ITT shots that were unnecessary
ITT shots that were unnecessary
That's totally necessary.
No such thing.
These "necessary" threads need to die.
It's just another flood of ironic weebs entering Sup Forums.
Boku no Fist
I love this shot.
>being that concerned about Ruru's plump ass
Handlebar-chan is learning the right priorities as she grows up.
So is it true she's mega used goods?
Why she sm0l as fuck? Is there a story reason like a shrinking villain for that animu or was it just she's small xd?
They were catering to smol fetishists. She got a human-sized body in one episode, but changed her design in that body to something inferior. Should've kept her regular design, but human-sized.
more like shoplifted goods by an entire third world nation
>smol fetishists.
You mean ITT: shots that were necessary
How was this unnecessary?
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Thank you for this thread ironic tumblr.
No tars
it is necessary
Yeah we get it, you can shut up now
most of anime viewers watch it all by themselves
so what's the problem?
I got a problem with hipsters and convention goers and their "pretend not to like it" act.
Sometimes, it's better to be alone than with idiots.
I really liked the beginning of Flip Flappers (like 3 or 4 episodes) but then show started going to complete shit and those kind of shots were the final nail in a coffin.
getting annoyed by fanservice in anime is like getting annoyed by musical numbers or Christmas episodes in US animations
>unnecessary shots
The only thing unnecessary of these shots are the censorship. The real shots that are unnecessary are hand-holding and close ups of guys.
Yea holding hands should be btfo, especially if the characters are holding both hands, at night next to a bridge.
why don't they cut out all flowering cherry trees and cicidas scenes at once?
And everything around or under bridges, while we're at it.
>shots that were unnecessary
What part of it is unnecessary?
This is the most beautiful scene I've ever seen, a true masterpiece
What if she farted?
It was absolutely unnecessary. Not like anyone sticks around another regular Fate/ title for lolicon content, that there's hardly any of in the first place.
Prisma Illya was a mistake.
Was she rolling over to fart?
No you fucking retard.
get out
Pretty much everything in highschool dxd.
>emotional scene happening
>close up of nipples/ass while characters get dramatic.
Instant comfort, I like it.
This should have been in the main series.
context of this?
Her butt hurts
Kill yourself nigger.
She was raped in the bum-bum.
from what?
Fate was a mistake.
Does she fart?
Girls don't fart or poop.
What's with your obsession with farts? Some medical problem on your end?
What's this from? Google fails, obviously
Masou Gakuen HxH Special Episode 3
If you think that shot was unnecessary then I have news for you. The only unnecessary shot in this world is the shot of cum from your father that made you.
*kun kun
waiting for it... BRA-
Who let the thirteen year old post?
Wasn't the brap shit an Sup Forums thing? Or was it Sup Forums too? Either way fuck off.
Sup Forums. If it's a terrible meme, it's Sup Forums.
Go back to plebbit.
Nana necessitates it
Shirou pls go.
This is true
Sup Forums memes are actually funny sometimes, Sup Forums memes are always trash
What show?
Who let the normalfags post? Fuck you and fuck Trump. Ever since the election this site got filled with plebbit refuse.
White Album 2
I haven't even watched the show. But it was the best example that I have on my HDD. Syphogear is full of necessary shots
Fanservice is why God doesn't talk to us anymore.
Why do you think? Give reasons other than your dicks and "because it's just the way it is".
Back to Plebbit.
Because it was made for the male audience in mind. What do you think?
>muh boogeyman
I too though it said necessary. OP shaking it up a bit.
Lmao @ the guy virching about fanservice accusing someone else of being a plebbitor.
how is this not porn?
not reported
Literally every scene where some girl molests another girl without her permission.
I'm pretty much the opposite of an SJW, but this is something they have right. Like in Love Live, where Nozomi is constantly threatening to sexually assault people unless they do what she tells them, and it's played for laughs. It's creepy and gross, and it just makes me feel dirty for watching it.
Not porn if you don't see any genitals *taps head*
>hating on Nozomi's obsession with girl-flesh
>I'm pretty much the opposite of an SJW
>It's creepy and gross
That's not how the opposite of an SJW talks.
>picked the fuck up
That show is for pedophiles
>ITT shots that were unnecessary
They have good taste then.
The shot of semen your father fired into your mother during your conception, you shitposting fuck.
Nice meme.