Kino no Tabi Thread

Why is she so perfect?

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Mary Sue

Kino's mom?

But she grows old and alone!

Did she and student at least fuck once?

Is the next episode a kino episode

Sex requires trust, vulnerability, an open display of a raw emotion and weakness, intimacy, etc. Things a wandering opportunist with a heart of black ice wouldn't give.

I bet they did.

Sex requires trust, vulnerability, an open display of a raw emotion and weakness, intimacy, etc.

Sorry, I forgot the >.

>sex requires trust
And I stopped reading there.

I hope so, I miss Kino.

Her teacher.

>It's another mediocre story episode

Holy fuck give me something philosophical!
This isn't why I'm watching Kino.

you shoot bad men and bad men turn good. so philsophical

Read Phenomenology of Spirit

Why did Kino stop when Hermes talked about master visiting again? I don't get it

Because she doesn't want to meet master again.

Show is almost ending, will we get more Ti?

We will, at the next comiket

Is she attacking him again? This loli is dangerous.

Well it's a leg shots are non-lethal fantasy episode

>legshots are non-lethal and the most humane way to use a gun!
I thought the author was enough of a gun nerd not to fall for stupid Holywood lies like this. I was disappointed.

>the most humane way to use a gun
That was not the point.
As for non-lethal, being as much of marksmen as they were, they could probably avoid shooting big arteries and similar vital points.

when did they change the designs?
First ln cover looks like first anime designs.
Where does modern shit Kino come from?

If they were as good a marksman as they were they could overpower the police force and exit and take what they wanted as they pleased. There wasn't any need for roundabout extortion, they had control of the police armory so what were the police supposed to use on them?

They are marksmen, not terminators. In the open clash the police force would destroy them with automatic fire.

I like shishou. A lot.

Are you sure they aren't terminators? They are already mary sue marksmen/assassins so it wouldn't really be much different.

Kira Yamato killed no one.

What's Kino's ethnicity

You twats have robbed this word of any meaning. Nobody's allowed to be good at anything anymore without someone screaming this

that was a wholesome episode

What guns were they using?

It a Shizu/Ti/Riku episode

When Riku narrates a story, how does he know what color things are? I thought dogs are color blind.

So they shot everyone in the knees, left the country and so corruption and evil was driven away.
I'm already trying to turn off my brain but this story continues to be dump.


I liked the contrast with the boat country, where Shizu goes out of his way to help people only to get told to fuck off and stabbed. Here Master cripples people and extorts the country, and is (eventually) praised as a hero.
What do the people who complain about Kino being a jerk think of Master?

How does he narrate a story at all? I thought dogs can't talk,

See the cover for the next volume. By the time 2003 aired LN had "modern" designs.

What the hell man? Corruption and evil weren't driven away. These guys (police) just thought up a story to cover up the shameful fact that they got destroyed by two (2) travelers.

>I'm already trying to turn off my brain but this story continues to be dump.
I doubt you ever had your brain turned on in the first place.

Kino is cute when she's scared. I want to see master scare the shit out of her

Leg shots (especially knee/lower leg) are a lot less lethal than shooting someone in the chest though. Just because you can hit the femoral artery and kill someone doesn't mean that always happens.

Any girl immediately becomes cuter when scared. It's the natural order of things.

Is the thread dead?

There's not all that much to talk about in the latest episode I suppose.

I wish the show was dead.

102% African with a 2% margin of error

There's not much to talk about in every episode to be honest.

Didn't expect this show to have fan service desu

How many more episodes are there anyway?

2 backstory ones, one shizu, one with kino and sheeps and one with various stories.

seriously. this shit is starting to get retarded. the last story was just autism.


It's pretty easy to understand that the "corruption and evil was driven away" part was just a cover-up
But ofc you can't understand that because
>I'm already trying to turn off my brain

I bet Master likes anal.

>couple of decades ago
>a certain day
Who designed this monument? These dates is useless and obsolete the day this monument was erected.

Monument of Two... "what"? I can't see through that shitty font.


>These dates is useless and obsolete the day this monument was erected.
Perfect example of white elephant projects. Almost as if the town is filled with corrupt police and officials. I wonder where all the moneies go.

Monument of Two Heroes.
A couple of decades ago, political decay spread throughout our country, Even police colluded with politicians and acted in a mallicious way behind scenes.

A certain day, two travelers, filled with bravery, stood up against this political decay instead of people in this country, The two heroes visited this building to lobby the government with the support of the public, Then, politicans and high-ranking police officers, who were moved by two heroes' passion, felt ashamed of their past behavior and stopped corruption since then.

Thanks to the two's brave behavior, our country changed dramatically and has become very rich and happy now.

>nip english is shite in other anime
>when it's finally mostly grammatically sound, it's wasted on something like this

im surprised the animators actually put their effort into writing that in the monument instead of putting random meaningless scribbles

>I trust you to not shank me while you're up to five inches deep within.
>I trust this to feel good and not terrible.
>I trust for a lack of betrayal.
>I trust this moment of weakness will not be exploited.

Do you have autism?

maybe you should leave instead

but motoräder can?

go to bed grandpa

why didnt the police wait for them to starve to death?

You might as well be asking why they didn't build yet another tower so they could have another police station there.

what? That's retarded

Cause building another police station would take them just as long time as waiting for shishou and aibou to starve.

no it wouldnt. How are they supposed to get food if they are stuck in a tower? Thats siege tactics 101

They have food in tower.

not an unlimited supply

It's not like they need an unlimited supply when police gives up after 3 days.

This is not Nakamura's Kino, sorry, I know how it feels. I'm still enjoying it for what it is, but it's not the same. And that's fine, we have an artsy philosophical adaptation and by the book adaptation now with completely different styles and stories.

Leaving story selection to a poll was still a shit idea though. It only works for people who've read everything and just watch an animated version of random chapters, but it's not making for a good narrative, thematically.

Picrelated: the faggot that wrote this very post.

thats what I am saying, the police couldve waited

>Leaving story selection to a poll was still a shit idea though. It only works for people who've read everything and just watch an animated version of random chapters, but it's not making for a good narrative, thematically.
That's not true. The poll was taken 3-4 years before this adaptation. And it was taken by 200 people or so, so it's not too accurate. And it's not like the story selection was decided by this poll.

And I'm saying, yes they couldve waited a month or so, but they would be better off doing something productive like building a new police station. But they didn't want to wait, they wanted their base back as soon as possible.

building a new police station isn't productive, its a waste of resources. Especially if your workers are being shot while building

Well, I didn't know the details, so apparently my complaint wasn't correct, apologies. But I still do feel that it's a bit too randomly jumping between stories.

Of course it's a waste of resources, but what else can they do? Wait? They clearly showed that they're incapable of doing that.

so the answer to my original question is because they are impatient?

Yes, basically. They're stupid and their role is to be a comedic relief. So asking why they're not stupid is as pointless as the question I asked at the beginning.

Kino is pure

Why almost every girl is so much better than Kino in this new run ?
It bothers my penis

Because there is very little actual Kino in the new series. She just appears to eat food and shoot some random shit most of the time, while her original role is often taken by Shizu, Shishou and Photo.

Kino did nothing in ep. 1, we all saw Colosseum before, Kino shot some guys in ep. 3 (the episode was pretty neat actually), Kino shot some robots as a sidekick in ep. 4, Kino did nothing in ep. 5, there was basically no Kino in ep. 6 and 7.

For how long, while they effectively controlled the main government building? There could easily be enough food in there to last them months while the population gets madder and madder at their incompetence.

The design has been evolving over 17 years now, and it's been the same artist, Kouhaku Kuroboshi, all this time.

Check out the evolution here:

well, we don't know how much food they had stored in the building, if they indeed could last months then what they did was the best course of action but if there was no real food supply not negotiating with terrorist seems a reasonable strategy if you want to remain in power. It's of course possible that the population revolts against the authority if it takes too long but seeing the outcome from their actual decision it could've been the better option in retrospect



>that progression tweet
That was autism I enjoyed.

And she won't appear next episode too.

It's a large office building. You could probably feed two people for years just by rummaging through people's desks.

I want Kino to eat my sausage.

I wish he included some art from the volumes, not just the covers.


It being a cover up is just another interpretation which has no more justification to be correct than it just being bad writing.

Master make a scene big enough that the public all knew about it and the government/police can't keep hush about it.

The citizens fear(and believe in) the almighty ability of the government/police in dealing with the chaos. The police/government can only keep the status quo only if they deal with quickly. If they don't, the citizens will see the police/government as useless corrupt monkeys and overthrow them.

I'd rather this than some forced philosophy.

I miss potato Kino so much...