One Piece

What will Anana be like once she's a grown woman?

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Are we in Wano yet?

What if at some point in the past Big Mom clashed with Kaido, but she 404'd and Katakuri had to step in against Kaido and got beaten up and got his mouth torn by Kaido?

Reminder that Doflamingo is stronger than both Katakuri and Cracker.

Is Brook awakened?
Projecting your soul out of your body and controlling souls isn't supposed to be part of his devil fruit powers.


She will be a stabby Yandere waifu with Daz Bones’ fruit

I want to settle this running meme bullshit once and for all.

He said he wasn't going to back down from anyone. Which is what he has been doing. He destroyed Kaido's factory, attacked Big Mom to get his nakama back, will soon attack Kaido. He din't bow down to anyone.

What he said was never supposed to be taken literally. I'm even curious to know which word he used in japanese. He's not going to let his ennemies murder him. You guys are so fucking stupid.

Sweet Commander

I like that One Piece can flesh out it's villains without trying to make them redeemable or justified in any form

Makes me wonder how Kaido's backstory will be handled since both him and Gold Roger have killed entire crews before. Yet one is kind of the "hero" of the meta-plot of One Piece, as far as we know

i want to see more katakuri vs luffy

>without trying to make them redeemable or justified in any form
Really? It seems to love giving everyone sob stories.

I'd be totally fine with Kaido being an irredeemable cunt.

Not really an edgy villain but more of an implacable force of nature with the wherewithal to know what he's doing is wrong, but he just doesn't care.

We’re gonna have at least one chapter before Luffy decides to head back to Mirror world and confront Katakuri

>Having a sob-story =/= redeemable

I mean, Big Mom’s backstory just showed what a natural monster she is

Right, Doffy had nothing to be redeemed for, he was in the right through-and-through.

nami ver, 4 of course

Doffy’s sob story just showed that it turned him into a sociopath

>brook awakens by speaking to your soul

But she also has the excuse/factor of being retarded.

I would also accept Kaido being well-meaning, good natured, and a general good person before embittered by immortality.

Doffy was a hypocrite who resented the Celestial Dragons for rejecting his family from returning to Marejois and vowed to tear down the heirarchy they created and yet viewed himself as above regular people because he used to be a Celestial Dragon

But he wasn't wrong in that view, look at the people of Dressrosa and the pirates of the world, even among the Warlord there's maybe only two others who have the power and will to accomplish such lofty ambitions. And neither of them have the drive to do a damn thing.

it makes sense for like members of the donquixote family since they're supposed to be social pariahs. but mingo and mama's are like the opposite of those and they showed how there wasn't much to save from the very beginning

I mean from what we’ve seen of him so far, it feels like he subscribes to a might is right worldview

>tfw no thicc sister to braid your hair every day
i dont want to live like this

Bege Nakama when?

I mean, yeah, the Celestial Dragons system is fucked up and Doffy isn’t wrong in opposing that, but the arrogance that came from him believing in his god-given right to rule is what led him to rule Dressrosa with an iron fist on an extremely fragile system.

>why are you so obstinate Luffy-kun?

>Didn't you already learn to use the power inside yourself?

>Remember that you bear the banner of a D.

>These were his words, Rayleigh-san knew that I eventually have to use THAT in my fights

>and now...


>Sweet Lord, what is this thing, Peros, Brulee, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!!

>You will not hurt my precious brethren anymore Strawhat! DARK DOGTOOTH OF THE BURNING CHASM: DONUT STEEL!!!

>It's too late for your family now, Dogtooth, because once this monkey comes, he won't leave until my dark lord's desires are fulfilled!

>Feel my ancient wrath! Gear 5: Flaming Gorilla Thunder!

>One Piece will be on break forever because Oda had an heart attack while drawing this epic moment

Yeah Doffy was just another power hungry sociopath who would kill innocent people and laugh mockingly at them as they died. He was a piece of shit. He was mildly successful, but he was still just a piece of shit.

Is X Drake gonna be a calamity in Jack’s crew? Or is he gonna be a traitor like Bege?

Shit I just realized Wano is gonna have like, most of the supernovas in the arc.
X Drake and Apoo work for Kaido
Kidd (and presumably Killer) is his prisoner
Hawkins is MIA
Luffy, Zoro, and Law are coming to fuck shit up.

He did what he had to do to acheive is dream, why are you faulting him for that?

Because he was a dick in doing it

You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Y'know I'm curious if Rayleigh talked to Luffy about D at all or if Dragon's going to be the one that explains what it means

Because not only did he do horrible things in the attempt, he failed anyway like the pathetic loser he is.

>Is X Drake gonna be a calamity in Jack’s crew?
In Kaido's crew? No, he's not. X = 10. He's right under the Calamities like Bege was right under the Sweet Commanders. And yeah, he's going to betray him. Kaido is a psycho who doesn't care if the world end while Drake has most probably a very strong sense of justice.

So since the WG can’t possibly exert control over most of the New World, I guess their main method of effectiveness is planting CP0 agents in crucial positions within pirate organizations? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s one in every major Yonko crew

He might even be a deep cover Marine/WH operative.

>Or is he gonna be a traitor like Bege?
He wanted Kaido's attention from day one, so i'm sure he joined his crew for something more that just a betrayal

Like this

Very deep then. Because Kizaru kicked his ass.

>for something more that just a betrayal
I don't he think he joined just to betray Kaido. He probably just needed his protection. But i still believe he's not going to be loyal to him.

Rocinante was deep enough that his being in the Marines had to be dug up.

Also Kizaru is Kizaru, he's about as reliable as the Warlords.

stussy isn't in mama crew tho, she's an emperor of the underworld

Drake strikes me as someone with a strong sense of justice and honor. Betrayal doesn’t sound like something he’d do

>Shit I just realized Wano is gonna have like, most of the supernovas in the arc.
your saying it like its a good thing, the only interesting supernova is the mad monk. who cares about the edge kid kidd or apoo. Vodoo dude is interesting tho,

I didn’t mean to imply Stussy was. Maybe WG got a Charlotte sibling to join

>Also Kizaru is Kizaru, he's about as reliable as the Warlords.
Stop with this meme. He's always going all out. His laid-back attitude is just a personnality trait.

Clearly Stussy seduced Smoothie and made her turn against BM. Smoothie is acting useless to help bring down BM.

You think? Kaido wants to drive the world into despair. I don't see him standing for that. And he left the Marines to become a pirate which is the proof he's not against switching side.

>doesn’t want to see David Blaine get his ass handed to him by Kaido
>doesn’t want to see fairy boy confirmed dead
>doesn’t want to see dj man get eternally assblasted
>doesn’t want to see based Zoro increase his bounty 3 times by rekking Kaidos wano shit

Pathetic desu

>Muh mad monk
They all are interesting. The Worst Generation is the best group of character in the series.

I think Wano has WAY too much going into it already and while Oda has demonstrated an improvement in pacing with WCI, WCI was supposed to be a quick arc before Wano, and it’s already longer than expected.

Wano is gonna be a gigantic clusterfuck of an arc, but that’s fine because the only thing we have left after is the end of One Piece, and unless Shueisha gets another series that can fills its shoes, the effective end of Shonen Jump’s relevance

>since the WG can’t possibly exert control over most of the New World, I guess their main method of effectiveness is planting CP0 agents in crucial positions within pirate organizations
Most of them are corrupt double agents working for both parties.

>David Blaine

Don Flamenco is the worst One Piece character

>Way too much
Why too much? An arc can't be long? Pacing is fine. Yes, even Dressrosa.

Kaido doesn’t want to plunge the world into despair. He wants to shake shit up

That's what he said. "I'm going to start the biggest war ever and i don't care if the world end".

>always going all out
Akainu is always going all out, Kizxaru is not. He isn't like Akainu who actually tries to kill every pirate he sees. Kizaru lazily sat back to watch Drake fight the Pacifista. He shot Hawkins in the stomach rather than the head or heart. He just kicked the Supernovae around a bit before fucking off and letting them live. Then he confronts Luffy in Marineford and just kicks him back a bit instead of actually trying to kill him. Tell me that Akainu would have let Hawkins live on Saobody. Tell me that upon seeing Drake he would have just sat back, instead of instantly executing the traitor like he did to the dude in Marineford and he tried to do to Coby. Akainu actually goes all out all the time.

I liked Dressrosa Tbh but there were parts that were overlong. The dwarves felt unnecessary

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?

He is. He always did all he could. Him being lazy is just a meme.

Best Strawhat.
Best Shichibukai.
Best Yonko.
Best Supernova.

What are they



>just walks off and leaves incapacitated Hawkins alive
How can you possibly think he is actually trying to kill pirates seriously like Akainu does?

>Buggy or Doffy

oh wow, that's the first time i've seen hawkins being referred as someone else than the slipknot guy

What *is* Kizaru's deal? Just who is he?

Zoro is also a Supernova


He’s a guy with a really good fruit that’s probably also related to the Celestial Dragons

>muh dwarves
They really weren't unnecessary. And they din't get too much screentime anyway. They got almost no focus. They were mostly supporting characters. Why is everyone hating on them? I just don't understand.

They served their purpose in the story. Factory etc. And one big thing is that there's no God Ussop without them.

Robin, mostly because I am very interested in the Poneglyphs and shit

>walk off
Killing them wasn't his mission. He was needed somewhere else. Not losing too much them with them was actually him doing his job.

Akainu isn't doing his best. He's actually doing too much. He's a psycho.

So ?

Luffy > Zoro but Zoro is just the toppest tier crew member you could ever ask for

>”Zoro. Cut it.”


A stoner who got an incredibly OP devil fruit


>Killing them wasn't his mission
So he just wasted a bunch of time fucking with them instead of actually following the mission of stopping the SHs and protecting the Celestial Dragons? Then yes, he definitely fucks around.
>Akainu isn't doing his best. He's actually doing too much. He's a psycho.
That's what I mean. He full on tries to kill pirates every time he sees them. He never does shit like Kizaru did when he just patiently watched Drake fight a Pacifista.

>Best Strawhat.
>Best Shichibukai.
>Best Yonko.
>Best Supernova.
Bonney or Hawkins, both of them really interest me, especially their weird DFs.

>he just wasted a bunch of time fucking with them instead of actually following the mission
He was asking them direction at first. Then just quickly took care of them. Then received a call telling him where to go. He did exactly what he needed to.

>That's what I mean. He full on tries to kill pirates every time he sees them
Because he's a psycho. Kizaru is actually doing his work. The weird one is Akainu. Not Kizaru.

The weird one is Aokiji for not doing his job but dedicated his entire life to harassing one woman who he saved as a child.

Do you also think sociology is a fake science that was created to justify the actions of criminals?




The latest we've seen of Drake he looks like he has peers rather than underlings.

do you honesty care about charachters introduced in sabadoy shit arc besides meow rally?

none of them are interesting or funny

>Then just quickly took care of them
>Kizaru is actually doing his work
He let them live and escape. That is literally the opposite of doing your job. Marines are supposed to stop pirates, not hit them once, comment jokingly about how scary they are, then leave and let them go free. Kizaru moves ridiculously fast, it would have taken less than a second to kill or meaningfully incapacitate Hawkins to a degree that he couldn't escape or continue pirating after getting the call. Even before getting the call all the supernovae he attacks are left both alive and free. No attempt to capture or kill them. And killing pirates isn't some horrible thing that only twisted Marines do. Pirates are evil, killing them isn't frowned upon. The Marines execute criminals. I would argue that Aokiji and Kizaru don't do their jobs half the time as the let pirates go free and live.


I'm interested in seeing more from some of them.

>He let them live and escape
Because he was called somewhere else. He literally got a phone call telling him to leave.

He did his job.

>sweet lord
>donut steel
I swear it's the details what makes these so great.

Sabaondy is literally the best arc in the manga and they, as a group, have build up like nothing else each arc since then. You don't care for the leader of the New Era? Pleb.

They are the Worst Generation. Not some guys introduced during Sabaondy.

Yes, and he also did that before the phone call. He just kicked Uroge instead of capturing or killing him.

Oda, where is my Gangster Gastino?