What race will take over once all the whites are gone, Sup Forums?

What race will take over once all the whites are gone, Sup Forums?

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Chinese and Japs, innovative gods.


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we are not going anywhere wounded but not dead we will survive to fight another day

if you are so worried and comited about whites future come to europe when the last standing is taking place
the eu is about to collapse come here and fight with your europeans brothers

Without white helping them? Total regression. Japan will succeed us.

Chinese and Japanese hapas
La Raza Kawaiica

Asians as they hate niggers

I would be very sad if Aliens came and the "face of humanity" was some niggers living in squalor where nations once stood. Or some inhumane Chinks have taken over. Or some literal savage Poojeets... The most likely is probably Chinamen due to having a good portion of the worlds population, as well as being actually capable of building a successful civilization.

The Japanese are really just... bystanders.

Whites are literally the elves from LoTR, except we're going to mars. If you think Elon Musk is letting any africans on mars you haven't been paying attention.

also, is Sup Forums a god-fearing natsoc board or a selling heroin to kids libertarian board lets decide this once and for all


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Came here to post this. Unlike whites chinks give zero shits about other people, especially niggers

why are all of you so pesimistic yes the situation is bad but not as bad as other times in the european history ,be a man and prepare to fight
east europe and russia are well prepared and western europe is waking up litle by litle ,we have time and the demograficks is in our side
Dont despair

its too late for europe. fall back to america for the coming race war

Nice id.

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love from europe we are here to fight i hope you succed too

unironically the chinese

>population projections
>if whitey keeps sending food

whites are not going anywhere bro..there will be a huge spring of nations in Europe soon..its not visible for America probably..but EU is seriously losing steam and crumbling
spring of nations wil be first step for mass white-ethno ideologies to emerge

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Vojtech here is right.

I hope


The half breed whites then nuclear annihilation.

Who knows, the law of the jungle will decide