Why does everyone hate Gohan? No, seriously, what did he even do?
Dragon Ball Super
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Nothing. It's the cancerous CHODEforce that has made me dislike him.
Nothing major and that's what people hate.
His teen version was better and way cooler.
Everyone self inserted as him because they all though they had some sort of untapped potential. Now they get triggered when people call them out for what they are: losers.
so i just heard the news
he become a cock after marriage
I actually like Gohan, but the actual Gohan, that nice guy who likes to studying and live calmy with his family. We hate the retarded gohanfags who think he's doing something relevant again and he's supposed to be a fighter.
Hell even Goku gets Gohan isn't a fucking fighter, he said at Champa tournament and he said last manga chapter.
This. Although I don’t hate Gohan as he’s my favorite character, I just hate those CHADfuckers who give him a bad name by making him look like some heartless prick who has beef with a random Saiyan woman who he has shown no personal interaction with. They also say Gohan is personally taking out the trash by eliminating U10 when Gohan isn’t a fucking psychopath. He has a heart.
Not much. And he could have done better everytime.
>what did he even do?
nothing, that's the problem.
I'm indifferent to him. His and Caulifla's fanbases make these threads unbearable though.
Only problem I guess I have with him is that I'm not fond of how him & Piccolo are permanently tied at the hip at all times now.
Wakey Wakey Brifags
His hair looks awful in Super
I wonder what they will do in memory. Will they recast Bulma or remove her from the show?
Didn't Roshi's VA die a while back and they just replaced him without making a big deal out of it?
Anyone agree?
I have been saying the same thing 10 episodes ago.
Like Gohan. I just hate his fans that thing he is the greatest. Especially that dogshit fight he had with Cell.
Other than that he is ok. Id like to see him have some good wins.
I just hope Toyo remember Ultimate isn't a transformation and makes clear that the bang is a visual detail of Gohan going wild (like it was in BoG).
I mean, look at the eyes. This eye shape is supposed to only happen during transformations, Ultimate state or UI for the Goku/Gohan/Goten eye style
>Best DB YouTuber has Twitter
Holy shit how did I not know this?
The 2 most major problems with the tournament are imo: Lack of tension and way too many characters fighting at once. Even though the stakes are higher than ever before, characters still act like it's all just a big game.
>LITERALLY Vegeta with Goku's clothes
What the fuck Toei
>Ultimate isn't a transformation
Kek. It is.
>way too many characters fighting at once
It's a battle royale.
>vegeta barely even visible
I wonder if Toyo wil have him job early.
Ok i have important question
>17 has equal billing with Frieza
Seriously what the fuck are they planning with him? For most of the tournament he's just been standing around saving his unlimited stamina
You somehoe missed the biggest one: not enough big guys fr Goku Freeza and Vegeta to take on.
There was Hit (gone to Jiren) plus Toppo and Jiren himself. The mid tiers such as Gohan and 17 barely even have anyone to take on.
Insecurity and pure self-hatred
>18 fans are this delusional
When the next Dragonball game comes out.
but i don't want Cell, i want new character with his voice in animu
I hate his stupid fanboys nothing else, the character is pretty likeable to me
What caused it? U6 and U7 being the only ones actually doing something, Jiren being boring etc
How will she react once U6 is gone?
Be happy that she don't have to hang out with that ugly lardass anymore and give Goku titjob after he wins tournament.
They'll recast her. Bulma is too important to drop. Now the question is WHO will the cast for her. I heard rumors that it might be Nami's VA.
Literally all asians sound the exact same. Recasting the voice wont make a lick of difference as no one will notice.
Nobody hates him, it's just the cancerous fanbase pretending his anything but a secondary character.
Although I don't really like what he turned into after teen Gohan and Future Gohan.
I'm loving it because /mygirl/ is still in it. I'm excited seeing if she's gonna stay in, get more eliminations, etc. She had two close calls but is still fighting. So it's awesome for me at least.
Back then? The uninteresting foes every week that didn't really fight anybody other than U7.
People keep sucking up Roshi's episode but it was little more tan fanservice to a character that has long been irrelevant and left in the dust of the power scaling that happened in the series. Him taking on 3 different boring scrubs of a supposedly important universe given Quitela's rivalry with Beerus basically summarized the arc right there.
>DB youtuber
>Vegeta out of the tournament early
>Beerus goes to him
>"Go home, be a family man"
I can't wait to smug post for weeks after she knocks out Brianne and Kefla is knocked out
>Ya winning son?
DBZ was basically an ensamble show with Gohan as the semi lead for the majority of it.
No Goku lead version of the series has ever done well with the fans.
There's a reason for that.
One that Toei is only now realizing.
Arale instead of Tien, Majin Boo instead of Krilin, some new character from another planet instead of Roshi (even if his episodes were interesting, we needed something fresh). Hit VS Jiren should have happened later in the tournament, the saiyan girls should have been on par with a tired Goku and not push him to UI or they should have fought with Frieza instead
>3 different boring scrubs
I liked DQ girl who could create weapons, weirdly proportioned illusion chick and hot-headed shota who could turn into a weird bara duck monster. For one-off enemies they were alright.
She has cute tiny ass.
>the fans
Ah yes, the retards who think there's nothing wrong with the Buu arc and like Zamasu.
>Cucking Krillin
>Cucking Mai
>he's balding
>he has ditched training despite having the greatest potential
>he hasn't done anything relevant in all of Super yet
>he has a really obnoxious fanbays
One of those things I guess? Could probably think of more but I need to take cover because I smell butthurt raining down upon me
Fuck off with your bullshit Jobhanfag.
>Now the question is WHO will the cast for her.
Fuck Zamasu.
Buu arc still is better than Cell though.
>People keep sucking up Roshi's episode but it was little more tan fanservice to a character that has long been irrelevant
Fucking this, I love Roshi but that episode was lame, boring fights, stale gags and a stupid fake out death.
I'm sure they could give him a character in the next arc.
I love Gohan though.
>Dragon Ball will never be a series about passing the torch for future generations
>Goku, Piccolo, Tien and Krilin will never take the title of hermit and become old and mature masters
I love you Chihaya!
He doesn't do anything and has been a cuck for most of Super.
I would feel sad if it wasn't for his retarded "fanbase" that has spent years swearing that Gohan will do something soon.
>stupid fake out death
he had like two or three fake out deaths in the tournament, it was fucking agonizing to watch and I don't mean that in a dramatic, well done kind of way
DB ends as soon as Goku adopts Uub though.
It's kinda like "romance" anime that end with the first kiss.
>Sick to death
Come on now, too soon.
he's fucking useless
DBZ is why DB is even a thing.
Without it, DB would not be on the map.
It would be about as popular in the rest of the world as gundam or ultimate muscle.
Sorry to break it to you.
But please, tell us how much you loved DB before it became Z and how much the fans loved the much HATED Zamasu trainwreck.
instead enjoy more of the following
>gee I forgot the senzu beans guys
>what's kissing?
>sasuga, roshi-sama.
the future generation is shit
Translated chapter where?
>Without it, DB would not be on the map.
>It would be about as popular in the rest of the world as gundam or ultimate muscle.
Why would I care about how popular it is?
DB ended fine, it shouldn't have continued.
The only thing it has done is give us a fashion show of buff dudes showing off spiky rainbow colored haircuts.
I grew up with dragon ball and arale, I wasn't so interested in dbz because I wasn't a child anymore
No, toei, it's not, you were wrong at Hirudegarn movie and you're wrong now with DBS
we lost so many before their time
he'll get the wish
both of them deserved it
It features Roshi passing the torch to Tenshinhan (sadly made irrelevant in that same arc) and Goku though.
Because there's no fucking hope for the next generation?
Goten and Trunks don't give too much of a fuck about fighting and Gohan is just not strong enough.
Do you remember how Old Kai literally told Gohan both in the manga and the anime to activate Ultimate like when he's going Super Saiyan?
Huh yeah I can see that.
I love Gohan, especially his Future counterpart.
He is the 4th best saiyan character in the show, after Future Trunks, Bardock (OVA) and Caulifla.
>Le next gen meme
Literally nobody cares.
See, THIS is why this thing should have been powerlevel tiered and held in different places for different powerlevels.
They should have put a bit more time into choreographing the fights and planning out gimmicks and things.
This shitty cost saving measure of making it into a fucking battle royal was considered retarded from the second that it was brought up.
I would have loved to see a technical fight with roshi krillian and tien just outright bodying other technical relatively high level fighters from other universes on a fake namek inspired world.
Real Saiyajin saga tier fights. What we got was so cheap and badly thought out...I just don't understand what they were fucking thinking.
>He won't wish the other universes back
>He'll actually just wish for a big boat like he said he would
He and Goku are the protagonist of DBS so there's no point on pretend there's special they are there. Goku is THE main protagonist so appears on the center, but the other main protagonist isn't a big deal, 17's and Freeza's returning are more hyping
Not even him but are you fucking retarded? DB was fucking cult back in the day, it could've hold the position of a classic if it had ended right there and no, I don't have anything against Z. It's just fucking absurd to see someone claiming DB wasn't fucking HUGE back in the day.
>yet another kid that grew up with Z and didn't hear about DB before that
No, super did that.
It's precisely why it's considered a "flanderized" dumpster fire that sells poorly.
It's so bad that it indirectly ruined both broly and future trunks as characters.
Who cares.
Plenty of teen and young adult males were into Z. You "growing out of it" means nothing
Which is odd, because you're in this thread.
Fuck off spic.
#1Fact of 2017
Eh I dunno. Didn't Goku hide the truth about the tournament?
Oh true, Z was a fashion show of buff dudes only showing yellow haircuts.
What the fuck was there to ruin in Broly?
Literally the only reason people like him is because he's strong and buff as fuck.
What, you like his character?
How deep he is because he hates Goku because he cried a lot when they were kids?
The shit?
Tien has his own martial arts style and more students then Roshi has ever had. Hell he's never trained with Roshi a day in his life and Crane Style is an objectively superior martial art.
Goku stopped using Crane school the moment he left to train somewhere else.
If anyone should get the torch it's Krillian.
He's taken Turtle Hermit style to ridiculous levels and he's a pure Turtle Hermit style user.
>what did he even do?
nothing, and that's exactly the problem
he is a character who has unlocked his "hidden potential" THREE FUCKING TIMES, and yet he is still a lazy cunt who never learns from his mistakes and constantly gets weaker
think about this: in the lead up to the ToP, he regained his mystic/ultimate state, then fought goku and was on par with SSB
what has he done of any note in the ToP? he is even jobbing to fucking namekians at this point
he should be a few steps behind vegeta if his ultimate form is as strong as SSB, but every enemy he has fought has been some fucking loser with a dumb gimmick to compensate for how weak they are; and the majority of these fights have required him to be saved by someone, or to outright run away from the fucking enemy
Maybe in usa, db was already number 1 in wsj when dbz started, with alot of popularity outside japan in europe and latam, also i feel like db was a better series overall, nothing of relevance would've been lost.