What's Sup Forums's consensus on the 2003 series?
How well does it compare to the new 2017 series that's currently airing?
How do you personally feel about Kino's Journey in general?
What's Sup Forums's consensus on the 2003 series?
How well does it compare to the new 2017 series that's currently airing?
How do you personally feel about Kino's Journey in general?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums's consensus
Fuck off.
2003 is dreamlike and atmospheric masterpiece.
2017 is generic and soulless garbage.
>What's Sup Forums's consensus
Stop it.
It's an absolute gem, both the old series and the new one.
Well? Answer the questions.
Fuck off and stay off
Fuck off.
I actually went back to watch some 2003 episodes after last week's 2017 episode.
Got blown away by the Kino's backstory episode, and surprised that the Coloseum story was 2 whooping episodes with much more characters and character building for everyone, the king included.
Other than that, it felt quite ... dreamy. More artistic in a way.