to the anons who recommended this, fuck you, i hope you die a slow and painful death
To the anons who recommended this, fuck you, i hope you die a slow and painful death
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I'm glad I dropped it before I picked it up.
Is this the manga with that cheating slut who does tennis and the slutty black hair girl?
Translation is so fucking slow, MC and Rin are a couple and Hina went back to the house a long time ago.
What the fuck is the MC’s problem? I get you love who you love but there is a time when you should just give up
This is why many of us dropped it.
Is it over? Because there is still time for the MC to have second thoughts and still try to get back with Hina and screw everything up
Not over yet iirc, in fact what I told you happened MONTHS ago, I'm just letting you know that the translation is really slow so better get a comfy seat and a shitload of patience because the MC is a moron on top of all.
Meanwhile in latest chapter
>Represed slut wants to fuck the mc.
>MC finds her kissing her lesbo friend.
>ch 164
no thanks
who the fuck is rin?
jesus i havent been this mad since kimi no iru machi
jesus fucking christ
does she keeps piling characters? this landwhale needs to be harpooned once dnk is over. cant believe norway dropped hinamatsuri and not this
That's not the latest chapter.
I wanted rui to win at first but now I hate the MC.
I really despise the MC. Also manga will probably end with their relationship breaking up.
Why would there be a bad ending like that?
is that the sister or what ? I dropped it a very long time ago
I think it's the big sister, the teacher, aka worst girl.
would you be kind enough to give me a summary after around time she went away when that teacher got a picture of her and MC ? its fine if you cant i understand
I don't remember much because I stopped reading it months ago due to no translations.
All I remember is that Rui (aka best girl) left home and started to become a cook just like a her father who she met.
Also a new girl was introduced, a younger, flatter girl/brat.
And lastly Alex (?), the baka gajin started hanging out with rui but she has no feelings for him.
>younger, flatter girl/brat.
The one he met at the shrine in New year?
I dunno, the one that was on his shoulders.
If you have read this past chapter 50 you already know they are milking this for as much as they can, and aren't afraid of doing retarded shit as long as it sells a little more.
MC is a fucking moron and doesn't deserve Rui.
So whats worse this or a town where you rage
Did you forget Good Ending?
Isn't this how 90+% of successful love manga end up?
And I really believe because during the first few dozens of chapters I liked most of the characters but at some point some of them became fucking unbearable.
Sadly you are correct, some pull it better than others though and even less end at the perfect time, but this certainly ain't the case.
Because the previous manga was Good Ending.
the good art and good start was an alluring trap. i didnt read GE before this one and got into them in one go. after the good parts i kept braving the chapters hoping for things to finally get back on track and now i wish kei was in front of me so i can club her to death. knowing theres a good 70+ chapters ahead and no real conclusion in sight pretty much assures this will never be good
>Isn't this how 90+% of successful love manga end up?
They usually end with the definite pairing being established in the final chapters, MC and Rui have been together for a while already with hints of shitstorm at every corner.
Same author. Both are shit
Just read something like Ore Monogatari OP, it's a LOT better.
Or if you want eroticism, Hajimete no gal or something like that, or just read some doujins and fap.
so Rui, the little sister, broke with MC ?
it's like said
It's frankly tiresome
Speaking of the art.
Fuck this censorship.
what the hell is that manga about?
How's Good Ending? I dropped this one as early as it gave signal of going into bullshit territory, but I saw GE getting both praise and flak.
It's not her, it's a member of the theatre circle he joined at university.
then where is the big sister ? and what is his relation with this circle's member ?
What do you mean what's his relation? They're fellow members. It's like a club. As for Hina, she's back at living with her parents while she works as a translator. She quit teaching altogether because she thinks she can't be a teacher after having a relationship with a student (MC). MC is holding strong and staying with Rui.
because pic related made it seems like there's something between MC and that member
So Big sister left the MC bowl def ? Good enough, she's not worthy of him
>between MC and that member
MC is writing plays she's starring in.
is this your first time reading stuff like this? MC has a talent, at the same time is good looking and a natural chick magnet despite a sub 90 IQ.
they're actually perfect for each other. what's wrong is there's no truck trying to ram them at full speed.
DomeKano is great you homo
Wow, for some reason I was reminded of this manga today.
Is he gonna end up with the girl he deflowered in the first chapter? That's all I really care about, I thought they were good together.
Sorry, she prefers big white American cock. Natsuo's tiny Jap dick can't even compete.
I like how in that bonus chapter they implied he was huge down there.
This manga is like a worse Nisekoi. You get nothing but perpetual emptiness.
There was another bonus ch released recently, though it was more like the halloween one where it was like a ln short story, with a bunch of text and some illustrations. For whatever reason it features fucking both Hina and Rui, so I assume the Hina part was a flashback.
It makes sense if you think about it. The author is a woman and Jap girls are notorious for being BWC addicts.
Reminder that this is a thing
I doubt this is true but I wish it was.
I remember I stopped reading this like a year or two ago and tried to get back into it this year.
This can't be for real.
It's a few years old now
If it weren't for the bonus chapters, I wouldn't know that Momo and whatshisface has gotten this far by now.
Couldn't they at least vaguely try to replicate rui's haircut?
Who the hell is the guy, did Alex cut his hair or is that a different person?
Is that the little brat who wanted to fug her?
It's about ten volumes longer than it should've been.
Oh so it's her orbiter from the lit club?
Can't find this chapter in senmanga raw.
Care to share the link? Bonus point if you could share other bonus chapters.
Looks like it. I was about to call bs but then I remembered she was a slut so it's realistic.
I thought it was just rumors and she didn't actually sleep with all those guys. Are you telling me she actually fucked like 20 people? I need evidence
The numbers are exaggerated but she's fucked a few and most importantly she IS easy.
I'm almost sure I remember a panel that flashed several men/boys in the background. (haven't read this in months though)
In Korean though, but -
Oh so they got together? That's nice the mc is fucking shit honestly.
Cheers, user. You're a godsend.
No user, they didn't. And Natsuo and Rui have been together for a long time now in the manga.
What is going on here?
It's very cold.
picked up
I can translate
>Natsuo is that your "thing"? It's so tiny!
>S-Sorry Rui
>Gee, I don't know if I'm okay with this Natsuo-kun
>Let me call in Al-kun, he can take my spot and I'll watch
>Yay, whiteu dicku daisuki desu!
Toilet rapist is best girl.
Should be a threesome end
Knowing this author it won't happen
Hina is kinda dating some ``nice guy´´ from her work.
That's a really nice pic. Is it fanart?
It's from the link above
Official maybe?
No, that's all from her illustrations book.
Why is the mangaka so lewd.
manga went so many different directions it didnt need to just for the sake of drama
I liked Good Ending but only because I read it after it completed, following this one I feel like I know the shit anybody that followed GE went through. The author loves drama for the sake of drama
I'd be pretty disappointed if he doesn't end with either but it would make sense because he's had actual relationships with both now.
Why, why, WHY can't she just draw porn.
Because it's a woman
I thought girls were pure?
Is porn even lucrative?
I'd pound the fuck out of Hina.
Nah, this author loves used goods, trash MC's and sexual assault, I'm suprised she doesn't write Shoujo.
Don't be so sure, she's a massive roastie.
Checkout Umi no Misaki