Defend this

Defend this

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literally dindu nuffin

cops are zog stooges.

> after confusing his phone for a weapon
No one is perfect. The same people calling for the cops' head are silent when it comes to female bridge collapsers

pig lynching when?
I'll bring the potato salad.

>No one is perfect.
the cops wanted him dead the second they shot him in his own backyard

> smashed a bunch of car windows
> ran from a police helicopter
> jumped a fence
> bolted out from the bushes and pointed an object at the half dozen officers chasing him

I suggest we solve this by granting all African Americans safe haven in Liberia


It shows that American severely need to reform their policing to something similar to that of Britain. They don't have their police equipped with pistols, and you can see the drastic amount of gun related deaths caused by police through sheer negligence. It's the same where American police should do that too.

There is footage from a bodycam and a helicopter. He acts really weird, runs from the police, ignores the orders and points something at the officers in the dark.
Dindu nuffin alright.

>Defend this
Niggers have a repuation of being so violent that when you encounter one in the wild, it's foolish not to become alert and prepared for an armed confrontation.

It isn't that law enforcement is acting unreasonable. It's that niggers have a horrible reputation that has been earned.

Nigger shouldn't have been out burglarizing vehicles. I hate thieves.

nigguh wanna play, nigguh gonna get played

sux when u look like a criminal...

Fax mah nigga

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>the cops wanted him dead when they started shooting at him
That’s how it works you fucking nigger fag. Go suck your dad’s dick and kys, you stupid fucking mutt.

Ask yourself why don't they report whites getting shot when unarmed? It happens more often than it does to blacks.

>Get reports for smashed windows
>Too fat from donuts to look for anyone
>Just bust into someones yard and shoot some random

Pigs protect other pigs no matter who they shoot

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Stupid cops shooting a black man in current year +3 don't they know now they should never confront a black suspect at all especially in California. Hope they have fun with their lives being ruined

>defend nigger
Nice try OP. Only criticism of the cops is they didn't double tap.


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>koolaid removed

Seems like everything went according to plan

really nigga?

Niggers in Sacramento are absolute trash, worse than SF or LA. The only place they are worse in CA is Fresno then Oakland.
Sacramento is gentrifying out these Blacks, and soon they'll all be gone, cops are just taking out the trash.

If provoked an adult gorilla has the strength of over ten full sized adult males.For safety reasons it is better to get out of their way or to shoot them before they have a chance to use their strength against you.


He shouldn't have been carrying his phone in a gun-shaped case.


its okay to shoot niggers.

>liberals want this
>liberals want to take guns out the hands of the citizen and place all security into hands of the police
>once enough niggers are blasted, the liberals will swoop in and ask for their votes in order to combat police brutality

Malcom X was right.

I will once I see the body cam footage

Another dead nigger? Fantastic. Only a few dozen million more to go.

Watching some of the body cam footage and hearing the 911 call, dude the police may have been quick to trigger, but they weren't wrong. If this goes to court I don't think they'll be found guilty of anything.

Dindu here acted in the worst possible way. Look, if dindus want to stop getting shot, they need to start listening to the cops for fucks sake.

Any one who thinks the police are BASED!!! Needs to have a boot shoved up their ass.
They will literally reject you if you are too intelligent

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one less shitskin.

>Show me your hands!

Smacks lips
Ayo fuck you pig. Dis here my hood.
I finna...

Boom boom boom

/thread. Another dindu without the mental capacity to follow orders from armed police. Nothing of value was lost here, carry on

Here's the video, he deserved it.

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It's not even human. Putting down dangerous animals is a traditional part of law enforcement.