Facebook is a CIA organisation

Facebook's beginnings are questionable.

The domain, trademark, and idea for facebook(tm) was started in 1994: web.archive.org/web/20071020073143/http://www.aboutface.com/about.html

With a very familiar backstory: web.archive.org/web/19991007181610/http://www.aboutface.com/site/company_history.htm

And even servers at Harvard, who ran these?: web.archive.org/web/20071020073130/http://www.aboutface.com/about_customers.html

So, this company which sent black boxes to corporations and universities, had “facebook(tm)” servers running facebook like software, at Harvard at the time Zuckerberg “created” fb. Well, Zuck misconfigured his about-face server once: web.archive.org/web/20171120120522/https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081105224058AApki9Y

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no thanks. use a Sup Forums approved archive service

Its on web archive for a reason

>Facebook is a CIA organisation

just like AT&T and soon to be Time Warner

Well that’s a full 10 years earlier

You don't actually believe Zuckerberg made that shit, do you?

He was selected to be the face of a narrative. All that Facebook became was stolen from Leader Technologies and the Winklevoss twins, but the CIA wanted someone they could control entirely with shekels.

Mark hacked into the winklevoss twins site connectu and did this..

Mark clearly hates white people

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>black boxes
What are those?


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Facebook is literally the name the CIA used for their NOC list way back. Zuckerberg means "sugar mountain." Do the calculus yourself.


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It's no surprise. Jews are Asiatics.

The CIA and Harvard go way back
>[the CIA]...coaxed into being in 1958 by Harvard’s Dean of Arts and Sciences and cold warrior McGeorge Bundy (MA ’51, LLD ’61) with support from the Ford Foundation...
>pic related
>Dr. Henry Kissinger

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It's time to return to MySpace.

>using social media

Poos and japs are our only allies against them. Chinks, assorted gooks and pakis need to burn

Know what else is questionable?

Your attitude towards hygiene, Pajeet

Soccer moms actually believe this.

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Btw, Jason Bourne 5 is not a good film

>the CIA wanted someone they could control entirely with shekels.
they can control anyone with sheckels, whats the difference here? probably to fit the jew hating narrative they're using to try and create a new holocaust so they can hit the US taxpayer for reparations

No they handed the control to a fellow Jew nepotism at its finest

bump for real oldpol thread. how the fuck do reddit tier nufags not see the bait for what it is?

Fuck off shill

Know what else is questionable?
That you have an intact dick.

The last time I made this thread it was bumped our of existence by SHILLS

bump again

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>tfw cia

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