evil....get the fuck out obvious jew shill

he was dead last year??
And dead again this year??

Fuck you