I just finished watching pic related for the first time and have no fucking idea what the fuck happened at the end! What's the white thing on the cross? How did they make Eva's? Where did Rei come from and what's her purpose? WHO THE FUCK KILLED Kaji and WHY!? Why did Akagi kill little Rei and why did she kill herself afterwards? Where do the angels come from and what do they want and why? What happened in Antarctica? Why did the last angel let himself be killed and why?
I watched the series not the movies, used wrong pic in my post
Jackson Johnson
Joseph Ramirez
Watch EoE first then read stuff
Evan Harris
You're just stupid
Michael Kelly
Watch the movie before asking retarded shit
Joshua Long
Don't bother with that shit show.
Michael Nelson
was it, actually, 2deep4u?
Jackson Nelson
Don't browse /r/anime while watching it
Nicholas Roberts
How about you actually finish the movie first and then read wiki.evageeks.org/ before you waste everyone's time with basic questions
Samuel Ortiz
Holy shit thanks! Fuck me
Nicholas Scott
Great thread.
Michael Bailey
I was torn on which of the samefags should I reply to, and just settled for this post at random. Anyway, my sister just accused me that I'm purposely punishing myself with this "relationship", and that I crave failure and resentment. If you want to talk to me (again), we can do a video call using that contact info I already gave you before. But I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not spending day and night texting someone just to be kept at a distance. I'll tell you why too. Because it's the same thing Asuka and Shinji would have done if they had internet access. Maybe I see you around or something.
Lincoln Johnson
Owen Allen
The ending was BULL FUKKEN SHIT You guys need help
Jaxon Moore
I think you're legitimately mentally ill
Carson Price
If this is the only thing you have to say, then you don't have to say anything.
Andrew Evans
End of Evangelion
Andrew Martin
>in the end You saw what was going on in shinjis mind when human instumentality happened, basically 3rd impact happened and shinji was in control >what are the evas All of them except 01 was a clone of Adam with out the angel soul and mind. 01 is a clone of lillith. >where did rei blah blah blah She was a clone of shinjis mom with combined genetic of Lillith to house Lilliths soul and help Gendo to take control of the 3rd impact. >angels when where why? They all are pieces of Adam that were supposed to be the rulers of earth. When Lillith landed on earth, Adam was put in stasis by his own lance of longinus. This also put the angels he created in stasis. All over the globe and some in the atmosphere. Angels wants vary. They either want to fuse with Adam and destroy man kind, fuse with Lillith and become God, or nothing in particular. >what happened in Antarctica That's where they found Adam. Adam was impaled by the lance of longinus and they were trying to revert it into its fetus stage. They did a human contact where they inserted a human in to the white giant that is Adam which awoke Adam and caused 2nd impact killing a lot of people. Like half of the death's population. >why did the last angel let himself be killed? One he was being used by seele, the people in the light up desks and monoliths, to fuse with Lillith' s soulless corpse. The angel didnt want to do that Since he didn't want shinji to die or something. It's dumb
Isaiah Barnes
If the angels were created on earth by Adam, why did they fall from space instead of stay on earth like Type-Mercury
Landon Nguyen
Some grow in the stratosphere, or where the fuck ever. Their bodies of a god so they don't have to worry about any of that shit.
Tyler Lewis
>How did they make Eva's Cloning Adam/Lilith >Where did Rei come from and what's her purpose Hybrid Clone of Shinji's Mother and Lilith. Her purpose was to control Third Impact for Gendo. >WHO THE FUCK KILLED Kaji and WHY!? A NERVE/SEELE agent. He was killed for double-triple crossing them. >Why did Akagi kill little Rei and why did she kill herself afterwards? She was frustrated at Babby Rei because Gendo loved her, whereas Gendo was only using Akagi as a sexual partner. She killed herself because she felt guilt over killing a child.
Brayden Wilson
The autism here is almost tangible. I can't even fucking imagine how someone can be this pathetic.
Carson Turner
So Gendo wants a third impact? Do why don't they just let the angels make contact with Adam? Wouldn't that cause the explosion?
Cameron Howard
I think Anno read some books on Jewish mysticism and thought he could make an anime about it.
Anthony Fisher
So neither Adam or lilith is good nor evil? Third impact occurs, wouldn't that end humanity? Is he being congratulated for finally coming to terms with his flaws in his personality?
David Parker
That would kill all humans. The reason was to reunite with Gendos wife and to do that he needed Adam's body and Lillith s soul and unit 1 where shinjis mom and Gendos wife is inside. Gendo wanted to become God with his wife.
Eli Garcia
Maybe you simply got no imagination. Or no empathy.
Henry Diaz
Do we see where and what events lead to the explosion or is it just implied?
Liam Ramirez
No empty here for faggots.
Elijah Foster
Depends on the type of 3rd impact. The on with the angels would destroy humanity. The 3rd impact nerv was made for was to take humanity to the next evolutionary level which was God hood. In the end yes, all 3rd impacts were made to destroy humanity in a sense.
Lincoln Garcia
There was a bit with that Katsuragi team, some of that video where you see a giant of light and then wings forming at Antarctica, that was third impact.
Juan Davis
I expected nothing. Still got disappointed.
Cooper Watson
You're asking the wrong questions. Eva isn't about plot.
The plot details don't matter as much as the characters do.
Leo Perez
Wasn't Antarctica left desolate after the second one? What was in that area that was left over?
Kevin Thomas
Lucas Howard
Honestly I'm disappointed, would be much better if the focused on plot more. Are there any anime like NGE with a better plot
Samuel Campbell
Gabriel Wright
The lance of longinus and the Adam fetus. That's what they retrieved from Antarctica, its believed that Gendo and Steele, knew that 2nd impact would happen. You have to break a few eggs to make an omlete.
Colton Evans
>What's the white thing on the cross? Lilith >How did they make Eva's? By cloning from the two seeds of life. >Where did Rei come from and what's her purpose? Created from Yui and Lilith for Gendo's own purposes. >WHO THE FUCK KILLED Kaji and WHY!? Not officially known, only speculations exist. >Why did Akagi kill little Rei and why did she kill herself afterwards? In her anger being revealed how Gendo really is, and she killed herself in horror after realizing what she had done. >Where do the angels come from and what do they want and why? From Adam's seed of life, the white moon, seeking to take back earth by reaching Lilith (not really detailed further as far as I know). >What happened in Antarctica? The deliberate contact experiment with Adam that initiated the Second Impact. >Why did the last angel let himself be killed and why? Maybe listen what he says on the matter?
Alexander Harris
I cant think of any, NGE was basically a show about the psychological shit the kids had to deal with the angels and evas were merely a side story, which is much more interesting.
Ryder Morris
>Not officially known, only speculations exist The manga implied it was Gendo
Josiah Smith
Joseph Foster
Ah, thanks. Would make sense.
Isaiah Diaz
The empty can rattles the most.
Dylan Russell
>caring about the plot in Evangelion wew
Michael Hill
I wanted to see what auska looked like after that.... damnit
Brandon Russell
Hold on to that thought.
Kayden Rogers
I dunno, I'm add ridden, I dont have the autistic strangle hold on shit.
Mason Powell
White thing is origin of human souls and/or human intellect. However you want to see it.
They made Evas with Adam's DNA plus Human DNA and some other stuff.
Rei is a hybrid clone of Yui Ikari and The White Thing, which is called Lillith. It's a poor use of the Lillith mythos, but whatever.
No one knows who killed Kaji. For a long time I thought it was Misato. It wasn't.
Akagi (elder) killed Rei because of jealousy, remorse about helping create such a thing, and probably more stuff we'll never know. Suicide? Only on paper.
Angels come from primordial nothingness before the current world was formed. Their just something dumb like alternate possibilities that were never born and hold resentment. Or gross conglomerations of such. Lillith and Adam are their counterparts that got to exist. Those two have something all the other angels want and don't have. Hence the attacks.
Antarctica was simply Adam waking up after a long time being scattered in pieces like Seth in the Egyptian mythology. It was caused by bringing live cells from him into contact with live cells from Lillith. Sex explosion.
Kaworu. I don't get it either. He was cornered but he could have fought instead. He must have gained insight from seeing Lillith's state and decided existence was too painful and the Angels' goal wasn't worth it.
If you watched End of Eva The ending is about Apotheosis of Shinji of all people. His father failed so it passed to him through the help of Unit 01 and whatever was left of Yui's soul, and more importantly Rei's cooperation.
One could surmise that the whole point of all of this was to turn their goddess, Lillith, from a faceless monster into a person they could control. Rei. Adam is just the 'sperm donor' in a manner of speaking, and the angels wanted that as well as all of them have the potential to create a living world like Lillith. It's just instinct for them, though. Kaworu and Rei are different. Rei more so than Kaworu
Owen Richardson
To this day it still irks me how little of the actual plot is revealed in the show itself. I know, I know, they talk about stuff vaguely, you are supposed to put it together yourself but much of the info we give for granted don't even come from the show itself and I'm not even sure if the still pictures of adam impaled by the lance are in the blue ray cuts.
Logan Lopez
Some of the info isnt in the show its in that video game evangellion 2.
Brody Price
Shit series, wasted time.
Matthew Williams
There are two types of narrative:
Plot driven ones and character driven ones.
Eva is the latter. It's a story about damaged people trying to understand eachother.
Alexander James
>Angels come from primordial nothingness before the current world was formed. Their just something dumb like alternate possibilities that were never born and hold resentment. Or gross conglomerations of such. Lillith and Adam are their counterparts that got to exist. Those two have something all the other angels want and don't have. Hence the attacks. The angels came from Adam. They are creatures who reject the human form and have the fruit of power with in them, the s2 engine. Where as Lillith had the fruit of knowledge the power of intellect all humans gained through evolution. The power of science.
Xavier Richardson
>It's a story about damaged people trying to understand eachother. I know, but I never agreed with the sudden implication that "everything else" was just added flavour, a sort of extra layer that was there to justify character development happening. There's a lot of plot going on in Evangelion and then it sudenly just halts. It's a phenomenal show with some of the best characters I've ever seen, but a part of me just wanted both things, closure for the characters and the plot proper (with secrets atually revealed in possibly a non-criptic way).
Ayden Sanchez
It was a way to keep you interested in his series. Kind of a sick move huh?
Wyatt Bennett
Bitch, if magic existed, I assure you you'd be the first person to get strangled over the internet.
Robert Jones
You know Chris Chan would be the first to go, common.
Ryder Ramirez
So you say it was all a ruse by the master?
Well I have nothing but an opinion I suppose, I disagree. Stuff clearly backfired and went to shit during production, so Anno focused on what mattered the most to him. Still, a shame in many ways to me.
Jaxon Davis
Why do you want me to hold to that thought anyways? We don't know what she looked like after shit went down.
Aiden Lee
>So you say it was all a ruse by the master? Now you are getting it
Caleb Hill
Nope. Needs to be personal.
Mason Diaz
Aw ok, it would be a blessing to be offed really.
Caleb Murphy
I see. But who is best girl?
Nolan Ramirez
Blake Reed
all eva girls are best girls
Anthony Bailey
Because after two and a half months of doing this, you still don't have a face, a voice or even a name. And like the rebuilds, it's a waste of my fucking time.
Ryder Wilson
Whenever I offered love or attention you rejected it and took a crap on it. Maybe you simply didn't deserve it and deserved this instead.
Christopher Miller
Do people unironically reply to these threads? Is this the state of modern Sup Forums? >not a single advice to lurk more >not a single accusation of newfaggotry Holy Christ, it doesn't even matter if this is bait or not at this point
Juan Morgan
I'm user, user. Also did you actually get offended? I wasnt making fun of you if thats what the problem is. I was just joking how i have an attention span of an ant.
Jonathan Gonzalez
this. The conclusion of the series is that other people and connections are what is real. So deal with it.
Colton King
You're nothing to me. You have that right.
>Aw ok, it would be a blessing to be offed really. You never ever used the word blessing, for anything I said or did. Non-existence is more valuable to you than anything I can offer. And you'll never hear from me again.
Owen Watson
Uh ok
Adrian James
And nothing valued was lost
Nathan Rodriguez
The flying fuck?
Ethan Wright
>that outfit >that room What would his Servant be?
Hudson Bell
A Jewish man
Andrew Davis
It's literally fake deep, so don't look too much into it senpai
Blake Myers
>Why did Akagi kill little Rei and why did she kill herself afterwards? How the hell did you miss this? Were you even watching the episode?
Adrian Ross
The Wandering Jew as Rider? Has a golden ring to it. Must be great at setting at watch, too.
Nathan Lewis
A gold watch from his grandfather, the mensch.
Isaiah King
Juicy juice
Kevin Thomas
Where is most of this info taken from?
Jace Allen
The basics are taken from the show, but things like the name of Asuka's mother are taken from the heaps of Evangelion merchandising that doesn't directly contradict the show.
Brayden Roberts
Most of the background info is from an info console in the NGE game as far as I know
Kevin Miller
Kaworu was the angel of free will, he decided to give Shinji the choice over his own life and the life of the rest of the humanity, and Shinji chose humanity over Kaworu.
Dominic Gomez
>I won't go your way, you despiser of your own body. You're not a bridge to me.
Kevin Reed
I would have chose karl
Gabriel Ross
Fucking despisers of the body baka, should have just killed themselves, no reason to take the whole humanity with them.
Luke Ward
The you would have also chose your own demise the lilin you are, not only would you have been a traitor to your tribe, your family, but even to yourself.
Blake Davis
Yeah I never liked me anyways
Colton Morales
None, one is vegetable and the others are impure sluts.
Thomas Sanders
Why do these threads still very made There is no way it's not being done deliberately It's been at least a decade now