ITT: Overrrated garbage only liked because of muh "waifus" or pandering to the Sup Forums audience

ITT: Overrrated garbage only liked because of muh "waifus" or pandering to the Sup Forums audience
tomoko's completely unmemorable friend is pretty though, very big tiddies

the manga is pretty good but the show is unbearable at times

Pic unrelated?

as a friendless loser incel this show is practically a documentary.

all anime and manga that are nothing but waifus
unfortunately that's the entire industry nowadays.

> all anime and manga that are nothing but waifus
unfortunately that's the entire industry nowadays.

Mai Waifu

one can enjoy watamote just fine without contributing to some of the cancerous behavior of the fanbase


It works way better in manga form. She also grows in a pretty realistic way, although slowly.