
Orchestr/a/ is back to rape your heart with a new song:

In case you missed last week's thread:

>What is Orchestr/a/?
A project started 3 years ago by a bunch of weebs dicking around with recorders who have since produced three full albums of shitty instrumental Chinese cartoon covers.

>Can I join?
Yes. If you play flute, trumpet, or any string instrument, we need you the most right now.

>Where do I sign up?

Other urls found in this thread:


Where's the Thanksgiving songs?

Thanksgiving was last month, silly.



Good job faggots.
I can't play an instrument buy I can make noises with a ruler and my table, can I help?




I'm impressed, nice work.

It’s probably not the same for others but to me these feel mediocre and soulless, kind of in the same sense a sense the modern Sup Forums sings. It seems like it stopped being a fun, rough around the edges thing and became too organized and attempted at actual quality. The songs are better performed but there’s no reason I wouldn’t just listen to the originals since there’s no memetic value like the old Sup Forums sings being all awful but earnest singers.

We wouldn't still be here if it wasn't fun.

Also we still do wacky memetic arrangements such as: youtube.com/watch?v=ffCS6yetKow

Album 2 bonus track: picosong.com/wnapv/

Being made by Sup Forums is memetic enough, there's no joke that doesn't get stale after 3 years.

What about an arrangement like this: youtube.com/watch?v=0Qv0rkJKxrM
Do you guys ever do mashups anyways?

There were plans to but people never managed to finish any beside this one.

I thought you transcribe most of your shit, does that mean someone can actually arrange for real?

There are two guys who are actual music majors.

I think maybe you're confusing arranging with composing.

Open to whatever "wacky" projects you have in mind, what would you like to see us do?

Amazing work. Its impossible to find an instrumental version of an opening that keeps the melody of the singer in the track.

Always nice to see some more stuff from you guys



It would make sense to mashup songs of a similar genre or from the same show
It would be more fun to throw completely different songs together like in that video. But they were both by the same artist so it worked.

What about shows from the same genre like idols mashup idolmaster+lovelive or mecha mashup gundam+macross+symphogear

Please find the shittiest or most memesong that exists and somehow make it into a masterpiece. All I can think of off the top of my head the th Naruto German op

We've been talking about doing Naruto German OP for a while. We do have the Boku no Pico OP arranged, so that's the next best thing for now.

Well damn I guess I'm learning how to play something now.


>3 years ago
Damn. It doesn't feel like that long, but I'm impressed it's still going after all this time.

So are we.

Just barely.



There is literally nothing wrong with trying to be good at something.

I better hear a dog toy part in that.

Will you ever do CCA main theme?

Also friendly bump.

Musashi Gundoh OP could be pretty fun

Something like this would probably take several years to finish, if at all. We have the brass for it but not the strings, at least currently.

Everything takes several years anyway even with only a few instruments.


are those orchestr/a/ mascots or something

Only in the last panel. The first two panels are artist's renditions of two regular members.

I would suggest this song. Common enough instrument talent to find (2 violins, maybe 1 viola, and acoustic guitar), but a very good track nonetheless

You're missing a cello, a drum track and probably another guitar.
There's another track from that OST that might be done tomorrow, look out on the channel.

Lain op was great.


didnt hear the cello, and I was assuming the guitar would overdub both parts


Every thread I say I'll practice my trumpet, I promise I'll practice.

>Used to play tenor sax in my highschool band
>Too poor to actually buy one, but loved playing the loaner they gave me.
>Still too poor to buy one now that I'm on my own
Fug. Instruments are so damn expensive, but I want to participate. Is it alright to just get one of those cheap recorders and just make damn sure to not be a memer?

Don't bother responding if you didn't bother reading the post.

Please keep doing this.

Well doesn't hurt to try, you can also try renting.

Not quite my tempo