So did the creatures of the Abyss just show up suddenly?
Are they affected at all by the curse?
could they leave the Abyss if they wanted to?
Made in Abyss
>Are they affected at all by the curse?
could they leave the Abyss if they wanted to?
Did you break the sound barrier speedreading?
What is why the monster hit Reg?
We know that Nanachi is affected by the Curse, though to a lesser extent than Riko. We know Reg seems to be completely immune to it.
Who killed the generals?
Chapter 44 cancelled.Instead we will have a spin-off prequel manga featuring Ozen and Lyza as main characters with 200+ pages next week.
Reg is immune to the curse because he's not a real boy, and two monsters so far have been seen in places it shouldn't be; the giant snake and the bugs that mimic flowers.
i can't believe tsukushi is fucking dead
>200 pages of hot hot suffering
i would read the shit out of it
Who's going to be the next whistle? My vote is on wakuna
I would only accept this if Bondrewd is one of the main characters and gets to fuck Lyza, Ozen or both.
I can't believe nanachi is fucking dead.
Not just a speedreader but an uneducated speedreader.
First off no. They probably didn't just show up. Those creatures have most likely evolved there over thousands of years with the ones that over time develop better connections and adaption to the abyss thrive. It was said the Tamagucci has become so deadly over the years that despite being a herbivore is technically the apex predator of the 4th layer.
Second. No, animals are not effected by the affects of the curse. If you read the manga and missed this you must be retarded.
Third. The whole point of what makes the creatures of the abyss so deadly is they can read the flow of the curse to help predict the movements of prey or enemies. If they were to leave they'd be extremely easy to kill. They have enough instinctual sense that they know that. Not only that but unless they can swim or fly, how the fuck would they go anywhere.
I wish the dumb question list still got posted in these threads, all three of OP's questions would be perfect for it.
I can't believe Prusha is fucking ____.
Ripe for breeding?
goddamit I wrote her name wrong
Please forgive me.
That's right, i am Fluffzen.
Playing dangerous games with Papa!
>No, animals are not effected by the affects of the curse. If you read the manga and missed this you must be retarded.
Why though?
And only Abyss animals or even surface animals (dogs, etc)?
Do you need to have a certain treshold of coscience/brain power to be affected by the curse?
Memes aside, what kind of relationship did they have?
>That hat shape
This better not be official art.
It's an official cover, dude
It's still unclear how the force field distinguishes what is human vs not.
>animals are not affected
Source? I'm pretty sure it was never confirmed in the manga.
anyone has sauce of this?
Look at this bun
Well, from Nanachi we know narehates are human enough.
Still i wonder, the blessing is gotten by having someone take the curse for you (mostly via some kind of redirection tech, see elevator and cartridges) AND the victim wanting to protect you (as we saw with Bondrewd, he expended multiple cartridges but only Prushka gave him the blessing).
(Also there might be a possibility that the "blessed" might be able to do the same with the victim unless Mitty immortality was just random happenstance).
Also, the forcefield can be warped by consciousness (seemingly with the exception of the layers, they seem to act more like a "wall" of sorts that fucks you up when you ascend ie: the forcefield is so packed it doesnt fully move out the way, "gets in the way" and do bad stuff to you), this is how Abyss creatures can see your immediate actions.
My question is: assuming one has an exceptional force of will (and i mean, truly exceptional, the kind that takes the most powerful mind affecting magic ritual fueled by the sacrifice of a thousand virgins to the greatest of the evil Old Gods on the chin and doesn't even flinch), would he be able to distort the forcefield so much even the layer themselves open? (Kinda like the screencap with the compressed babies harpoons, but with one person)
Now look at this moth
Is it bad that I want a threesome with Prushka and Papa? They're both so cute and sexy and I bet they'd work wonderfully as a team.
Now back to the bun
So that is (un)confirmed Lyza x Ozen?
It was never outright stated but:
>flying creatures can fly around in the dizziness balance-loss layers without difficulty
>the maw thing crossed layers going up
>Corpse Weepers carried Riko up, she was affected and they were not
>Meinya can guide people through the effects of level 5
Why is a moth so thicc?
Surely she was inspired by this.
Now back at the moth
>some guy makes a spider plush
>a continent away, a mangaka turns said spider plush into a character in his manga
True pottery
Who wore it better?
Now back at bun
Mitty's immortality was portrayed as "loss of mortality" - additional loss of human characteristics beyond what is normally incurred by the curse.
Bending the entire force field with your will? Perhaps Cthulhu sleeps at the bottom of the abyss and wakes every 2000 years to do just that.
Sadly she's not the moth
I want to squanch Nanachi.
thanks u
>Genki oppai loli #1 gets turned into a chaos spawn
>Genki oppai loli #2 gets vivisected, stuffed into a box, then turns into a whistle
So this is what an average mark fag enjoys
The only known exception is the hippo encountered during survival training in the second layer. That one is an imported species and isn't native to the Abyss, but adapted extremely well to the environment.
What unironically killed the hype?
So, how can it be morally justified not ending Bondrewd for good and just going further damning countless innocent kids to fate worth than death. I can hardly force myself reading past this arc. I kind wish every single character to die at this point.
>caring about morals in a Mongolian cave painting
>I kind wish every single character to die at this point.
2000 year cycle soon
I think they didn't like the idea of beating a dead horse. Bondrewd would need a lot of time to recover from his losses, they thought it was enough.
Because they're not heroes. Reg has to get this drilled into his skull, he cannot save everyone and must focus on protecting Riko and Nanachi or the Abyss will eat them alive. They beat Bondrewd and proceeded onwards, nothing else is their responsibility.
Love Bondrewd
Hug Bondrewd
Treat Bondrewd with kindness and understanding
It can't. The main characters just don't have such lofty goals as fighting for the greater good.
How does the Crimson split jaw make it up to the first layer from the third? How do the bugs make it up to the 4th layer from the 6th? How do any of the flying animals in the 3rd and 2nd layers get around at all? Think about it.
Also Bondrewd tried using certain types of animals in the curse elevator but it would never work. It may never be explicitly stated but there's certainly enough evidence to suggest that it only effects humans. There's also the fact that the 6th layers curse is "a loss of humanity" how is an animal supposed to loose it's humanity? If the 6th layer's curse wouldn't affect animals why would the rest of the layers?
Yes, morals are one of the most important aspect of any piece of fiction to me. 12 years ago I watched Elfen Lied and to the very idea of trying to make me sympathize with a mas murderer makes my blood boil. Guts died to me as a character when he killed that prince kid in the 90s anime, so I didn't ven bothered with the manga. Same thing with Oldboy protagonist who didn't even try to free all other prisoners after being jailed himself for 20 year. 2 weeks ago I watched first two seasons of the house of Cards and the only thing I want is a crossover with the Punisher.
>3 kids with a cannon that only has limited uses
>giant artifact plus several dozen grown men perfectly coordinated and armed to the teeth with the best weapons civilisation has to offer
Who do you think would win, faggot?
Do you think everyone is always obligated to act for the greatest moral good? Why?
So I have two theories about where this Mitty comes from.
First, she was created as a bait to lure Nanachi. It's either an illusion or some kind of fake. I can't be sure about why the sages would want to capture her however.
The weird tentacle coming from the sage's head could mess with Nanachi's senses maybe?
Second, Majikajya said that "the masked man" left this Mitty behind. Bondrewd could have taken a part of her when he was torturing her to see the limits of her body regeneration, and sent it to the 6th layer with his praying hands.
When Reg incinerates Mitty in the 4th layer, her soul leaves and goes into the other part of her body, in the 6th layer.
This could be some kind of gift from Bondrewd, because this way Mitty could be eternally safe, and Nanachi wouldn't have to worry about her being left in the wilderness.
how could you have watched 12 years ago if you're 12?
>now reg has to incinerate all the remaining mitty pieces one by one.
Holy shit you're the biggest pretentious manchild idiot I've seen on Sup Forums in months. How the fuck do you consume any media if moral ambiguity triggers you this much? Are you only able to watch/read Harry Potter and other good vs evil YA garbage? Are you aware of just how much you're missing out in life with your attitude? Do you have autism? I genuinely want to know.
>There's also the fact that the 6th layers curse is "a loss of humanity"
Or death. It's extremely possible to perish during the mutation process instead of survive as a narehate.
I'm 29. I'm also finishing a bottle of vodka at the moment.
I believe in achieveing a society of absolute happiness built on rational hedonism. Live and let live but those who break the first rule are not a subject to the second.
Choosing a lesser of two evils is a moral ambiguity. But absolute evil exists and letting it get away scott free is being an accomplice.
>Are you only able to watch/read Harry Potter and other good vs evil YA garbage
A reminder that the only reason Harry kept opposing and defeating Voldemort is because Riddle believed a prophecy that states that one must kill the other, regardless of whether Harry himself believes in it or not as well. If Voldemort did his own thing and left Harry and his friends alone, they'd just go through school normally and there wouldn't be this giant good vs evil conflict. It wasn't until the final books that they were actively looking for a way to kill Voldemort for good, cause the guy would not stop coming back from the dead to harass Harry and friends until they did so.
Please no, the second theory sounds like an astronomical asspull and invalidates everything Nanachi has been through so far.
What does she mean by this?
anyone else made it to the 7th layer and got fucked by this motherfucker here?
he instakills you as soon as you try to make it into the 7th layer and you get a game over screen, and some dialogue i can't read because i can't into moonspeak.
Then Majikajya must have been lying and leading the party to their doom.
Meh, Harry Potter is garbage either way.
Ok fedora-kun, explain to me how they should have destroyed Bondrewd without anyone getting killed or maimed in the process. Give me your insight on how 3 small children should have gone about destroying a quasi-immortal white whistle and all his henchmen. Go on, I'm all ears.
>I believe in achieveing a society of absolute happiness built on rational hedonism. Live and let live but those who break the first rule are not a subject to the second.
You sound like a 14 year old anarchist. I honest to god don't believe you're 29.
>Live and let live but those who break the first rule are not a subject to the second.
Under that maxim, Bondrewd is free game but it's not like everyone is obligated to end him. Certainly not a party of 3 kids way out of their depth.
>Bondrewd's mouth is level with the bunny's crotch
Come on, man, don't disappoint me.
then what's the pupose of the lightbulbs?
and the "congrats nanabun u did it"?
The fuck is this?
the made in abyss mobile game "bungee jump into abyss"
I've just finished reading manga today. I know that people waited for 4 months for the last chapter.
Is that a regular occurrence, or mangaka usually sticks to a more reasonable schedule?
Because Nonedrewd will not hurt anybody else ever again. Look at that last panel as he sees them of. Look into that eye. It's empty, defeated, hollow.
Bonedrewd's ambition has been extinguished. Zoaholic or not, he's no longer a threat to anyone.
>Second. No, animals are not effected by the affects of the curse
Showfag here, but didn't they say that the Curse-Warding Box was used to bring animal specimens outside the abyss while specifically showing the image of one of those guinea pig things from layer 3 "surviving" inside?
It makes sense to think that they would be less affected, or have different effects, but it is clear that there are SOME effects-
It's a fucking bungee simulator thing
Why would you give working genitalia to a nuclear shota robot ?
>Bonedrewd's ambition has been extinguished
No shit. He finally achieved the blessing but had to sacrifice everything. Then the body got destroyed along with a giant chunk of the fort
It could be a different one with the same coloration, in which case how did it come up without anyone's assistance?
It seems to be. I don't mind personally, as long as Tsukushi doesn't quit before it's finished.
>those relics
>maruruku no pantsu
holy shit
Reg has a built in BFG which after some research and a calculated shot could probably render the entire facility useless. Riko also has insane plot armor that kept her alive throughout most of the story. Nanachy has prior knowledge of the facility.
>You sound like a 14 year old anarchist. I honest to god don't believe you're 29.
Anarchy just leads to the rule of the strong. I'm a moderate centrist liberal who supports a strong democratic government keeping all the corporations in check.
Can someone tell why what drives people to lie like this?
Either the praying hands or Faputa carried it to the village, probably.
who says its bondrewd? the two other white whistles both got masks.
>4 white whistles have full-body coverage
>Lyza has long-ass curvy hair, a miner's helmet and spunk
The delay was mostly due to him working on the anime. He seems to release 8 chapters per year on average.
>I'm a moderate centrist liberal who supports a strong democratic government keeping all the corporations in check.
God, look at this fucking normie.
i think her hair is probably some sort of weapon or armor.
She is the youngest of the White Whistles, when Riko meets her she will be an asshole in armour just like the other ones, and the curse of abyss will make her a furry too, unable to remember Riko and even being mean to her, calling this right now.