It's funny when liberals try to talk tough on Twitter

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Jesus Christ, Mark. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the stock market is overbought and we're due for a correction. Just lmao if you're not prepared for this inevitability.

They're just out for blood aren't they? I'm here ranting about groids and kikes all day yet my bloodlust is a drop in the ocean compared to theirs?
How did liberalism become the ideology of war and extreme violence?

It was the democrats that every economic trouble we've experienced.

Too bad they're all bark and no bite

>save yourself by returning to american patriotism
that's a good thing again? hard to keep up with these people


They've followed the "long march" theory for years because they are pissed that communism hasn't sprung up in developed nations like it has in third world shitholes.

It may be false flagging, I'm not naive enough to not consider it.

>I'm here ranting about groids and kikes all day yet my bloodlust is a drop in the ocean compared to theirs?
yes, they have terror and power

what is this stupid hippie boomer even talking about

its funny when kids act like neo nazi and warriors on Sup Forums

Yeah, because that reign of terror and later on genocidal Emperor was such a great idea for the left

Butthurt altrighters ITT
Helicopter rides vs guillotine
Incels vs the People
Grow some balls Drumpfkins

Compared to people who think that stealing from your country deserve the guillotine? Yeah your racist illusions and lack of true courage isnt much.

Oh ya the French Revolution was truly the height of rational thinking.

>Rebulicans need to return to reason
>oh it’s time to dilate my cut up penis and take my 10 year non gender child to listen to the local drag queen read books

Fucking Democrates need to cut this shit out

Liberals are screamers, they only yell and when actually bothered to do something, they immediately crumple and retreat. A Liberal talking tough, is like a Woman talking tough, hit them and they'll fall back in line.

>stealing from your country
These people don't even believe in the concept of a nation, they think they're stealing from them since they should be getting free gibs

>It's funny when
people on /pol are following libtards

>please don't shoot us with your multitude of firearms while we set up this guillotine outside of your house to execute you with.

Yep, it's weird when one day they go
>Yeah! death to AmeriKKKa!
and then the next day they're like
>We must protect the interests of America at ALL costs! Fire up the warheads!

>liberals dont believe in nations

Not only do you guys call anyone a liberal, but you also don't even know what liberalism is. Now I know you didn't say it, but OP did, and it's a common word used around here, it's like this huge category where you put everyone in.

Yes, plenty of "leftists" believe in the concept of nation, believe it or not.

It's sad how you guys think you can criticize people by being systematically dishonest.

You don't need to follow someone on Twitter in order to read their tweets.

Aren't most of the "rich" people shitlibs themselves? I'm done with these fuggin captchas.

Kind of like when pol spits on U.K. to defend them after.

Oh wait.

You know what? People have been shitting on their own flags for hundreds of years, for reasons that have nothing to do with eachothers. It doesn't mean all those people hate their country, in fact a lot of them are so harsh because they hate the way their loved country is becoming.

>Kind of like when pol spits on U.K. to defend them after.
The whip cracks out of love!

maybe the rich in CA

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>gun nuts vs. anti-gunfags
who would win?

There you go, that was my point. I'm glad we agree.

Only the jewish ones.

Look up the "Battle in Seattle" at the WTO conference in 1999. Leftists were actually rioting in the streets because they knew the open border globalism that was introduced back then would result in the problems we're seeing today.

In the last twenty years, they've actually gone even further left on the spectrum and now embrace what they were fighting against. It's the most bizarre political about-face I've seen in my short time on this Earth.

this is the same type of person that would hide and call the police if someone stood on their lawn

>kikebook repost boomers on twitter

end this generation

>same person wants to take your guns away

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>It was the democrats that helped America recover from every GOP-triggered economic trouble we've experienced.
It looked liked you left a few words out so I fixed it for you.

>fuck racist nationalism and patriotism
>we need a world without borders
>democrats are patriots, dont you want to be a patriot too?
I honestly dont think the divide in the country will fix itself without violent. The left is too far gone. Literally nothing they say has permanence. They will change to a totally contradictory opinion within seconds if they're told to.

The bloodshed of leftists dates back to the French Revolution. You can see it in the violent purges leftist governments initiate.

>be against the death penalty because it's inhumane
>we need to publicly behead citizens who have a different political ideology than us

How is fighting against corporations and CEOs embracing what they were fighting against ?
The French revolution was led by the bourgeoisie who'd be fully content with the status quo of today

>Anti second amendment nutcasses attack the pro second amendment people

I want this to happen but you know they'll just pussy out again

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That's right. When they supported labor, they were completely against open borders and no one was chastising calling an illegal alien, an illegal alien

>you guys
>systematically dishonest
>the fucking irony
yeah yeah keep putting all of Sup Forums in a box i guess

almost as funny as alt righters who think they're tough boys

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Because they favored protectionist labor laws that kept jobs domestic. Now the unions here just get a pittance severance for you when they agree to sell your job overseas.

How? Democrats CAUSE every economic trouble we have.

the 2008 recession was due to democratic policies set by Bill Clinton to have banks lend out to people who who default on housing loans.

>The French revolution was led by the bourgeoisie who'd be fully content with the status quo of today
So the Jews were behind it?

Reminds me of antifa tactics where one runs out of the pack of scrawny soyims to lay a feeble punch then immediately rushes back to hide in the crowd, cowards honor

Cant build a guillotine if your wrist snaps from swinging a hammer. Bettet stick to jerking other men off in bathrooms.

Jews were never a big thing in the french political landscape, even in the communist party
It was mostly rich parisians and a few aristocrats leading the whole thing.. plenty of masons among them supposedly
I think most of the left has realized they lost this battle (economic liberalism and mega corps) and they're trying to get a grip back on it means to be left-wing nowadays. They're deep down against it but just know the fight is doomed for loss

But they're not against it. They defend mass immigration legal or not, H1B visas, and make those demands in social media posts in phones assembled by people who don't make enough in a year to buy one. They've become what they hated 20 years ago.

>Liberals think the French Revolution overthrew the right wing ruling party...


Says the right winger, talking tough on an anime imageboard