Can someone make a Chad Unabomber vs. Virgin Austinbomber
Can someone make a Chad Unabomber vs. Virgin Austinbomber
wasn't the unabomber an actual virgin though?
Unibomber should namechange to 'Bestbomber'
This new guy needs to be 'Thatotherbomber'
Make it yourself, you lazy piece of shit.
where can I get a gf like that
fucking A
Pls moor?
almost. need the virgin to be the austin bomber
me want that much milk it would be gone in no time.
gotta work at a dairy farm
>tfw you'll be never good at complex analysis as a guy who lived innawoods mailing bombs
>moo moo gf
She looks like chloe moretz in the face.
does that topbutt make brapss too?
I said that! My wife says no. She's fucking crazy or blind, lol.
lol. It was the first thing I noticed. Of course that is not her body style, but her face is very much like hers.
>uses gallon milk jugs to mock her sexual features
I wonder what food she uses to symbolize and mock her vagina.
Kaczynski focused on analysis in graduate school, long before the woods. He likely studied more complex analysis than any of us, so it makes sense you are not as good
>complex analysis having any practical application
Smoked salmon worked over by a meat tenderizer
I never said that it did. Just that the guy isn't as good
you have to go back, pedro
I'm a little tipsy and I didn't read what you or him wrote. I just saw an argument based around complex analysis and wanted to deride it.
I can dig it. Smelly smelly smelly...and a bit icky and slimy.
Tried to fuck one of these once. The bones protrude and hurt quite a bit. Not worth the money desu.
>not deboning your meats before boning your meats
>Someone has to say it....
Nice jugs
She looks just like the trap with the green hair who is always on Sup Forums
the beta bomber
Google's algorithms are mistaking her for a different kike: Lori Beth Denberg.
I know! I tried tinyeye also and could find nothing describing who she was.
kek and check'd
Those are big jugs
i thought he was a diff.eq.s guy though . . guess i should actually dig up his thesis then to check it out
HAHAHA yeah like rotational motion has anything to do with anything important bro . . like "imuhginary" numbers are an integral feature of electrical engineering . . complex stuff is for fags broski yea dude . .
the austin guy had a higher kill per bomb ratio though
It's all about the manifesto. No one remembers the victims.
This, the Austin bomber is going to be some faggy >tfw no gf weeaboo who got mad at the world for being a loser
Virgin false flag psyOP patsey vs. The actual chad mass murderer
Maybe, he was sent to college at 15.
Good why why are the black?
very good
doesn't look white to me
did he really get into harvard at 16?
Throughout high school, Kaczynski was ahead of his classmates academically. Placed in a more advanced math class, he soon mastered the material. He skipped the eleventh grade, and by attending summer school was able to graduate at age 15. He was one of his school's five National Merit finalists, and was encouraged to apply to Harvard College.[16] He began at Harvard with a scholarship in 1958 at the age of 16.[18] A high school classmate later said that Kaczynski was emotionally unprepared: "They packed him up and sent him to Harvard before he was ready ... He didn't even have a driver's license."
t. 5th grade dropout
My man
unabombers politics were pretty fucking juvenile, JR Tolkien felt the same way and he managed to get his point across to far more people without blowing up random engineers. I don't get the admiration or respect some people feel for him, he was lethal because he was smart. However, he wasn't exceptional. He was just the first person that smart to decide to do something so stupid, most other intelligent people would find another way to get their message across to people.
Some people are just wired to ultimately conclude that violence is the best policy. Call it a nigger instinct or lizard-brain if you like.
analysis is arguably the most applicable field of pure mathematics you fucking dork
Color corrected because I can't stand how terrible the colors are in the this pic
kek, get real you autistic twat
He should have been killing Jews.
Thank god. That milk looked disgusting in OP's pic.
It's such an old pic, I don't know why I'm the first to get tired of it and fix the colors
is that leon lol
thanks whitebalancebro i almost did the same
>Chad Unabomber
He was 100000% beta boomber though.
>t. autismbomber
Is taking pride in being a beta male the latest trend? Now they don't even have to try trying at anything, just settle for everything!