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You got to much population anyway...
Actually, with below 30% you wont get communism
no, thats GEA a biased poll for neoliberals, if even that now accepts amlo is up that tells you something
another one
Well, the only change will be the "commie" part..
they already are
it cant be that bad
chingas a tu madre prianista de mierda, viva el Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
We're going to need more walls
yo amo al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva el Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
Why do you fucking spics never learn how poisonous that ideology is. Fucking hell
>you lived long enough to kill commie beaners like our brothers in SA
wait for me papa hitler, Im coming home.
mi religión es el Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Napoleón Gómez Urrutia
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Yeikol Polensky
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Claudia Sheinbaum la asesina de Tlalpan
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Carlos Imaz y el Profesor René Bejarano
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Dolores Padierna
now i get what you are doing
come on, it cant be that bad
even then, i would relax my anus, if GEA (OPs pic) bends the knee he already won
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Marcelo Hembriard
Well, the current president has done a lot of Social Programs.
wtf is it with spics and socialism? Churchill may have been a kike stooge, but his quote about socialists trying to lift themselves to prosperity with their bootlaces is legit.
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
viva Elba Esther Gordillo
I wish you the best so that all your eses will go back to you
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
vivan las encuestas cuando nos dan la victoria, mueran los conteos distritales cuando nos dan la derrota!
>You got to much population anyway...
Don't you, of all people, know what that means?
That means they're gonna fucking come here with their communist ideas to save themselves after their country fucking collapses.
PT = Partido dos Trabalhadores? Igual ao Brasil? Comunistas?
vivan los que apoyan al Licenciado Andres Manuel López Obrador!!!
vivan los banqueros que apoyan a AMLOve
gea is different, its the voice of the stablishment, so, relax your anus m8, or the pain will be stronger
Manuelovic what is he some Croat, Serb?
Is the blue /ourguy/?
andres manuel lopez obrador
its banter, mcmaster suggested he was backed by russians, so here we are
no, he is merkel tier conservative
also a soyboy
El que se va a tener que relajar eres tu putitoo por que te vamos a chingar como cada 6 años:
Poco a poco van a confrontar a tu pejendejo y poco a poco va a verse el intolerante animal que es, y vas a ver como tus enquestitas se vuelven encuestotas de la mafia del poder:
panico putito, panico,
cuando este teatero se acabe no vas a ver ni por donde te chingamos, como cuando te chingamos en el estado de México apenas el año pasado. Donde esta tu maistirta delfina?
we're DOOMED
I find it weird he keeps "moderating" his stances when he has been in the lead for over a year in polling even before then.
Is he trying to be a stealth commie by getting a bigger mandate than going nuts or is he so hungry for power he's jettisoning positions?
i can taste the salt
like if it wasnt clear who is peña supporting from the shadows with the pgr shit
or the ine, acepting margarita
Nothing can be worse than what you already have.
There gonna fix mexico's obesity problem
puedes sentir la sal? cómo si todavía no ganas
deja me relajo viendo este video:
>deja me relajo viendo este video:
"AMLO gana"
>Mexico will become a [...] shithole
Lamento mucho que te vayamos a escamotear el resultado electoral:
Luisita Alcalde no va a ser la secregata del trabajo...
I cant wait for the chairos to get exactly what they think they want, only to regret it once they realize peje is nothing but OLD PRI
dude was literally Salinas' buddy in the 90s
think for a moment about that
so nothing's changed then?
El presidente "legítimo" de México:
Amlo will be assassaination this weekend.
>Amlo will be assassaination
I'm gonna go try playing crisis in the kremlin remake again and start funds in Mexico, just to see if it works
Mexico should have been a Spanish or French-ruled theocratic authoritarian agrarian reformed state.
Does that mean you will have no tax? Oh are a moron that doesn't knows what Communism is. First learn to stay in your country before you talk about Mexico.
we need some walls
I least it won't be an anarchic shithole, but you're trading your current good and bad if that's true.
someone redpill me on Mexico's elections. who is our guy?
>Mexico becomes communist
>Mexicans can't leave and pollute the US
>No wall needed
Bite the bullet Jose.
inb4 you all start starving because the government now controls 100% of the countries money and the food goes rotten, but you seized the means of production
worth it
Can Mexico even become a bigger shit hole than it already is? It's going to be pretty impressive when the Mexican Commie government turns the country into an even worse shit hole, and they become Venezuela 2.0.
We need that wall faster...
Fact, the Mexico Vicente Guerrero and Morelos fought for never materialized until now.
Can you imagine how advanced Mexico would be had it remained a colony of Spain?They woukd have a stable economy , protection from europe , a community that is not hellbent on killing you etc.
You squandered it all away for "freedom" ,the story of mexico will always go down as what happens when you invade a country and naively decide to let the native population live.
oh noes, evrybody will try to escape! we better build a wall!!
oh, that's right...
Mexico wold of Still had the states it lost, and slavery would still be legal.
Seeing Franco have to deal with Mexicans would be pretty funny.
sometimes things need to get as bad as possible before they can start to improve
Your sacrifice is much appreciated.
It will help further the removal of the unwanted
A Colony of spain!?
No, a Mexican Empire under the Hasburg family backed by no other than Napoleon III.
Theres a reason why you fags backed the indian Benito Juarez to overthrow the crown and instate a republic.
Fear of an European backed american potency when you already had a bad time with half of europe or atleast the biggest european powers of said time.
What kind of shithole is it now?
>Give Americans a very good excuse to build the wall even quicker
>implying mexico isn't already a shithole
centrist narco state
We really need a wall.
Get ready to get your villages pillaged for your crops and small businesses. (((Communism)))
Pls dont build the wall id like to see canada invaded.
>March 18, 1938
That was 80 years and three days ago. Give it back spic!
>communism fails like in Venezuela
>literally every single Mexican in the country flees north the the United States
>the Dem President after Trump lets them all in
This is all planned isn't it?
can you stop invading our country then if they are so good
I want to believe that, but how far can it go? When will everyone say "Enough is enough!"?
If Trump ends NAFTA probably the illegals will stop from coming to the US.
It hasn't even begun user. lols
fuck mexico and the mexican people
Nah! Lopez Obrador is not a commie. In fact he is a right-wing man with a facist mind. He hates gays, lesbians, abortion, liberals, He is Catholic. Just look the name of his party: MORENA = La Virgen Morena, la Virgen de Guadalupe. He is a mex/pol/ and I don't know if that is a good thing. He and trump gonna be buddies.
you are more redpilled than most mexipoltards generally are
congratulations to you, you can think outside the box and without prelabels
something like 60% of ALL ad revenue from public broadcasters on radio and tv is from government-paid spots
unlike you, regardless of who is in power, our mass media will shill for it as hard as it can
it was on a telesur interview
telesur doesnt publish anything that isnt pro-maduro propaganda
why give it any importance?
We need that fucking wall. Now.
This is great! Maybe polks american can finally come into existence.
Well good for you guys. It'll be hard for you all to be illegals when we kill you all during the invasion that will happen because we can't have commies on our doorstep. Good way to push people to support the wall too.
You fail to recognize that it's only non-white people who NEED communism.
White people can live without handouts.
Niggers, spics, etc cannot
tl;dr: Communism is good for less fortunate
No. One. Cares. What. Happens. To. Mexico.
The thing is, elections don't count :)