Black Egypt

Why does a "black" egypyt trigger people so much. Why do they even care?

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because it is revisionist history.
if we give them an inch they will take a mile.
there was a brief dynasty of black rulers in egypt that lasted for ~100 years.
this dynasty was long after the collapse of classical egyptian civilization when all of the major advancements were made and all the monuments were built.
the only contributions of the nubian empire were a few obelisks.
the only way we can heal as a country is if we quit fucking lying and hold accountable those that do.
you have 2 choices: healing and growth, or divisive lies and death.
personally i choose to have a future

because it's wrong
shit thread

Egypt had the most slaves in its history under black leadership

But why should anybody care? Romanians larp as Romans, nobody cares, Basically all Europeans larp as Romans, nobody cares. Some west african peoples claim through their oral histories that they came from Egypt, nobody gives them shit about it. But a small minority of Americans feel a connection with ancient Egypt or african civs as a whole, if even just on an aesthetic level, and everyone loses thier shit.

because egyptians still exist and they don't like it either

Because jewsuse it as a tool to fool nogs into thinking theyre anything more than feral apes

Cuz the historical record tells us otherwise
Cuz DNA tests tell us otherwise

Can’t even be proud of actual Nubian heritage, you have to try and steal Egypt’s instead.

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Because its cultrual appropriation. Niggers didnt do a goddamn thing besides live in mud huts and chuck spears. And of you look at Africa today, not a lot has changed.

because the people who believe that lead the right to be worshipped as kings and queens from that

>Romanians larp as Romans, nobody cares
>nobody cares

Modern indigenous Egyptians, not the Greeks and arabs that live in the Delta, are "black" even if they don't identify as such because of african ID politics, and American propaganda.

>if you make fun of niggers pretending they were Egyptians, you're triggered! u mad!

No it doesn't

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>romanians larps as romans
Ditch the crack

>look, this afrocentrist revisionist site says I'm right about afrocentrist revisionism
Fuck, you're right. This changes everything.


your existence has been disregarded

learn english

Jaffa kree !

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People trying to steal history is cringey. But this argument has gone on long enough that I don't care anymore. They can have it if they want. I really don't care.

Uneducated people automatically assume anything in Africa = black which is obviously not true and historically the horn of africa has not been black anyway. The nubian neighbors of Egypt were enemies and were depicted differently than Egyptians. Could go on about inconsistencies but it doens't matter cuz kangz n shit.

you give them a inch and they'll take a mile

What would have separated them to make them truly distinct peoples. There were probably differences between lower and upper Egyptians, just like thier differences between people of the US north and south, but there is no natural barrier that would have separated them.

Pic related the pitch black people are probably not "Nubians" they are most likely niolites seeing as niolites look exactly the same to this day.


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We wuz Kangz n shiiieeet user.

>being in North Africa makes you black despite the geographical constraints and genetic differences
Amerimutt education

Hey kang why do you think sub-Saharan is a genetic distinction to begin with? What do you think sub-Saharan means?

Nice source you have here, faggot

because its wrong. not on a "they were more white than brown so we get them as ancestors!" kind of way, but they werent ooga booga niggers thats just a fact. niggers have never produced anything on par with ancient egyptian civilization, even today in Africa. Pretending they have isn't going to make them smart and make the problems go away. We need to find a real solution

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It's a dichotomy made up to separate and oversimplify africa. It's a reduced version of "africa" because for some reason white people love to bash jungle people on the african continent. It would be like splitting Europe into sub-alpine, and North so it is easier to make fun of germanic people about being backward until the Jews showed up and civilized them.

Arabs are highly great at math. Semitic people are the only ones I can view as kangz instead of blacks.

What do you mean with "black", negroid perhaps? Indigenous egyptians were the ones that built ancient egypt and they were europoid (similar to modern day arabs), they don't exist anymore because Greeks and Arabs wiped them out

But jungle Africans are not the definers of "black" people any more than amazonians are the definers of South Americans or gypsies the definers of "white".

"feeling" a connection, and there being an actual connection are different things.
facts matter.
if black people want a civilization to be proud of why don't they look to the songhai empire, or the zulu empire?
both were impressive and 100% pure black african.
did you see black panther? it draws influences from both of those great cultures.
but no, instead of dealing in facts you leftists would rather peddle lies until everything is some quasi bullshit relativistic fuckfest where nothing matters.
fuck you

Because if being factually inaccurate wasn't offensive enough, niggers try to use it as justification to act however the hell they want. There's a sense of cultural entitlement associated with the achievements of egyptians, and they cling to it because it one of the oldest and most reputable civilizations.

>white people made up genetics to artificially separate Africans
Woke af.

Not all blacks have exaggerated negroid features, many if not most are actually part of hybrid ethnic groups. Like blacks in America are black white and native, blacks in the Sahara are black and berber, blacks in the sudan and Egypt are black and arab etc.

The differences between Northern and Southern U.S. have to do with slavery and specific U.S. history. So I don't really see a parallel there. We know a few hard truths about ancient Egypt today and they are not politically correct. Zahi Hawass has been involved in a lot of pharaoh genetic testing and won't release the results because he fears it would cause violence. So obviously this tells me he isn't afraid of white people being violent over something as trivial as this. He is afraid black people will be. This is the first clue that the ruling class of ancient Egypt (kemet) is not black. Second clue is that we did 3D reconstructions of King Tut and he is not black. We know there was not any bias in these reconstructions because one of them was blind and matched the others. Third clue is pic related. I'm not even we wuzzing because this means nothing to me. It's just that black people claiming they were some kind of egyptian royalty is categorically wrong.

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>Why do they even care?

I'm Indian and I'll tell you my perspective on this shit:

People, especially white people, love to think they are special and don't like it when others, like black people, claim to be from a civilization that was more advanced than them at one point. It hurts them, even though it makes no fucking difference.

So, I'm Indian, supposedly one of the first 4 areas to develop civilization. I don't give two fucks about what my supposed ancestors did or did not do. I don't feel proud and I don't feel shame. I simply read something about them and go about my day. White people, on the other hand, constantly need to tell themselves that they are connected to Greeks and other some shit and so when black people come along and say, "WE WUZ KAAAAANGZ", it secretly hurts white people, because it hurts their narrative (being superior to all other races, especially black people).

That's pretty much it. For all white people know, they aren't even the ancestry they think they are. Same with me. I could be Persian/Arab or god knows wtf else. The part of India I am from was CONSTANTLY being invaded (North West), same with Europe. I still find it funny how white people feel good about themselves by connecting themselves to Ancient Greece or Rome. It's sad, really.

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That was a Nubian dynasty, who have nothing in common from West Africans aside for comparable melanin levels anyway.

Because it's a lie. Destroying lies and liars, and pursuing truth, is one of the most important things in life.

e1 isa north african haplogroup. like the berbers

Because the only reason history is being rewritten to include niggers is "muh diversity". the Pharaohs were white. Roman Britain was white. France was white.

Niggers played no role in creating Mediterranean or European culture and civilization. They are appropriating our history to service their (((Globalist))) agenda.

The Frankfurt School, the leading communist think tank on earth, has advocated "diversity" for 100 years so as to destroy the nations of the West, and thus Western nationalism, in an effort to bring about a one-world government. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Not one inch of ground can be given. Niggers were and are scum, good for nothing, creators of nothing. They did not rule Brittain, or Egypt, or France, or anywhere else. When they did, they did so by invasion, and were eventually thrown out. Not one bit of falsehood can be tolerated in teh service of diversity.

Black people do acknowledge those civilizations, but it is only when blacks look at Egypt and nile people as a whole, do they get alot of shit about it. Many african civilizations were very primitive, but not all. It seems like the white collective has used the most primitive and backward example of blackness to create a caricature of blackness that they have a vested interest in using to define "black", and want black people to identify with only that caricature, while on the flip side imposing one drop purity spiraling so that "black" in America looks like everything from Mariah Carey to Wesley snipes. It's mixed signals and I could see how it could be confusing.

who else is black besides africans? aboriginals are aboriginal, turks are turks. If you're implying that there is a difference between the monkies in the north and the monkies in the south, the only possible distinction to be made is between the regular negroids and their pygmy food supply. They all lack the capacity for higher civilized thought, and are prone to violent outbursts and antisocial behaviors. There's a reason they call American cities "jungles."

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Yes, it's clearly the white man's fault yet again.
>until the Jews showed up and civilized them
Man you don't even try to blend in anymore do you.

Ignoring all of that though. Do you think that the big fuck off wall of sand might have hindered travel between the two groups for a long enough time for the two to become distinct. I'm not gonna touch the Europe comment though that one is good enough on it's own.

Yeah, this hits nails on their heads.

>it secretly hurts white people, because it hurts their narrative
Because what they claim is inaccurate and fucking retarded you brain dead poo.

Because it's just a taste of what will happen if niggers are allowed to take over. All history will be erased and replaced with lies. It's the same thing that is now happening in South Africa with their Kangz. Whites are the sole keepers of history in this exchange and the truth will die with us.

the fact that you have a leaf flag means you abandoned your country and your heritage so i'm not surprised that you have no concept of ancestral pride.
Ancient indian civilization was amazing, and way more advanced than european civilization for most of history.
you should be proud of that fact because it means you are connected to great people who did great things, and that same potential for greatness exists within you too.
I don't "take credit" for the accomplishments of my ancestors.
I see their accomplishments as a bar to be raised.
I am proud of my people's history and seek to preserve our traditions and add to their great legacy.
>inb4 mutt memes
not an argument.
I hate my ancestors for abandoning their homeland, but I am proud of the accomplishments they made after they left.
I can't change my DNA, but i can strive to live up to the standards of my family that came before me

Hawass won't come out and release results, but he has said that no, ancient Egyptians were not black, and black Americans should just stop...

The genetics are not sound and have a ton of flaws in thier scientific method foundation, that allow the covert entrance be of race science, it is probably done on purpose.

This does a good job of explaining what's wrong with the German based "research" and how it I presented.

>Uneducated people automatically assume anything in Africa = black

It's the same when people think "Greeks/Romans = European, European = White, ergo, Greeks/Romans = White".

White people do this on a regular fucking basis. I've heard white people say ancient Egyptians, Indians and others were also white. It's just as retarded, but Sup Forums goes with it.

Why get butthurt over one and not the other?

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>Black people do acknowledge those civilizations, but it is only when blacks look at Egypt and nile people as a whole, do they get alot of shit about it
because they are attempting to claim a connection to a culture that they in fact have no connection to.
what part of this are you having difficulty understanding?


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Sound analysis. I suspect the same.

always a LEAF

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that is my entire point, thank you

This is pretty close to one of the stupidest things said in the thread. The reality is that Greeks and Italians are descended from ancient Greek and Roman cultures. This fantasy you have of some kind of mass replacement in the last couple of millennia is ridiculous, you will find yourself completely unable to support it, and we both know it. Reflect on your failures and do better.
2017, German scientists checked the DNA of 90 Egyptian mummies from 1400 - 400 BC by their bones and teeth and they found out that the race belonged to the middle east area. No African DNA, no European DNA. Even though Egypt was occupied several times, no mixing took place.

The nile traverses the desert, which itself used to be much cheaper smaller.

But Africans don't do This, only African Americans.

The real issue is the identification of African Americans as Africans when even those on that continent disown them. The reason issues like these come up is that American culture, much like it's military, are the most dominant, projecting, And influential in the world.

>it'd be disastrous if some outsiders figured out how to use money and power to infiltrate that system and twist it to their own jewi... fiendish ends

I'm just here for the we wuz kangs memes
*sucks teeth and picks afro*

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I have no interest in nigger propaganda, honestly.
>the genetics are flawed, I can totes explain how
No, you can't. Your link doesn't. I know you think it does, but that's because you can't into genetics.

no shit dumbass, you know where it goes? Nubia, whom the egyptians warred with for centuries, hence inhibiting travel

Brits have nothing to do with Russians, but they are all "white" right? Same concept.

>white people say that they're related to their ancestors
>this is absurd!
The mental gymnastics necessary to completely forget how babby is made astounds me.

Rome is in Italy retard. They literally were Romans.

>b-b-but Tarantino said t-

Kill yourself

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Okay now you're just fucking with me

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This has been debunked. Why do germans love pushing "race science"? It fucks up thier credibility.

OP is on to something here. white people need to abandon this pan-european identity and get back to their ACTUAL white roots.

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Alot of west african oral histories like the Fulani sat they came from Egypt, but only Americans get shit about this.

Except it's not, you're just historically, genetically and linguistically ignorant as all fuck. Brits and Russians both descend from common ancestors far more recently than ancient Egyptians and, say, Ghanaians.

It's funny because every genetist will say to you that italians DNA is almost exactly the same of the ancient romans, apart from a small percentage that varies according to which zone of Italy you're taking in consideration (no more than 3% though)

Where were was my article wrong?

It doesn't go to the south, it comes from the south.

Why would any one be triggered? It's comedy gold.

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You do realize Africa spans past the tropic of cancer, the equator, Capricorn and is roughly the surface area of the moon don't you? We're talking about a continent that can fit China, India, the contiguous US and most of Europe within it. It's not at all like
>splitting Europe

>still find it funny how white people feel good about themselves by connecting themselves to Ancient Greece or Rome. It's sad, really.
i feel good about myself because at least my people can connect to toilets, something you shit colored goblins cant seem to do

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LMFAO, you is funny bro

I cant help but feel this is the result of an inferiority complex

>The reality is that Greeks and Italians are descended from ancient Greek and Roman cultures.

Okay, sure. I don't fucking doubt what you say. However, I find it retarded that a person from Scandinavian countries, Britain or Russia thinks that they are connected to ancient Rome or Greece. They aren't.

I never claimed there was a great replacement. However, unless you are Greek, which was occupied by the Turks (Arabs) for hundreds of years, or Italian (Sicily was also Arab), I don't see how you could feel that you are a descendant of these civilizations.

Yeah, no. Ancient Indians or Egyptians weren't "White" the way you think they were. lol You think the sandy dunes of Egypt would have blond haired, blue eyed people to walk around and not have evolution select against them?

Evolutionary biology says otherwise, bucko.

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Egypt was the greatest civilization we have substantial remains of
Greece and Rome were birdshit compared to Egypt
You must be a shitskin to fail to understand the identity issue here


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I am not talking about the people that live in Italy or Greece right now. I am talking about Nothern and Central Europeans wanting to feel special, just like black people, by connecting themselves to an ancient civilization.

I don't doubt you have ancestry that goes back to ancient Rome.

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>Why do people get pissed when the ass end of the human race tries to edit history to ease their massive, and justified, inferiority complex?
Gee OP I don't know

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Of course Egyptians weren't white, but the shit black people claim over Ancient Egypt is the most delusional shit I've ever read, far more delusional than white people claim. They literally think Egyptians were black because they think name of the Egyptians, which means land of black, means the people when it actually meant the black soil of the Nile. Everytime people try and refute their failed arguments, they always resort to citing retarded Afrocentrists and just shitpost with shitty memes.

Afrocentrists aren't despised because they somehow trigger white people. They are despised because they have no idea what in the actual sensible fuck they are talking about. Trying to even discuss Ancient Egypt, my own favorite subject, is such a god damn disgrace because all I hear now is how everyone was black or how this one Pharaoh was white. There is no forethought brought into the field, it's just cancerous shitposting and race baiting.

Until you present a DNA test proving mummies had black DNA, your argument is invalid and inferior.

it was the prototype mutt society
dog bless

Retarded snownigger. Italians back then were the same as they are now. Majority dark hair and eyes with a small chance of blondism. They weren't Nordics.

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Modern day Germans have nothing to do with Ancient Romans, yet you have idiots there who claim that they descend from Ancient Roman culture when in fact, Ancient Romans saw their German contemporaries as prime slave material.

Nordic looking Italians are the descendants of the germanic slave girls the romans had fun with.

That site is pulling your fucking leg, nigger.

You know, shitting outside, even on the streets, takes more self-control than you folks. I mean, even animals know to go somewhere when they need to take shit and not just shit themselves.
So, please... You should literally be the last to speak.

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Because is false, and lies are the worse thing in the universe

>White people do this on a regular fucking basis. I've heard white people say ancient Egyptians, Indians and others were also white.
Because (((they))) have redefined "white" to mean "Caucasian".

This nigger is woke af

>what is the roman catholic church

>what is the holy see

>what is the Holy Roman Empire (2nd reich)

now fuck you nigger i win a camaro

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Hitler's white aryan pure euro ancestor genetics ran Egypt for all the Millenia

why do you care?

Because they try to make it seem like they were the cause of Egypt's advances when in reality they were the last rulers of Egypt, had the shortest rule of all rulers of Egypt, and putting that all together, that means they caused the fall of Egypt.
You would get upset too if you knew this and saw them try to pull this blackwashing garbage.

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