Post honest girls
Post honest girls
you first
What the hell is going on with the quality of that scan?
I just wish literature girl can get revenge for this other honest girl
It took her something like five years to confess after meeting the guy again
Don't put this shit girl anywhere near Fumino
>that ugly ass cel shading
what has happened to anime?
it looks like a 2003 ps2 game
They made it in MMD.
>Age gap Drama Horror Lolicon Mystery School girl Yandere Yuri
She's honest with everybody but herself ;_;
I mean, it's pretty clear that Fumino has her roots in "an Onodera done right." Tsutsui was always an Onoderafag, and it's hard to ignore the similarities in character design.
I'm in love with Fumino.
Axe soon friends.
good luck topping this
Hate to break it to you, but have you seen the most recent SJ rankings?
>SJ rankings
Mostly made up by the editors.
as much as I love /lit/ calling a tsundere "honest" is a bit of a stretch.
I wouldn't really call her a tsun.
Yeah, sensei is the tsundere.
/lit/ is honest. Blunt even.
best girl ever
Who's this fair maiden?
The honestest
>New mod is totally comin guise
>/q/ will not bring nurutard in Sup Forums guise
>Sup Forums is totally not a jew site guise, also buy Sup Forums gold vip pass pls
The little girl we need, but not the one we deserve
Was a perfect scene.
unironically hate this bitch
dude alcohol lmao
This was the stupidest garbage I've read this month
Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan
You are pretty autistic, maggot user
lmao alright at least I've got a good laugh
I want to rape and kill botan!