Holy shit just saw this on my local news

Holy shit just saw this on my local news

America is starting to get it finally

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i still have no idea what deep state is

is it like deep soy

We need a Deep State General to compile all the fucking shenanigans that happen each day

I'll start. Israel is the deep state and they hacked the election

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Hillary also colluded with Israel

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deep state=glow in the dark CIA niggers

wtf im spopped

Trump is Gurgeh from the book Player of Games

Trump is unironically King David

>what is the deep state
Lifelong unelected govt bureaucrats who have spent the last 50 years quietly expanding their mandate primarily against the interest of the citizens they were intended to serve while simultaneously distancing themselves from executive and legislative oversight
basically glow in the dark cianiggers

>deep state=invisible ashkenazi niggers

Nah. A lot simpler. Israel.

Israel is a hostile foreign state with tendrils in our government but they’re not the deep state

Yes they are.

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The Ashkenazim are the Jewish "secret club" that runs Israel, the Fed, and a lot of other shit, and they are indeed the "deep state".

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Israel is the homeland of the majority of our deep-state/shadow government. They get their marching orders from Israel and the former Saudi oligarchy, even if most of them are US citizens.

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>Israel is e deep state and they hacked the election but still lost anyway


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globalists, european-style socialists, marxists,communists, liberals, hollywood, antifa, the media, social media, or you could just say jews.

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Newsflash, corporations want people always afraid of something. Now it's the deepstate, yesterday it was zombies.

I think the comment Hillary made in a recent interview when asked about Ivanka becoming president said a lot. She was salty as fuck about the question but she said Americans don't want inexperienced politicians like it was some kind of requirement. Last I checked there is no law about experience being required to serve in any office. These people want their own in office and the prospect and possibility of normal Americans being elected into office without previous political experience or any background terrifies (((them))). Trump's election made a lot of people sit up and say "why not me". If more folks from average backgrounds start winning elections into federal level offices, look for a massive happening.

>homo news
>hi im a pollster and do you believe in the deep state?
>why no i dont mr pollster, as you dont remind me of them at all
to think swamp frogs will drain the deep anything is hilarious

By average do you mean the wealthy? Because politicians are wealthy too.

this desu

the guy who leaked stuff about Trump DO NOT CONGRATULATE PUTIN is a deep state goon who in all honesty needs to be hung in front of the White House ASAP.

Will normies be able to handle this revelation? When they find out most of the people who really run the show are Jews. I made my boomer Dad aware of recently and you could see the look on his face as he questioned everything that he thought was true.

Wealthy but middle incomes as well. As long as they have no political experience nor a background in law. All it will take is a hand full to get the ball rolling.

well lets see. for a long time now, many in our government have pushed for policies that will eventually displace the people that built the united states with the people that can't even maintain a civilization on their own. it begs the question 'whose interests are the government serving?' it's almost as if a foreign shadow government has exploited the fault in democracy and used it to infiltrate the system and pass acts that will eventually destroy the country. but that's just crazy talk, right haha. we fight wars with guns and nukes, there's no way enemies would infiltrate our government to attack us haha. peace and love bro, don't even worry about it.


Sauce nigga, not innuendo guessings.

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trumps is anything but average.

>small million dollar loan

Trump is
>The One and Only Donald J Trump

His daddy would be proud.

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My boomer stepdad reacted like yours, so there may be some hope.

>Will normies be able to handle this revelation?
Honestly, no. Most would still deny it in the face of undeniable truth regardless.

Trump was specially suited.

This is epic. Not dumb luck.

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They absolutely play both sides so that no matter the outcome, they still win regardless.

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Agree but I mean his victory inspired the average man. I suspect some will give it a go. Going to be difficult for a lawyer who has never worked to convince blue collar folks to not vote for one of their own.

>people like
>should be removed from society


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You can't win outside of the two party system, and you are not allowed to gain the nomination from either unless you're willing to play ball like every single other president has.

the better question is, and it is seldom asked: is our children learning?

We shall see.

But trump won. Someone will pull it off. A factory worker, a construction guy, some blue collar guy with charisma like Trump will get elected and it will prove you don't need to be a lifelong politician or a lawyer to run this country. After enough gain office is when I foresee a major happening, on the level of a coup.

>is our childre....

I'm guessing not.

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Is deep state the new jew, a scape goat for why they are failures?

>But trump won.
And is owned. Make no mistake.
If he hadn't proved to them he was willing to tow the line he'd have had some kind of (((accident))) along the way. Never forget they've assassinated fucking sitting presidents before.

Trump won because he's a bad motherfucker.
Not because he's a Rural suburban retard.Trump by definition us is not your average Joe.

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Go to sleep asshole

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which is why the media is trying to destroy him right?

wew lad

I said they would have to be charismatic. Of course Joe Slackjaw wouldn't win. But they are smarties lurking with the great unwashed.

Gotta give the left something to focus their hatred & blame for the problems they perceive on other than the government itself.
Same reason Obama was there, to do the same thing for the right. That way you're convinced things will improve once your side gets into power.

Guise like that blow in the dark

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Now that, I could believe

It's essentially a politically correct way of saying Jews.

You can call it white Christian women.

Same behavior same judgment.

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It's why the same side doesn't stay in power for more than two presidential terms.

I'm around scumbags all day.

They come in every flavor.

Well, shit. That's a Seattle news company.... really makes you think.

That's one of the keys to really "getting" that all politicians are the same flavor. They all work on getting the same overall agenda "over" from different angles. Only difference is who they're selling bullshit to.

>Trump is owned
That's why they are attacking him constantly in the media, cianiggers are running for senate, they're trying to take away the 1st amendment, tricked you into giving up the 4th amendment via social media, and trying to take the 2nd amendment away from Trump supporter, aka white people?

this is a shill

You're not seeing the shell game that's happening, or how him getting in was the perfect way to get all of that shit to finally happen, in ways they were unable to before.
Trump being in there quells the anger of the far right enough that there won't be a unified rebellion, enough to cause the outbreak of a second civil war, when they finally start whittling away at the 2nd, slowly turning it into an outright ban.

>KOMO News

Found the seattle user

and then they'll eventually turn all the normal white people into siegeniggers. i hope i still have popcorn and internet when it happens

They are trying to own him. He's resisting as best he could.

"Deepstate" is a buzzword and a distraction from the true (((Deepstate)))

And all he really has to do to convince everyone he isn't a deep state puppet is act like a troll, push a few uber right wing policies that don't truly hurt their agenda in any way, and run off at the mouth on social media in a way you appreciate.

This user gets it.

They need to be purged.
>inb4 who will run the government
Our federal government is inefficient as fuck precisely because these glow in the dark faggots are too busy expanding their turf and covering for each other. Fire them and streamline departments

deep state = facebook + google

Resisting about as hard as he needs to so it looks like he doesn't really want the dick he's spreading his ass cheeks to take in deeper.

yeah, that wall isn't being built yet, and his immigration policies is what he was elected for, i agree with you there. He could be delaying it for two reasons though, Re-election, the most obvious answer, and creating a hostile atmosphere towards illegals so they'll self deport before the walls go up and we forcibly remove them, maybe

A wall can keep you in as much as it can keep them out, ultimately.

if i ever flee america, im going to russia lol

>deep state
>Starting to get it
Holy crap, does this mean Craig Hulet is going manstream?

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Where I'd likely go as well, especially given that Putin just called out the Jew by name.

how come jews are so smart man
i want to be like them


>The Deep State Hiding in Plain Sight | Moyers & Company
> New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government
> Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

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It's just a name for unelected government workers who have influence over things they shouldn't.

the deep staters just happen to be Jews with dual US/Israeli citizenship
pure coincidence

Good news user

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