Your omurice with béchamel sauce by Maika.
Blend S
>PV when?
Between Tuesday and Wednesday, depending where you live.
Is it sadistic for Maika to NTR me?
NTRing is a natural thing for her at this point.
Ero JD
>That Surprise face.
If she is one of them annoying pieces of shit that ads nya~ to everything she says it's getting dropped.
>Replying to tripfags obvious bait
Shame on you.
This anime was made for me.
Breeding with Kaho.
No, it was made for me.
Is this guy Dino IRL?
why do they keep pairing best girl with worst boy?
They're cute.
faggot likes yuri! thats right down there with feets and scat in terms of GARBAGE.
I thought people here had a vendetta against the yurifags, not yuri itself.
Well l'm not the biggest Sup Forums poster since l come around here when l find a show l like but what that said, yuri is so gosh darn boring. How can you enjoy porn without dicks?
The cancer simply lasted too long.
If I had a girlfriend, I'd love my waifu more.
>omurice with bechamel
but nobody does this
at least make it believable cmon
After enough pussy he'll stop watching yuribait and grow out his yurifag phase, don't worry.
it's not the same without the trombone background music
he hasn't even made his debut yet and I already hate this thing
>expecting newfags to care
Yurifags are men hating shitposters that can't shut up.
Yuri is great, in my opinion.
I can die in peace now
is it just me but they really dumbed Kaho down from the first episodes?
No, she was always a dumb blondhead
Shame. l liked her because despise her role at work she was genuinely a super nice grill.
Can someone post the cap of her sticking her tongue out when she burned it?
>[ ] Rape Kaho
>[ ] Don't rape Kaho
>[x] Genuflect
He's a rabbit, not a cat. Dumb tripfag.
>Raping Kaho
Literally impossible. She wouldnt mind getting the D at any moment of the day.
>Yurifags are men hating shitposters that can't shut up.
This is a good example of a Garden path sentence.
>[x] Receive prostate massage by Mafuyu
God I wish that was me
How do I find a girl like this?
We've gotten to a point where people pretend to be both retarded yurifags and retarded antiyurifags to derail threads and bait for replies. The best thing you can do is either report everyone or plain ignore them, while holding whatever opinion of yuri you have close to your heart.
Oh god that _p2.
he hasn't even made his debut yet and already feels like best character.
Why is she watching TV while naked?
Because she's an adult.
We have been at that point since 2013, and it is still mostly the same people doing it.
I wish this cancer could be eradicated,
Yeah, all that retardation at /u/ is just people pretending.
Bet she howls like a monkey, too.
>that hairline
he is gonna get bald before he reaches 25 and all that kyun kyun kyun shit is not gonna look so pretty then
>bishoujo anime
>has guys but its not harem
No wonder it's flopping. Bishoujo anime can have guys, but all the girls need to be lusting for the just one of them. Any guy that isn't MC must get cucked.
>implying a Mr. Clean ass motherfucker going all doki~kyuun on your omurice wouldn't be the greatest thing
Buddy, you don't even know.
I swear everything is a flop to Sup Forums
There's like 30 tv series that air every season, and at best, 7-9 avoid flopping. In a bad season, you'll be lucky if 3 succeed.
Most things are a flop, and even among the successes very often that 'success' underperforms expectation as it was backed by a big parent company and lots of marketing dollars that it probably won't earn back.
The industry is fickle.
God forbid it doesn't pander and emulate everything else.
It was ruined when guys were even introduced
Woahh, speaking of monkey fuck
Is it really flopping though?
They're both dorks so they work out. He just needs to stop being a yurifag.
I love this scene of the girls using their personalities to make them not buy strawberries. Clever.
Getting castrated by Maika!
croak croak
that bulge
I work at a cancer hospital in 3D and know quite well you're asking too much here.
Five (5) cute facts about Mafuyu:
1. Mafuyu is tiny!
2. Mafuyu is cute!
3. I love her!
4. Mafuyu!
it's kero kero you nigger
>Shhhh Hideri is sleeping
Back to your containment stalker thread.
Pretty sure he just chose to cut his fringes short.
You want to sit on an Italian?
Hideri looks cute in every frame of that part!
Kawaii is justice
Why is she naked?