Cymru/pol/ - Three Cliffs Bay edition

>Neath Port Talbot: coal mine to create 200 jobs

>anti-Welsh bigotry (Pakis are alright though)

>10% of Wales' roads are in a 'poor condition', data shows

>Draft bill takes Wales towards distinct legal system

>Neil McEvoy expelled by Plaid Cymru for 18 months

>Stephen Kinnock: Spy crisis chance to decide if we believe in Nato

>Wales' First Minister Carwyn Jones has defended Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's response to the attack on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal

>Lord Crickhowell - the champion of Cardiff Bay's regeneration - has died aged 84

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what the fuck is cymru

Welsh for Wales.

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Bump for the leek miners

checking in

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Might try to work at that mine tbqh.

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how do u pronounce it

let us know how it goes lad


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Cardiff reporting in

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Ble yng Nghaerdydd?

did you give them a ring afterwards?

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Serious question: what are we going to do about these Scousers? I heard Wrexham has a lot of them. Hope not, vile people.

>not linking that spastic who left her kid in a car which rolled in to the river teifi, then went on a mission trying to find her “stolen” car.

Not yet. I'd like to get a degree first.

Will next time.

Was in Llandudno and there were a few. I’d want to leave Liverpool too mind. They’re ok though, the scouse. I’ve known a few and they’ve always been alright.

Just concerned about English immigration. We need to do more pic related IMHO.

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can we agree to no tripfags in cymru/pol/, if one appears can we just ignore them

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alright boys

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none of your fuckin business

>Irish flag
>Scottish pic

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kym ru

>"It is almost fashionable," she said "for the liberal elites in London to make casual racist remarks about Welsh culture, Welsh accents and Welsh language. This seems to be one of the last acceptable forms of xenophobia and bigotry, and it is a remnant of English colonialism."
Makes me sick: not the so-called “bigotry” and “xenophobia”, it’s the fact we’ve got a Welsh politician acting like a Jew. Idgaf if some londonistani wants to throw some bantz at us, we do it all the time ffs.

eh hello cymru is scotland you mong

Londoners suck Paki cock but insult us, I'm not down for it. Anti-white bigotry is excused.

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Anyone here mountainbike?
Pic shows Newport, but you can also see cardiff from up there. It’s a great way to experience the countryside here

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We have bigger worries than the English regarding immigration boyo, Cardiff schools are now at about 75% white. Vale of Glamorgan was at 88.5%, couldn’t bloody believe it.

Can confirm the vale is pretty fuckin white. They’re all drawn to grangetown or butetown

We can spot those, we can't spot y ddihiryn hen.

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I just don’t like the idea of Welsh people riding the “victim” train. Fuck London and everyone there.

I thought it was more like 98% though. It certainly seems that way walking around.

As an American with Irish, British, German and French heritage I can say that you Welsh and English are not white, because when I was in Cardiff I only saw people who looked like pale spics.

It isn't the victim train, it's the "fuck London" train. If anything, unionism is a cuck Stockholm syndrome mindset that enables foreigners in London to dictate us.

If an Anglo couple settled here, their kids would be Welsh though. Can’t say the about Abdul and Sanjita.

I guess Italians aren't white then.

>I guess Italians aren't white then.

Northern Italians are whiter than the Welsh and the English for certain

Not really. The second-generation Anglos in Cardiff have no loyalty for this country, they all run it down, don't care for our history, laugh at kids with Welsh accents and desire to fuck off back to England when they grow up. Let them.


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>laugh at kids with Welsh accents and desire to fuck off back to England when they grow up

Anglos are white unlike you English and Welsh. They have a right to laugh at non-whites

You're the Swede aren't you.
Show your flag. I know exactly who you are.
BTW lots of Welsh people look like this, we have the highest percentage of gingers.

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>whiter than you Llewelyn
Fuck off meme flag, that won’t work here. Faggot. Use it on insecure mutts and Anglos

Long live Wales.
Thats people with dark hair and eyes, moron. Those people are descendants of native europeans. Stop acting like a mutt.

>t. 6'4 Irishman with brown hair and brown eyes

Don’t encourage her.

>brown eyes

Cymru am byth. Iwerddon am byth.
It's a filthy Swede cuck whose sister got raped and blown up by a Somali "refugee" who is angry that Sweden can no longer be classed as a white nation.

lol no me swedish? I have heritage from Scandinavia, but don't associate me with those non-whites.

Show your flag, Sven.

No blackies or muslims here in good ol Tylorstown, all white

I think like 98% of the Welsh surface area can claim this.

this is my flag

Bottom line, the beauty standard is tall dark and handsome, not lanky pale and effeminate. Med men slay in Scandinavia.

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in america and white europe, meds are usually the losers of life. There is a reason why London is the only rich part of England it's because it has the highest percentage of white Europeans in the UK.

Oy vey Sven.

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Wales should campaign for further devolution so we are a separate legal jurisdiction. With this, we can campaign for free speech and be the last bastion of free speech in the UK (assuming we don't go independent).

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Renaissance: 1400s-1600s
Enlightenment: 1650s-1800
Romanticism: 1798-1870
Realism/Naturalism: 1850-1914
Modernism: 1870s-1965
Post-Modernism: 1965-2016
Alt-Right: 2008-2040s
Post-Humanism: 2036-2090

Sounds great. Where do I sign?

>alt right will last up to 2040

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maybe not under the label 'Alt-Right' but the reactionary revolt of the youth in the West, against modernity and demographic displacement will probably last until the 2040s. Thousands of college-aged middle class men are reading old books and far-right literature. This is going to have a profound impact upon the culture we experience in the coming decades

There's already talk about devolution for starters. Then there should be campaigns for free speech.
I think redpilled Welshanons should think about going into politics, assuming they aren't complete autists. We could reclaim Plaid Cymru and turn it into the ethno-nationalist party it once was.

Speaking of free speech: sign this boyos.

>assuming they aren't complete autists.
That’s me out then. Good idea though, I’m sure someone here has the minerals. I like your optimism.

Actually, most high-energy important political figures have had a case of the autism. They just need the charisma/confidence/connections to channel it into efficiency.

Possibly, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Trump has certainly had an impact in America, but Britain seems pretty hopeless for le alt right.

Powys has pretty good dems.

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>Trump has certainly had an impact in America, but Britain seems pretty hopeless for le alt right.
There's talk of amnesty amongst the GOP leadership (Paul Ryan, et al). Trump seems kinda clueless tbqh

the success of these movements in politics don't matter, it's the success of them as a culture
the alt-right has definitely moved the overton window (at least online) heavily to the right, and right-wing thinkers long forgotten like Evola are commonly mentioned online today

Hopefully it breaks into partisan politics. It's certainly influencing the younger generations, that is true.

>tfw when 97.5%

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wow another worthless faggot thread

>>tfw when


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They are more white than me, fuck off shill.

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>tfw Cardiff
Lovely city, but I'd rather be in Gwynedd.
Anyone know the situation in Powys? How many Anglos in Powys?
Also, what do you all think about the opening of a mine in Neath? Do you think more mines will open after it?
Hohols are literal subhumans.

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No I'm the Swede.

Has some Swede been in here bad mouthing Wales? I won't have it lad. Cymru am byth!


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>wow another worthless faggot

Donetsk was founded by a Welshman. The moar you know.

He is a swedencuck hiding behind the flag.

Yeah, probably some tanned Swede from Malmo.
Based Swede, Cymru am byth.

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"White" is dumb, European should be used. We're white, yes... But in the same way that there's an Asian race and an African race, we should be the European race.

Bless you, some areas of Cardiff are getting *very* rough.
Re: mining. It's possible but I don't see it becoming a heavily profitable industry discounting the possibility of societal/technological collapse.

>Donetsk was founded in 1869 as a workers settlement Yuzovka around the metallurgical factory of Welshman John Hughes. The settlement was established in lands of Yevdokim Shydlovsky who received them upon destruction of the Zaporizhian Sich in 1775.
Holy shit.

How come you like Cyrmu? Are you a Welshmen abroad, or do you just appreciate the nation?

I agree with that, I just wanted to break it for this D&C shill over there. And yeah, we should use European, the word "white" is american made.

I'm not worried about Cardiff, tbqh. It will become New Warsaw before New Islamabad.
I just prefer rural areas in general.

Listen Sven, we won't have anyone saying shit about God's country. Get the fuck out.

Aye, I'm a Welshie far from home.

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>tfw celtic master race

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The city is currently occupied by pro-Russian separatists, we must reclaim Donetsk as rightful Welsh clay.

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What are you doing in Sweden mate? Hope you'll find your way back home one day.

is this a good or a bad thing boyos?

probably means an end to cheap beer and cider

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I'm studying at university here and working. I hope to return some day. I never thought I'd miss Wales until I left. Got some serious Hiraeth going on.

How's Italy? Your government formed a coalition yet?

Any Welsh nationalist party must take an environmentalist position, it would kill me to see our countryside and hills turned into car parks.

Feels good.
Exactly. Plaid seems pretty green. Luckily, most of Wales is hostile terrain for buildings.
I feel the same way when I travel.

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how are the swedish girls? are they hot as absolute fuck?

Yes but every country has good looking women. Some in higher proportions but you know, I've yet to visit a country that didn't have attractive women.

Can I be an honorary Welsh person for a bit? I'm Scottish and we shag sheep too.

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>I never thought I'd miss Wales until I left.
Wome is where the heart is. Sweden treating you well? I hope the women live up to expectation.

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Oh yes, our elections were fantastic, the left got litereally obliterated by the right wing coalition and M5S.

Problem is that none of them reached 40%, which means that they'll have to find an agreement with each other in order to put a functioning governement. May 25 is the day they should get ready to form this new coalition. And yes despite some grudges, the right wing coalitin and M5S are ready for cooperation. I say, this fine, since Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega, is going to be in charge of it.

Yes. Alban am byth.

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