ITT: Worst girls




>"I shall now become a table raping lesbian and nuke the entire city, killing everyone I've ever known and loved."
I don't know why people hated her, she was perfectly sane and rational.


Fuck off, Anzu was lovely

My waifu is not in this shit chart

She was Homura before Homura.
>a weak and insecure nerdy girl with pigtails
>saved by a super kind and friendly pink haired girl
>falls for said girl to the point of obsession
>pink waifu dies
>lesbo gets a new hairstyle and develops a colder personality
>dedicated herself to righting the wrongs done to her waifu

Made for BBC



One bad example given to explain Geass, and millions died.

well user that's rude

So this is the power of the contrarian? Heh, was almost worth a (you).

Not cool, man. Not cool.

Worst girls in to love ru

Every slut character are always worst girls

Its true though, Asuka is a menstruating, impure and unlikable slut. Fans had to rewrite her character in order for people to like her, such as in doujinshi.






As long as megumins not in there its fine

>Misato competing with Asuka for Kaji
Some fantasy right there.


Her name is Nina "Einstein". She created the Geass-world equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

Why am I just now realizing this?

That's a very good question, user.


Kaji said he's wait for Asuka, he will marry her some day.

why does such thread exist?

To incite mindless arguments.

did anyone ever actually like this bitch

legit dickhead thread tho

Because horrible girls exist.

Just sage and move on, friend. Nothing else you can do.

can't argue with that


Nina was a crazy shithead.
Even when she got cleaned up by the rich dude she still continued to spaz out every two minutes.


Kill yourself cuckold


you take that back

But its so beautiful and progressive!

fuck you take Fran off that chart

OP you would need to post the entire female cast for that shit show of a shitty show.

Wait does ever single monster girl include that Swat team? Because those girls were kinda cool.

>dumb whore
I will fucking cut you

This scene kind of scared me, like the way she reacted was just...I don't even know. Like the way she stretched her face and shit. I thought she was going to commit suicide after hearing the news.

I wish she did commit suicide.

>Naru Narusegawa
This user speaks the fucking truth

Nothing to see here, folks, move along

>Seras Victoria

not gonna bother finding a pic but that slut teacher from scum's wish. she doesn't fucking deserve to be happy

You don't have to be a reifag to see Asuka is worst girl and worships the biggest cock around like 3DPD.

Nina was always stupidly overblown even for a stupidly overblown show.

>wants to die rather than being with you
I don't blame her.

>Closet pervert
>Drunkard that can't kiss you without piercing your skull.
Looks like you're reaching a little too far with these two

I'm not an Asukafag. (I'm not a Reifag either - Evangelion is shit, deal with it.)
But aren't you going a bit too hard? At least it isn't all about "MUH BIG BREASTS".

How so? Asuka is garbage.

Surprised Miho is on here, she hardly gets talked about.

Your waifu

But what if I'm not white?

Who is the hot oni chick?

>has Saki and Rion but no Shoko
Sup Forums confirmed shit taste


whos the formaldehyde chick?

This. That’s why Rin who is a pervert is shit.

Just when I forgot about this bitch...
Worst girl for sure. Anyone who would even dare to be a fan of this character needs to get checked out.

After Nina finds out she's always either making a face like that and immediately trying to murder someone to avenge Euphemia or she's pretending to have some chill while actually working on her giant project to kill everyone.

Psycho bitch is shit tier.

Table raper.

Better character than Lelouch

(((Einstein))) create nuclear bomb not stole the idea from someone else that very good of you goy kun.

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

>Slander Hypocrite Hater Faggot

>implying dumbass girls can't be cute

But all the beautiful and busty anime girls need to be properly satisfied!

muh friends girl is worse

fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot

fuck off back to Sup Forums retard

>not a single girl from my favorite show is on there

Feels good.

This bitch left the MC of the series for some shitty edgelord looking faggot. Smh.

>Yuuko Kanoe and Tsukuyomi Mana being shit waifus.

Jesus it hurts to see you don't even realize you're so wrong. Also when the hell has Tsukuyomi ever "munched on shit", I don't remember this at all in Muv luv.

How in the world nobody has yet mentioned her?

I see 9 best girls and a lot of trash.

How about you go back soy-kun.

Incinerate yourself you faggot

meant for


what was she even doing?

She was wiping the table. With her vagina.


>never happened
it hurts

Whats wrong with Incest?



>Selfish vulgar zombie

You take that back right now


I watched S2 like 2 months ago and still dont understand it

That is gabriel
miku > shit > kurumi