Reminder that people born with mental inefficiency should immediately be sterilized or put to death (in a humane manner)

reminder that people born with mental inefficiency should immediately be sterilized or put to death (in a humane manner)

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Once upon a time in Sweden

prove your case, we're waiting

I disagree

Preferably in the womb. In olden times the midwife would secretly smother the child, or even earlier, they'd expose it. Sad, but what kind of life will people like this have?

why do i feel like playing some ksp?

looks like a fucking Kerbal

Everyone needs walmart stickers

I agree with the sterilization, not with the killing

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Vote YES for Aktion T4

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Holy fuck look at that snot-goblin

This kid could work for NASA one day bigots

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he looks like a Minion


They are unlikely to reproduce themselves, and if their family wishes to care for them, the net productivity loss to society is minimal. Government spends more on lazy niggers and edgelords that don’t want to work. If someone wishes to give the gift of life to a partially functional human, let them give and experience it. It has no impact on you.

Or else they will come here and make threads like this.

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>put them in a chamber
>slowly lower the oxygen %
>tard falls asleep without making a fuss
>never wakes up

most humane way to deal with them


Why? Because they make you feel uncomfortable? Because they make you feel guilty? Those are fantastic reasons to destroy a rational soul.

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What's wrong with that poor lil thing? Genetic defect?

A far simpler and more joyous one than yours you retarded edgelord.

It’s always the same leftist authoritarian shits that tell me that some human vegetable isn’t worthy of love and life because of limited cognition, but some fully functional Mexican cannot be happy in their little village and need to move in next to me and get free gibs in order for me to be compassionate. Fuck off.

Would bang 10/10

It’s full blooded canadian

im going to call him potato stalk.hi five potato stalk.
no,thats your right leg,no,no dont take a dump on the rug....

No. In order to remove faulty DNA within the pool.

>t. Mengele

>tfw downiewierd kids like this are actually the future of human evolution

>we misinterpret them as stupid retards when they're just not communicating at all on our wavelengths, they're entirely mentally evolved beings with full control over their massive frontal lobe

Humanity thinks they're going to face annihilation because of things they think are the problem. They're worried about this and that, but the real reason is, aliens are going to invade and murder us because they will be the future humans getting revenge on what we were going.

Imagine, the aliens announce their arrival and then plans for destruction of humanity. Everyone, all world leaders shriek, "why?"

"Was it because we didn't save the wales?"
"no no, I know, it's because of global warming"
"Is it because of white people?"


They don’t reproduce you fucking troglodyte.

If you want to remove the Genoese from the gene pool, you prevent the parents from breeding.

Do you even science?

>tfw when Minions are real
>tfw no face

Killing them would never be allowed, but I agree they should be sterilized so they don't spread their awful genes to anyone. Same with those born physically retarded. Not talking about a missing arm or anything, I mean people in a wheelchair with retard T-Rex arms.

Modern males in the west have 50% less testosterone than their grandfathers at the same age, how is this not a mental inefficiency

I'm half Mexican, and I take a fence to that.

That would kill all of Sweden.

>the woman's face

>Because they make you feel uncomfortable?

there a guy whos always wheeling around a shrieking vegetable in the mall near my house. it seem to barely be able to move and just does the loudest, ear piercing shrieks while getting pushed around in its wheelchair for hours. the noise it makes makes me really uncomfortable. i feel so sorry for the guy (i assume hes the father) and his vegetable. it would have been better if it had never been born and the guy could have a normal life and his vegetable wouldnt have to suffer.

>getting rid of all the muslim subhumans
I fail to see the downsides

Lefties are ok with killing perfectly healthy babies, but if they're born already...oy vey goy have some compassion for the disabled.

Not a leftist by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you blame her? She gave birth to Burt from Sesame Street

They look straight up Vietnamese. But srsly.
They should get rid of kids with genetic disorder at birth.

>I'm half Mexican, and I take a fence to that.

you shouldnt take things that dont belong to you.

That's why we're building a wall and not a fence

>Those are fantastic reasons to destroy a rational soul

the lack of rational ability is the only reason people can't let go of freaks

You cannot humanely kill something’s that does not want to die.

little girl looks like she should be an astronaut someday

will she be exploring the vast expanse between each eye?

That woman's expression is what I see every time I see a parent with a child like that. They tell everyone that the child is "their special angel" and that they wouldn't trade them for the world. There is no rational human who is happy at the prospect of caring for a child like that for the rest of their lives. Subjecting their child to constant societal ridicule and having no discernible skills to contribute to it's own survival. Those parents think they are being virtuous or compassionate, when in actuality they are being cruel.

Lead by example: start with yourself

sooo like the whole Sweden?

>reject racial hygiene goim

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I will kill you if you try.

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Keked, the kid need more boosters

What's up with americans and your fear of eugenics? Are you afraid that mutts are next on the chopping table or something?

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does that thing on its neck mean its breathing through a hole cut in its neck? ive noticed a few of the potatoes on that creepy guys youtube channel had that too.

Protecting the weak and disadvantaged is what separates us frkm the savages and animals. The weak deserve a chance and we must own our actions and take responsibility.

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It is immoral and sets a bad precedent. I dont want the government determining who deserves to live and die. It is bad enough when you let spoiled cunts make that decision.

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Take responsibility when you knock some bitch up, even if she pops a mongoloid out, it isnyour responsibility to care for it till either you or it dies.

Who says anything about the goverment? Give parents the opportunity to get their potatoe mashed in the womb or sterilised after birth. Also don't give them any welfare if they decide to keep their potted plant.

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Are you fucking retarded yourself or something? You sure sound like it.

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I agree to a certain extent. Everyday I see people who are being kept alive by modern medicine who have zero quality of life, zero hope of improvement, and are a burden on society.

Personally I think it is selfish for the parents to keep them alive strictly for their own sentimental reasons.

>strictly for their own sentimental reasons
If only. Actually having a retarded kid can be extremely profitable if you play your cards right. Just look at the hartley family and their "hooligans".

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that's a good point actually.

notice how the american is always thinking about the government fucking him over.
asians work in the opposite way.

We already have that option you daft cunt. Any cunt that thinks like you is gonna get the block soon.

Being non Muslim in Sweden will be a mental illness soon.
This is God's punishment for the Deluge.
Ps. Do some exercise bitch, it will be not farther than 15 years when your governent increases retirement age to 90 years so it can sustain Muslim welfare.

Kek I don't even pity yo ass.

Is that all you have, I brought up legitimate points and that’s all you can say. You immoral cunts deserve no mercy, I cant wait for the day I get to saw your head off.


start with the degenerate neo-nazis on Sup Forums first.

Don't be vile, bin that child.

You are allowed to have pets.

>la creatura gets angry

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drain on a world of finite resources and a deadweight that stops entire families progressing forwards with their own dreams, goals and aspirations. Instead living in self enforced servitude to a spit bubble blowing mongoloid that can't even feed themselves without assistance.

We should have let the Soviets keep Poland, yall are more inbred and degenerate than the Ukrainians.


Thanks, Russiabro. Euros usually value the individual more than Orientals. Ive seen how fucked my government is and dont want them ti have anymore power at all.

What's up with mutts and whining about inbreeding?

Agreed op

Some people are born so disabled there is no real possibility they will do anything except suffer and cause suffering for everyone around them. The best thing to do would be to take action to prevent this happening.

What’s up with poles and being immoral pieces of shit. To be a catholic nation, alot of yall are apostates and sodomites.

I agree with sterilization and i do volunter work for mentally retards sometimes, depends on the deseases of course but fuck that killing bullshit

You're not getting off that easy sven, you have to suffer like the rest of us.

If a child is born blind or crippled, if a child is born deaf, dumb, and we cannot do anything.... Just because life should not be destroyed, this child will have to suffer – because of your stupid idea – for seventy years, eighty years. Why create unnecessary suffering? If the parents are willing, the child should be put to eternal sleep. And there is no problem in it. Only the body goes back into its basic elements; the soul will fly into another womb. Nothing is destroyed.

If you really love the child, you will not want him to live a seventy-year-long life in misery, suffering, sickness, old age. So even if a child is born, if he is not medically capable of enjoying life fully with all the senses, healthy, then it is better that he goes to eternal sleep and is born somewhere else with a better body.

>a spit bubble blowing mongoloid that can't even feed themselves without assistance.

I agree. Its like having a dog I guess. You have to spend your whole life feeding and taking care of it like a handicapped child. We should start a /thread against dogs. People should stop owning dogs.

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>Soviets send dogs and women to space
>NASA couldnt send a kerbal to space

He unironically can

It just warms your heart, doesn't it?

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You seem to lost your way.
r/the_donald is that way.

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god, how many did they make? somebody need to sterilise the parents.

>a fence to that
Just jump it like you always do

Most disabled children dont live a life of misery. Ive seem children with Down’s, Autism, and dozens of other dissabilities live quite productive and happy lives. Most cases of extreme siffering are rare amd dont last too long.

Also, you selfish cunts have no place to talk about the well being of the child. If you cared about ending suffering, you would also want poor kids and pretty much every third worlder to be put down.

Poor kid! isn't there a way to detect this and have an abortion? like , in the first 3 or 4 weeks during pregnancy ?

Fuck that Neocon garbage

>until 2012 mandatory starilisation for a sex change
This is fucking great, why have'nt I heard of this??

Dont get knocked if you dont want to take responsibility.

nb4-i didnt expect a tard.

You knew the risk when you had sex, dont bitch and whine once you have comitted.