ITT True alpha males only
>johnnies only
both of them to be honest family
Undressing in public is now considered alfa?
just let youngsters use their funny greek laters.
Saving people from missile attacks and inspiring a lost generation to make something of themselves is pretty cool.
clannadman is truly the greatest mc of our time
>true alpha
pick one, and only one
although garo came pretty close
To be fair the Air King scene was pure kino.
Forced animation
of all things you could have an aneurysm, over you chose this...
at least you could pick tumblr filter or your objective opinion of the quality of this show to bitch about
Sucked every girls tits and makes main girl squirt in the very begin first episode. Plus finger blasted.
Monster Musume.
Can anyone beat his cinematic timing, Sup Forums?
i love him
>no Makoto yet
No Sasuga for you Sup Forums
Akira is most definitely alpha by any standard. Nigga's some tiny ass Jap, and he still achieved his goals, outsmarted people and fought for what he believed in until the very end without once ever doubting himself. Nigga was full self confidence from the very start to very end. He even had the girl won over, but decided to fuck her over for revenge against the guy that got him into shit in the first place.
You are already dead.
This is a clothing optional thread.
I do miss him. One of the few main characters with a realistic, down to earth personality while still maintaining the carefree charm of your basic male mc.
>constantly has others forcing their will on him
>whatever backbone he had was likely squeezed into nothing by worst girl
>j u i c y
Only thing that got whipped out was my johnny!!
Whats the show? Apologies new to mango and animu except turbo normie tier shows
Shinji Ikari
>actually marries the entire harem
>even the cabbit
>has kids with the harem
>even the cabbit
>in line to be emperor of most of the galaxy.
>base form is already one of the most powerful people in the galaxy
>can ascend to godhood and be more powerful than the goddesses that created the universe.
>just chills in his mountain home, growing carrots and banging his wives.
eden of the east
>excuse me while I just talk to god and save humanity from instrumentality
Don't know who but some user made this. Basically Kaiba is the most alpha fucker in existence, let's not forget that he's also canonically handsome, a genius, and /fit/ as fuck, someone post the Dsod ab shot.
Fuck me, wrong image, what a fucking waste.
why is modern anime so void of testosterone compared to back then
That guy was too alpha for his family
source pls
Gud taste
underrated post
What anime/manga are you talking about?
>spoonfeeding a literal retard
fuck off nigger
>didn't even review the picture's contents
u r really dum
Eden of the East was really fun, I need to rewatch it.
Should I watch the movies for closure?
I heard they are awful.
my bad I guess I'm the nigger
People don't want to see alpha males in their pass time. It's why we have [self-insert] characters in literally every anime now.
He's my fucking idol
I thought the movies themselves were kind of dull, but the actual ending itself was alright.
The movies give closure, but the whole tone of the series is drastically changed for the worse.
OP pic, newfriend
"I rule over the world and I fuck your women"
>Fell in love with a retard
>Got ntr'd by an autist
Look, I like Harima as much as the next guy, hell he got both best girls, but you can't exactly says he's alpha
>Fell in love with a retard
I mean, you answered yourself, only a retard would choose the autist over Harima. Not only that, she was straight up worst girl, so just blame that on Harima having shit taste. Don't forget that he could also get it on with the cake.
He just didn't realize his true potential.
Definitely alpha in my book
Can anyone even compete with Mariya-sama?
Back then, magaka wrote about they wanted to be.
Now they try to come up with scenarios where what they ARE is appealing.
Not quite, but close. It's less about what the creators aspire to be or are, and more about pandering to the otaku who buy anime and manga. And the otaku really like their wish fulfilment of some absolute nothing of a male having half a dozen cute girls throwing themselves at him because he was nice to them once.
I want her to step on my face.
Dio, obviously
For starters, how are alpha-ness and having shit taste related? Dude never wavers on his crush conquest means he has both traits at the same time.