It's best boy Carvajal's time to shine now.
Shoukoku no Altair
May this angel smile upon all of you, Altairfriends.
Here comes diversity
Prepare to be culturally enriched
I'd accept the brown shota.
QUALITY feels even worse this episode. Thankfully, we have him to make up for it.
that's a goddamn roastie user
also shota will grow big and starts to MUH DIK everyone
Which city is the irl Chielo? Any location hunters?
we Merkel nao
Why this sounds so goddamn familiar?
Mahmut is not convinced.
> rl Chielo
San Marino
you have to go fucking back
He should tell his hair secrets to Zağanos.
Thank you. Katou made that place even more extreme.
he is now
Sasuga Carbajal. He makes everyone around him smile.
The time is perfect for spending some quality time with Tauro whores.
>shark ray
This might please Ismail.
Kinda dissapointed that they didn't included stills showing nomadic life of the Steppe Turks
I love confident Mahmut.
Even though the Turkish army's supply system is interesting and importatnt to the story, director-san's gotta go fast.
I hate the track that played during this scene with a passion.
What is this thing doing my historical anime?
My psycho director can't be this cute!
He looks like the angel from Dokuro-chan without his Mohawk.
This gave me scare. How hard did he get fucked by Halil Paşa's forces in the previous war?
I guess author was watching GORA while creating this character
he was even more scarier in the manga
Yes, they have toned him down quite a bit in the anime.
What did he mean by this?
Fear the angel's wrath.
you know, he looks very familiar...
He is asking it so nicely. An angel's an angel even when he's being ruthless.
he is fallen angel alright!
Even Mahmut was like "What the fuck man?"
No one would expect that level of craziness from such a moeblob. If he was born on the Empire's side, Torqye would be fucked.
Those thighs and hips are plenty plump. Still, her lips are the best part of her for me.
if anime weren't suffer from the QUALITY goddamn it would be perfect!
I want to do sexual things with the angel but a part of me feels guilty about it
This episode covered 3 chapters, half of volume 12.
Angels can't have sex, so no final feliz for you.
user ain't pussy like Shinji
Vidya adaptation when?
Arslan got it, why Altair not?
It would be even better if Taleworlds adapts it.
Sadly, Louis would only be pleased by Simon's keikakus.
I see a Mahmut impostor and a loli who's too into Abiriga there.
why the lines are the too fucking bold?
I've seen bolder lines, they look fine to me.
i mean, it looks...
too low quality?
it's like they didn't even bother to draw it
Is this true?
The whole show's been low quality, it can't be helped. I think they've only put some effort in full bishie mode Zağanos and episode 16 Doge.
Fucking MAPPA
Even Abiriga was impressed by the 4D chess during that affair.
I think the pacing and presentation are the main problems here. While reading the manga, I can get better into the world of Altair and actually be surprised at the turn of events. The anime feels lackluster compared to it. To me, the story isn't 2deep4you-tier, but it's rather solid and enjoyable Sup Forums.
Buy the artbook, other 4 anons. I still haven't put it away in my bookcase and keep it on my desk; it's that pretty.
Zağanos isn't a bishie, he's smelly.
Hey i already did!
How is this not a bishie?
You are a scholar and a gentleman.
he is too poisonous
wtf is giant shark ray?
dardanelles gun?
If I'm not wrong, they didn't even tell what was written on the brown shota's paper in the manga at this point. The anime chose to spell the beans earlier. And yes, a giant şarkyay is probably a cannon.
glad i used to this kind of story, fast pacing doesnt makes me brainlet
but still the lacks of female characters and abundance of bishounens tho,
you cant recommend this anime to your friends without being called gay
i see, thanks
Now that I pay attention to it it sure does sound like a rejected track for Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.
Why doesn't Japan pay attention to Altair though? It's a goldmine for both straight and homo doujins.
That episode sure was terrible. It might have been a bit better if they had at least attempted to make the wooden city look inhabited or established the enemy general as a retard.
Seriously? Eat a dick. It's not so much instinct as it is common sense.
Also my worst boy senses are tingling like crazy around the Director. Good ruler though.
>dat pic
What did he do to deserve such treatment? You can spoil.
Jürgen was the worst part. I can accept Frentzen suddenly going "something's off", because, well, the wooden houses look sketchy, but knowing the exact number of enemy soldiers just by ear is pretty bullshit.
Carbajal sure knows his shit, he's wiser than he looks. But don't you dare call an angel worst boy. For me, worst boy so far is D'Oria.
We'll see Kurt Kurt and Ahmet next week. I'm hyped.
Is there any new art with Simon or Glalat in it?
There's no Simon, but a few Glalats.
Speaking of Glalat, what language are the names "Glalat Bellrik" and "Lelederik Ellbaldes" supposed to be? I think they sound really cute.
Simon is in Databook though
Everyone's in the databook.
I still can't imagine what Nurcan would sound like.
Either sounds like Yukari or something really bishie
Like Mahmut tier bishi but more smugness
Murase sounds way better as a girl by the way. I can't hear a bishie voice if it's him.
I agree that Nurcan should sound smug and cheeky.
Kurt and his wolf are too cool. I'd run for my life if I saw him riding towards me.
>halil pasha x vasco doujin never
I'd rather Blanca /ss/'d him.
in manga frentzen is a canon prophet who fucks mahmut over twice
I still haven't read past Chielo, but that sounds like too much 6th sense.
Threesome when?
İlkay looks like the purest to me.
what's the first one?
I already miss him. I think I've become Dogesexual. I can't wait to see his sweet fleet.
that battle probably be rushed...
Cemil reminds me of the portraits of ck2 Turkish portraits dlcs
probably like that tranny with green/blueish hair with manly voice
forgot its name fuck
Phos? Leeron?
Pisces Aphrodite? The fish alien from tsuritama?
yeah cagliostro
go on?
Also Phos is male?
The gems are supposed to be genderless but they are just girls without tits in practice.