You guys remember that kid that was tortured by a group of subhumans in Chicago last year? Pic Related has court today. The media is not reporting on it, though. This nigger doesn't have any bond, so he's fucked. Does anyone know where we can find information on his conviction if media refuses to tell us?
As messed up as it was, he wasn't a kid. I get it you hate black people, but don't make up key details as hate propaganda.
Brittany Convington, one of the niggers from the video was sentenced to probation, so this nigger will probably only get a year at most.
>don't make up key details as hate propaganda
You what nigger?
If 3 white people beat up a black kid and called him nigger, black people would LITERALLY turn into apes and riot for weeks
>hate propaganda.
Like you need an excuse to hate blacks
Fucking leaf
Holy shit
Anyone under 25 is a kid to me. Fuck off, leaf.
wasn't he a mong though ? should take care of your citizens more
>18 year old mentally disabled guy isn't technically a kid
>t. pedantic dipshit
A group of strong independent white men should pay her a visit and inflict some fun all over her body
Court documents are public records, ask you local police department where you can get them from
says something about the people, who take the opportunity, doesn't it? black people are just smarter, as collective, then white people are. they know how to move with the momentum.
This seems like a fun class exercise. Let's run this theory through the wonderful SCIENTIFIC PROCESS!!
Leafs are just trying to lower the age of what an adult is, so they can not feel as rapey and as paedey
CNN not reporting on it? Oh guess it doesn’t fit fatass Stelters narrative. What an ugly family he has.Gods payback for ruining the foundation of America
For anyone who doesn't know:
This is democracy
That doesn't seem to search for circuit court cases.
Used up pornstars are more important than nogs torturing white people
Niggers are gonna nig and we as white people need to be at the forefront of this movement. Helping them kill us.
what makes you think he's fucked? The girl got off with probation.
if white people did this they would of all gotten life.
>LITERALLY turn into apes
Every human being is literally an ape at all times. Read a fucking book sometime.
I thought it was because she plead guilty and ratted
God damn you fucking leafs.
>what makes you think he's fucked?
Because he's *no bond*. I think they will fry his ass. Just like Eric Clanton, who has a 200k bond. I just wish I could find out what judge and outcome the court will find: it can't go on much longer than 14 months like it has so far.
Kek nice job
we have a lot of muzzies and jews here
just ignore them
>make claim he's a kid
>force leaf to go find out it's an 18 year old handicap kid and resort to mentioning that 18 years old without developmental disabilities is legally not a child
This. Next time theres a nigger killing a white person, we assemble worldwide and crack groid skulls in the street.
Who cares about retards? This simpleton and his kind deserve to be killed for being a drain on society, just like every nigger.
Fucking leaf stfu libtard mudblood dyke
Nice job mate! (I've got that same patch btw)
I guess this means Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and all those other coons were kids too.
It's edglord psycho faggots like you that make a bad name for all of us conservatives who just want justice and good to prevail in this world seriously kys
Fuck off, boomer. Name one reason retards should burden us that doesn't include "muh feels". They're burdens, plain and simple.
Omg i want you dead.
We all know the shithole country called America is actually an African country, what's wrong for some blacks torture white barbarians there?
Hahaha boomer LMFAO you've been on here too long bud take a break I think your sister needs another lay fukn trailer trash burger fuk man are you like 15?
Women always get off easily.
just searched news and twitter for Tesfaye Cooper. Nothing. Oh well
Just admit it. You'd love to have him ram his cock into your anus.
Jew Alert
18 years old isn't a kid, your own law states that. Moron.
>Anyone under 25 is a kid to me. Fuck off, leaf.
Okay nobody gives a fuck what your personal prespective is, 18 years old is an adult as stated by law, geezer ass faggot.
>If 3 white people beat up a black kid and called him nigger,
That happens all the time, no media coverage.
>leafs think like this all the time
Like they need the excuse
He was mentally disabled.
They actually trapped and tortured a mentally challenged person. This goes way beyond race. Its pure scumbag behavior of the highest order.
>Anyone under 25 is a kid to me
Fine. To everyone else, if you're over 18 you are an adult.
Did I offend your delicate little sensibilities? Good. I even hope your fragile little feelings were hurt because using a vernacular term for a 'young adult' mocks the twisted version of 'truth' used by msm in their fake news. We will use any and all weapons to fight you fucking kikes in this war.
They make up in quantity what they lack in quality.
He din do nuffin u fking racist
Weird, then, that libs go after JF for having a relationship with an autistic 18 year old innit..
Damn hes been held on no bond or a year? Must've missed a lot of school
anyone have a link to the radio segment where they tried to spin this as nigs getting tortured by white trump supporters? been deleted off the internet it seems