Reminder Goku never kissed Chichi. NEVER

This. Whoever says otherwise is a complete retard.

Reminder Kefla is cute

so who is his kids real father? vegeta

Babies don't come from kissing, user


SSB Vegetto vs SSBeserker 2 Kefla.

Who wins?

I think people are missing the joke here. Goku is saying that he's surprised that Trunks fed Mai a senzu bean via mouth to mouth/a kiss, and is saying that he's never done that before. Vegeta misunderstands and assumes that Goku has never kissed a woman before even though he's married, and Goku's response is "what does that have to do with this?" in regards to the senzu kiss, not kissing itself. With the way Chi-Chi is madly in love with Goku, there's no way that they haven't kissed before.

Top kek Dragon Ball is such a shitshow

That's because Chichi's a dirty slut who enjoys being treated like trash.

Her stern outward personality is just a front, she enjoys being used to birth Saiyan children and then being left to raise them on her own by an absentee father.

That's why Gohan grew up to be such a colossal faggot.