>Spoilers literally never
>Chapter will be a shit like every week
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Fuck off Clownposters and Vancouver you ruined the last thread.
What would you like to order?
I guess I'll try again. Predictions on how they will get Kaneki out of the centipede? Will they try to crack it open, will they use rc suppressants, will it be a new thing they will learn from Kanou's notes? Is the barefooted figure from a few chapters ago still relevant since they are still underground and probably closer to where Kaneki is/was?
Hide in a pair of tight underwear from Aussiebum.
This arc is basically a copy of the tower arc from Beserk, so expect everyone to gather right as Femtoneki hatches from Dragon.
WHY do you need spoilers? chapter would be shit anyway
I expect V to bring out the big guns and blow up kaneki before he does anymore damage
I still haven't read Berserk but is it THAT arc?
everyone will gather together and cheer on him to come back, so with the power of love and touka's tits he will miraculously regain some sense and let them chop him up like a sausage
Let's all wish for Touka to die in the chaos!
Please! Please Touka Kirishima! Please die! For the sake of everyone, just die already! Please do your best and die
I can see Ishida doing just that with saint tonka, all hope is lost and she goes "Kaneki! it's me! your love!" which stops the dragon in it's place and kaneki plops out of it's mouth unconscious and naked.
If behaving like a god is a sin,
even the act of creating life would be blasphemous. Wouldn’t doing this be mocking the gods?
Wanting to be judged, I entered the prison of my own free will.
I play around with sludge in a silent room.
“So you’ve come back again,”
I was being cursed at with a timbreless voice.
That place was dazzlingly beautiful.
I was starving to death, and then
from when I was gnawing on someone’s body,
that’s right,
from that moment, it all became strange.
There definitely have must have been poison in there.
Only beautiful merely to the eye, and
I don’t want to put anything in my mouth, I don’t want to hear anything.
I don’t want to see anything,
anything at all.
Place myself on a scale, along with the things being sold off,
along with the ripped-apart bodies given away in pieces,
along with playing by peeling off scabs, don’t, don’t.*
Throw away everything you don’t need out the window.
It’s okay if you fall and die.
Until the very end, lend your ears to just the sounds fading away.
Hey, how many things did you get that you wanted?
I will not fuck off.
Someone post the .gif
Muito obrigado, Doutor.
Why the fuck did Ishida her hair color back to black?
>Someone post the .gif
Here you go
Fuck you, Vancouver.
Post the right .gif or no spoilers.
literally for part 1 nostalgia. The in universe explanation was because "she felt like it"
Spoilers in five minutes
>I am Liam
Thanks, doc.
More like 15 hours.
Maybe he wanted to bring back their old dynamic so that sudden sex scene didn't look so sudden?
The series will probably end in 10 chapters.
His ass.
To show that both her and Kaneki like moving backwards. Jk. But yeah, what the other user said, nostalgia.
An unexpected but very much appreciated dose, Doc
spoilers in 5 minutes
>A Rize general
I like the last one better.
Ser Spoilers of house Five Minutes will be here in 5 minutes
Theirs a Vancouver one
Spoilers are out full chapter of Hide fucking Touka
I love Saiko.
it's funny how her character now associated with nothing but porn
What do you expect from SHITouka
preach sister
it's horrible how oversexualized she has become, ugh it makes me sick
It's Sunday 1AM. Where the fuck is everyone? SPOILERS SOON
Touka is pretty terrible so its naturally befitting
>Talker changes her hair back to it's Part 1 style
>Everything ends up going to shit for Goat an arc later
>Akira disappears with Amon, comes back with a similar hair style to Part 1
>Amon will probably go berserk in his Kakuja and Hide's plan will go to shit
Femtoneki.. Dragonamon.. soon..
that's pretty hot
I just now fucking realized Hajime reminds me a lot of Isidro
>Isidro admired Guts
>Amon began preaching about the world is wrong when he saw Hajime in the original
>Is now a edgy Oggai child
I really don't expect him to be dead. If Furuta can survive a blow to the chest by a Dragon tentacle moving at hihg speeds then I'm pretty sure Hajime can survive being stabbed through the head and his face eaten with Rize Kagune, I mean shit Kaneki did it.
>Urie will get a whole sex chapter with Saiko
>He comments on how thicc she is
>She comments on how macho he is
>They end up playing video games together
If this happens I'll forgive Ishida forever.
Are we getting hack again?
patience guys.. spoilers in 5 minutes
It's technically 3 in my time so spoilers in an hour or two.
Quinx were a mistake
Saiko, Urie, Shirazu, and Hsiao are based though. It's just Hige who's basically nonexistent so it doesn't matter, Aura, and Mutsuki who are horrible.
>Kaneki getting beat after be the becoming Femto
>Urie being on his level ever
You need to realize how goofy you sound.
You could blame it on her fans and say that's what they chose to fixate on but the truth is that Ishida hasn't really given them much more. It's funny, though. The same people that defend her to no end and argue that Ishida hasn't ruined her character at all only talk about her and Kaneki's sex life. It's sad.
I don't ship it but that actually sounds kinda cute.
spoiler is out
Based Kimi
That's early! Thanks!
God I wanna tear Kimi a new one
wow Kimi looks pretty hot here
Did Hide take off HIS mask?
>you're not gonna kill us when this is over right
>you're not gonna kill us when this is over right
>CCG and Ghouls working together to stop Kaneki
How dramatic lol why put the masks on in the first place?
>Garbage chapter again
Thanks Ishida
Is Furuta giving commands?
I’m glad you posted this in response to the faggot that stole my meme.
>Garbage chapter
We are JUST getting leaks retard, at least wait 5 minutes
wtf that looks like me, the round face guy behind Ayato
>Obligatory half page of Talker saying some dumb shit
i feel like im reading fairy tail tier shonen
Wtf is furuta doing there?
Where you guys getting the spoilers?
Here we go
yass, the power of love and friendship strikes again!
Shut your whore mouth you dumb cuck.
so Furuta decided to return to the CCG despite all this shit he caused?
Damn Ayato looks pretty hot