So a lady gets off her bike and walks across a crosswalk and a "driverless" uber car with a transvestite mexican felon behind the wheel runs her down and kills her.
Take a little time and think about how fucking retarded the government is to allow this shit that nobody needs or wants. This is their "progress".
Congress rushed a bill through to allow this.
This is what we pay taxes for.
They spent billions I am sure to design these cars and they didnt take into account pedestrians? This is how fucking corrupt the government is.
the article explicitly stated she WASN'T in the crosswalk
guarantee she stepped out in front of the car too quick for a person to react
Joshua Miller
Is it true that Darth Vader would often go on extreme anti-semetic rants when Emperor Palpatine wasn't around?
Asher Gray
What I dont get is why, on the first public run of this billion dollar product, did they put an unqualified felon behind the wheel?
Brody Bell
But a person would be able to see that there was a person looking like they were about to cross the street and either slow down, or move over a lane. The computers can't think in this predictive way like a person can.
Gavin Jones
In CA driver must yield to pedestrians.
Justin Reyes
transgender spic runs over homeless drug addict wh*oid the absolute state of my beloved country
Nicholas Bell
Great, my id is basically asspol
Michael Allen
AI driven cars will be safer than Human drivers cars you brainlet, thats a fact.
Elijah Foster
With driverless cars there's going to be a lot of pedestrian death. Walkers depend WAY too much on drivers seeing them and reacting to their bullshit. Robots don't. They'll just plow you down. I could care less. Assholes need to get the fuck out of the street.
Asher Nguyen
>Take a little time and think about how fucking retarded the government is to allow this shit that nobody needs or wants. Suck a fat dick, boomer.
Luis Foster
she was also a jew.
Asher Butler
KEK, imagine this woman in the moments of death and her god shows her the whole chain that led to this demented cannonball absolutely wrecking her shit.
Juan Garcia
sure they can, they can do it better in fact and faster
Jason Nguyen
This. The police even said that even if someone had been driving they wouldn’t have been able to react since the person stepped into the street from a shadowy area. I bet she was wearing dark clothes at night, too busy looking at her phone to actually look both ways
Dylan Harris
>use a crosswalk or die -t. the US Government land of the free, amirite lads?
Gavin Edwards
Obviously not, cretin.
Jeremiah Peterson
>-t. Shlomo Bernstain, chief legal counsel to Uber
Eli Perez
do you even know what this thread is about ya fucking blockhead?
William Thompson
>America >makes all these laws >that no one follows or enforces >surprised when bad stuff happens
>in the time it took to carck that roastie, scores of others died in road accidents >ITT: Luddites 3.0
It's inevitable, Mr. Goyimsons. You're all looking for a deus ex machina from the sky, when it's already right here -- in the very devices you use to surrogate sperg your autism with...
Actually uber is well known to have the shittiest tech out of all attempting this
Ian Perry
>better reaction time than a human means no accidents ever
Juan Reed
This is good. Every death will only make self driving cars safer. Autonomous cars are the future even if you retards can't see it. If you love being primitive so much go back to Africa.
Robert Jackson
police know where their checks are coming from, right? don't bite the hand that feeds you
Woman driver, woman walking. Can this story get any better?
Judging by the video I don't think a human driver could have avoided it though. It was dark, between street lights. I thought the cars could see in the dark well though. Maybe the infrared/radar is having trouble at night or it was enough of a grade.
Adrian Martinez
vader hated palpetine
i cant be expected to read the article and so what, things jump out in front of cars you cant just mow them down, ive been driving over 30 years i havent ever hit anyone
they put a mexican trnasvestite felon there because no one wants anything to do with this shit
The fact is its a retarded idea that no one wants
Its not safe, it wont ever be safe its a fucking retarded idea, everything is for our safety and then they pull this shit, any retard could tell this was going to happen
Human eyes don’t work the same as a camera, you likely would have seen her well enough.
That said the cyclists was pretty fucking retarded. She HAD to see the headlights of the car and chose to cross no only away from a crosswalk, but so close yet so far to the convenient streetlights.
Dominic Lewis
fuck you nigger, so you are saying its just a coincidence its a driverless car with a transvestite mexican felon
just like it was a coincidence when that transvestite jenner killed that person
maybe people crazy enough to dress like women shouldnt be driving cars?
and better yet not driving automatic cars,I guess you want people getting killed
It was a "supervisor driver" meant to take over in case of shit like this to be exact.
In place tranny Mexican just watches it like a deer in the headlights.
Carson Hernandez
Have you watched the video? Didn’t think so. Hang yourself next to the trannys you obsess over
Wyatt Miller
+1 humanity has failed you, you think technology is just as adequate... you can operate on a higher level user. higher then any a.i. but most lack the proper training, so I don't blame you.
Parker Rogers
>you likely would have seen her well enough.
It is just too hard to tell from that video. Only thing we can say is she was too far from the street lights and it was hard to see her. Whether the driver would have saw her is unsure, but the driver kept looking at the console, which is dumb as fuck that Uber allows that or designs it so they have to.