Do blacks biologically have no sense of empathy or something...

Do blacks biologically have no sense of empathy or something? Or is it somehow a “cultural” thing (might as well be interchangeable with biology). The amounts by of times there’s some video of an accident and there’s a black guy or black woman filming it, eagerly seizing on the opportunity to jive it up with their commentary on events for social media, no shame, no guilt. Has anyone studied this?

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they aren't fully human.

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I would have done that too if I didn't have a gun with me

and not for nothing, but those dirty niggers are still SITTING ON THE BUS that is parked directly on top of him, crushing him. they won't even step off the fucking bus for him while EMS comes. they're sitting right on top of where he is too. i fucking hate these godless, evil creatures, honestly. i hate that our society capitulates to them, treats them like they're "equals" or anything the like.

I literally can’t understand this, there’s a bunch of these aswell. There has to be some kind of biological basis for this.

I bet empathy is strongly correlated with intelligence!

huh? what does this even mean? you would have kicked a cat in the street? if you didn't have a gun? what? like you shoot stray cats in the street? yeah, ok professor badass, you're real fuckin' cool. why don't you go eat your cheerios and then take a nap pls. adults are talking. dumbass.

Niggers didn't select for empathy in the jungle, duh. It's evolutionary

kid is clearly just a nigger trying to spread the "white people also do stuff like this" myth.

Seeing a cat in Africa probably means you're about to get your ass tore up

The biological issue has a name .
It's called Reactive Attachment Disorder
Psychologists call them RADishes
Affects children that. DO NOT form normal bonds with humans from birth til 3 yrs old.
RESULT = stunted frontal lobe = zero empathy .

Yeah that one black guy goes to the door, sees the flattened black guy under the bus still being partially crushed, then just nonchalantly strolls back into the bus and sits down. It’s so alien to any normal human behaviour.

DUDE it's a tiny little housecat and just a kitten no less. it's not a fucking lion or a cheetah, come on man. grow up.

They don't have the ability for abstract thought and therefore they can't understand abstract concepts like morality in the same way as a Europeans can.

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why, oh why, are we not allowed to say anything about how rotten these creatures are in our society though? what is the sickness within US and OUR PEOPLE that makes us blind and subservient to them? that's what i want to know. because that's what the situation really is. and that's what needs to be fixed.

I vaguely recall reading about studies identifying genes that provide the capacity for empathy and there being questions as to how prevalent these genes are in individuals of African descent. And of course we all know about IQ statistics. And not for nothing, but there's also a strong correlation between empathy and IQ as well.

But for all the focus on genetics, we don't put nearly the focus we should on psychology. When we realize how few black children have a father in the home, and when we realize how often and how severely black women beat their children or are neglectful of their children's needs, we get a picture of a large portion of society not having their basic social and psychological needs met. There's wonderful data being published on early childhood psychological development. Essentially the "black community" is largely socially maladjusted and suffering from some form of trauma on a mass social scale.

I looked at the photo andassumed it was taken in africa or some shit but then I watched the clip and realized this happened 10 miles from my home.

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This RAD was originally witnessed with the orphans of Bosnian war that were adopted out.
Is a forever issue. There is NO CURE, and treatments have all failed. These kids grow up with stunted frontal lobe, and zero empathy, the PERFECT SERIAL KILLERS.
In the USA it's single Black mothers that account for almost ALL of these kids becoming NIGGERS.
Un fixable , a plague on society. That's why our prisons are full of NIGGERS

Smell the coal, pay the toll


They're inferior to us as white men of virtue, my friend. Fuck this niggers, they are inferior subhuman scum, compared to us of empathy

this and only

shut the fuck up you nigger, they aren't fucking victims. here's the truth about that -
white people had to fight 2 world wars in the 20th century. 80 million people dead in europe, many women in children. cities and towns and infrastructure destroyed, they rebuilt.
japan got hit by 2 nukes, they rebuilt.
jews were kept in camps for years, some say there was a "holocaust" of them, they recovered and they're the most successful race on the planet now.
untold millions dead under mao and chinese communism.
untold millions dead in russia under communism.
wars and atrocity all over.
japanese americans also interred in camps during the 20th century, today one of the most economically successful groups in the USA.

niggers had to drink from a different water fountain, you're still making excuses for them.

kill yourself, you pseudointellectual POS.

There's no getting around it, this behaviour isn't understandable, it's fucking alien to me! The shitty thing is, niggers born and raised in the UK show very, very similar characteristics!

Empathy is purely european. The whole idea of "a single person matters" exists only in the West.

yes I shoot stray cats
they are a pest far worse than opossums

eat shit you fucking pussy ass cuck
i aint a nigger

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This is pretty close, but also plenty of families are normal enough. So kids end up being normal enough up through elementary school, until other bad factors, cultural or otherwise take over. But maybe some critical mass of RADs cause entire communities to act like RADs

chimpanzees are more empathetic than the common nigger. I would link the studies but can't find them anymore because Google scrubs search results. Turns out chimps are highly evolved for social cohesion and emotional intelligence among their troopmates due to the great selective pressures toward working together. Niggers apparently have no problem breeding without those skills

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You’d think if they do it born in different cultures and environments that it’s not environment it’s genetic.

RAD is no joke, you can bet a lot of school shooters have it too.

No one believes you, you're a nig af

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Yeah! That's pretty much my conclusion! And, I also think nothing can be done do to help them, I hope someone can convince me otherwise desu!

Holy hell, user. I was actually suggesting how they are their own victims and perpetrators regardless of historical events. You just did a whole thing in your mind there by yourself. Your imagination is fantastic.

Yeah, they're hopelessly retarded

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I don't have a link handy, but I read a journal a couple of years ago that talked about a maturity test given to a many people across all demographics, and the findings were basically that nigger adults have the same level of maturity as young white teens. To put that into perspective, we're talking about an age group that whose brains aren't considered fully developed.

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Their children don't have self-awareness. They're literally mentally retarded as a race.

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Remember this one where some blacks just watch and laugh while a black woman sets a building on fire, burning an old man alive.

Only once he is completely engulfed by flames do a couple make a half hearted attempt to open the door (still laughing and joking)

Daaaaaayum he burnin’

>'cultural' variations

Aost fell off the couch laughing ...

Or this one where some blacks watch a guy drown and mock him as he dies.

That just shows government collusion with vampires. Everyone knows the head vampires come out at night, the malawi government does more to protect vampires than their victims. For shame


RIGHT??? The end fucking had me rage.

>Oh Kenyan children fail the test? I GUESS THE TEST IS WRONG...

Why do they always do this.

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You ever see a black guy swing a cat around by its tail and then throw it into a brick wall?
Listen to the aunt complain about losing her food stamp card smiling after her nephews died in a house fire at 1:34 onwards

Well that's enraging.

Also kek at Tacoma Washington teacher saying it's racist. My ex who went to public school in Tacoma thought "Nurse" "Bus Driver" and "Chef" were pronouns.

But a nigger is dying as a result of their negligence; I don't see a problem with niggers letting other niggers die in agony so long as whites don't get caught in the crossfire, that's why I support nigger ethno-states and forced deportation to those ethno-states.

Are you really saying you'd be less callous about a dumb drink nigger holding up a bus with his bullshit? Kys

"cultural" is not interchangeable with biology.

My bet ... lack in visuo-spatial intelligence. Population genetics point towards that. What is making us better in thst department is our tidbits of Neanderthal ancestry. They were the better adapted hunter-gatherers ... although I suspect secondary loss of those traits over the generstions in non-Indoeuropean populations. First agriculturalists in Mesopotamia and along the Yangtse river were subject to selective pressures against HG adapted genes. Semi-nomadic pastoralist lifestyle in the Eurasian steppe has its advantages. Although our modern lifestyle most likely has kicked off that decline in us too as of now. Human average brain size is slowly shrinking and I'll tell you what, it is NOT due to the evolution of more efficient brains! That's horsecrap.

Between 40 and 70% of everything is genetic. In the debate of nature versus nurture, nurture can only take you so far.

Fuck I hate typing on the phone... stupid big fingers

Same. Nothing of value was lost here.

when you ask for something and get it, maybe we have bought the lie that blacks are just like whites and can exist in a civilization obeying its laws and don't belong in the jungles of africa and we are holding the black race to a standard they will never live up to, the white standard.

They are cave people who would still be throwing spears at each other and dying at 20 if whitey hadn't pulled them up from the stone age.
There is no reason to suppose these apes would have advanced to inventing the wheel in the last 500 years if we hadn't ventured in to Africa.
They are incapable of high level social interaction or forward planning of the type needed to build a civilization.
They exist almost entirely in the moment.

>black people are suffering from a massive trauma
Even if that were true (which it kinda is) that's the last idea I would be putting in their heads. They would just say SLAVERY!

this. they are one of the missing links archeologists have always looked for

What's the thing with blacks and drowning?

What about all those white serial killers that ate and fucked their victims dead corpses ? All those white school shooters?

memphrica representing
da goot peeplles doh

its not like we're doing any better, i read about a test that stated how white adults are less maturity then the last 2 generations, there were test where adults shunned responsibility roles and would surrender authority to someone younger and with all the fags living at home now a days it makes sense. if we don't fix our shit we're truly screwed

Will this turn into a NHT now?

Konrad Lorenz was right after all ... Verhausschweinung at its finest


They act tough as nails when they sense weakness, but when they are weak they play up the victim card and swear they dindu nuffin. This extends to how they treat animals. You can believe they wouldn't kick a pit bull, and if they did and it attacked them they would swear they were the victims of a mauling instead of the recipients of consequences for their actions.


Not sure if this nigger is joking or is legit some fat autistic man-child shooting cats

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Multiple factors genetic and environmental.

Environmental factors:

>poor impulse control
>heavy pot use / second hand pot smoke while developing in the womb and child hood.

Pot is proven to stunt brain development of developing brains permanently atter regular or heavy use. They are literally adult sized children with poor impulse control. Even if they aren't exposed until later in life, second hand smoke is proven to get people high so if it is there their entire childhood, they are effected. Impulse control is the last development and the brain isn't fully formed until 23-24.

>anger issues
>Blacks are 4 times more likely to kill their own children than any other race.

They beat their own babies and children. Child abuse leads to a cycle of child abuse and beatings have been proven to stunt a child's ability to learn. They literally beat their kids retarded. Having the highest rate of unplanned pregnancies isn't going to lend any strong motherly bond with their unwanted child.

The genetic factors you can take from any redpill thread about black statistics.

One that is a fact: animals with black fur are proven to be far more likely to be aggressive. Animals with pale or white fur are the opposite with a higher chance of calm demeanor.

they are literally too dumb to know that you need to learn to swim, they just assume they can because they see other people doing it, no joke

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Empathy is a white characteristic.

niggers are niggers are niggers

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Fucking niggers, it's always the same picture.

>Someone gets hurt or hit around whites
>Whites inmedately react to tend the injured

>Someone gets hurt or hit around negros
>Ooga booga *records with phone* yo muhfugga nigggaaa got fukkkk *insert nigger howling*

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Koko the gorilla had an IQ somewhere between 70 and 95. The average nigger is dumber than a gorilla.

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Maybe leaning myself out of the window wiith this but European selection happened mostly under the harsh conditions of Siberia. First, clan groups were small therfore other group members were genetically more similar to you on average. Helping them meant indirectly propagsting the genes you did too carry. Also, loss of a valuable group member hurt everyone's survival. Compared to that, Africa had never been that constantly harsh ... one nigger less simple meant one competitor less in the reproductive race.

>Empathy is purely european.
No, it's a general psychological characteristic that Europeans, especially Northern Europeans, just have MORE of.
>The whole idea of "a single person matters" exists only in the West.
What you are alluding to is the social legacy of North Eurasian Hunter-Gatherers. This kind of individualism and political egalitarianism(within the tribe, that is) also exists in non-Western cultures derived from Northern Hunter-Gatherers.

There's a lot to both of these. Africans are generally unsuited to Western civilization.

it provides lulz

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>clueless "professor" of philosophy who's so shit at his job that he needs to go all the way to africa to actually get some kind of a low paid teaching position
>a credible source
Lmao at the state of white nationalism.

>Koko the gorilla had an IQ somewhere between 70 and 95.
One individual Gorilla
>The average nigger is dumber than a gorilla.
Tons of niggers for which we have data

It's not the same, what if Koko was just a genius of a gorilla? Clearly we need to way to measure IQ of gorillas across a much larger sample size. Then we can get into fun stuff like comparing the different races(species? I forget how far apart they are) of Gorilla to each other. And we may end up finding out that niggers are smarter than gorillas on average, or perhaps about the same.

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>nignogs didn't even invent the wheel
>rage more retard 68IQ stinky

>Or is it somehow a “cultural” thing (might as well be interchangeable with biology).
See this clever ruse? It assumes that culture and biology are the same, and therefor irrelevant! It just makes that assumption and then moves right past it, locking you, the reader, into a mode of thought without realizing it! If culture and biology are the same, then IQ is a matter of education and poverty, but we all know from a myriad of studies that this isn't true. Don't let the kikes at /leftypol fool you anons.

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That thing probably needed to be sterilized and fumigated anyway.

>Do blacks biologically have no sense of empathy or something?
Yep. Browns are more psychopathic than whites.

Morons like you give the U.S a bad name. He meant that a fucking animal has a higher I.Q than the average black, which he does.

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Why didn't they help that brotha under the bus? Answer me.

never heard of this, but psychopaths can come from anywhere, even the best families

It was a dunecoon that let her fall, not a nigger.

dat pussy faiyah if u kno wut aym sayin xD

>>Do blacks biologically have no sense of empathy or something?
>Yep. Browns are more psychopathic than whites.
This user's comment may sound like edgy "just-so-story" theorizing, but it's actually something measurable, and user is correct. Every relevant psychometric study shows blacks are literally more psychopathic and less empathetic than non-blacks

>psychopaths can come from anywhere, even the best families
Stop denying the proven genetic links

Look at you talking tough, you white pussy

So when blacks talk about themselves as a collective (my peepul reprashuns n sheet) they're really just talking about themselves?

Lack of empathy is not specific to blacks. It's a human thing. Wolves don't kill each other. But people do. Just look at you guys. Sitting on here hating an entire race of people all day. That's not very empathetic.

Sheeeeeeeit. Nigga u cray cray.

>it didn't happen to me
>thus it is not my problem
>someone else will deal with it
>that's what the emergency services are for

You must be about the stupidest wop-dago in all the internet because your comprehension of that post is outrageously terrible.