What did Sup Forums think of the Valkyria Chronicles anime?
What did Sup Forums think of the Valkyria Chronicles anime?
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game was better
Don't know. I'm just excited for VC 4.
Best bread.
It did the encounter with the enemy soldier; Rosie's and Isara's relationship and, arguably, the Nameless' members better, but they fucked up the whole Valkyria thing, including Selvaria's death and Faldio. I remember not liking how Welkin coping with Isara's death was handled, but I'm not sure which did which.
S>cream for me, Sup Forums!
It was pretty fucking shit. Too many changed scenes, changed characters, and general tone change.
The OVAs that came out for the 3rd game are a VC anime done right.
Is that photoshopped or did the anime really fuck up her proportions that much?
it was tolerable, but not great
i wish VC2 would be released for ps4 or some console.
I've been playing too much VC3 recently. I meant Squad 7 instead of Nameless;
Rather have VC3.
I only watched that episode where the reporter girl interviewed squad 7. How's the rest of the anime?
The game overall was better, I liked some points of the anime such as Welkin's PTSD after his imouto gets shot , while other anime-only plot were really shit, such as the "lab" that Alice was on her childhood, no mention of Faldio in the ending at all and a pretty much half-assed ending, it looks like they just stopped caring about in the end. Alice getting used as a weapon by the general and getting separated from the squad was kinda weird but more realistic than what happened in the game.
Alicia was an intolerable tsundere in a love triangle between Welkins and Faldio.
What. How did anyone played the game and think "yeah, Alicia was totally a tsundere"?
It was 2009, Teh Other Rie was the tsundere lead once a season, every show needed a tsundere. Well, technically that was a bit earlier, but the production probably started around that time.
Pretty terrible. Like people have said, there was some real plot-butchery going on. I'd be okay with that if it expanded on other things to make up for it, but it really didn't. You've got a massive roster to pick from, give us some side characters, dammit! And not fuckin' Edy.
Jane owned bones. Best shocktrooper in the game (aside from Rosie because command points).
God, I can remember way more of that roster than I really should. Not even just the good (Marina, Jane, Lynn), funny (Jann, Hi I'm Ted!) or totally worthless (Fuckin' Harold and like half the engineers, really), I mean total nobodies like Kevin.
And they did *nothing* with that.
>totally worthless (Fuckin' Harold and like half the engineers, really)
Don't forget miss pacifism.
Also, I never really used engineers except in those missions that were specifically designed to force you to use them. In any of the 3 games. Was there ever any point in their existence?
>Best shocktrooper
They picked the worse characters for the squad.
Status effects.
I can't remember them being that useful in VC1 because of how OP scouts were. In the other games they were a bit more useful. You could hit tanks with AP downs to basically immobilize them, decrease the armor of heavy infantry and reduce the damage from heavy gunners. They still weren't optimal but they were useful to buy time while your better units are tied down somewhere else. Pistols also dealt more damage than rifles on the headshot for some reason.
Shit anime that butchered the game's story and killed fucking Vyse off-screen.
New game is coming out and Raita is back
>no sequel where you play as Jaegar returning to the desert and form a persian guerrilla resistance to Imperial occupation
How he did managed to contain himself and not design skeletons with banana tits for the game?
Most likely having people above him who tell him to dial back his creepy goddamn skeleton fetish. Best work is when someone tells him NO when he draws skeletor + watermelons.
Sega people asked for his more regular-looking designs, I suppose. You can tell they let him go wild for a bit when you look at the VC mobile game art.
>"I'm not done yet!"
>dat accent
>became a nun after the war
What a shame.
Marina is best sniper btw
I think they did Isara's death better, but everything else was worse.
Best girl was turned into silent moebait.
>darcsens are discriminted or are seem negatively in VC universe
>best units are darcsens
Using darcsens to kill imps was oddly satisfing, expecially on Rosie's Report
But she liked cute shit in the game too.
And she was also a scary loner, but they neutered her in the anime.
They neutered it in the Edy DLC tho.
>It did the encounter with the enemy soldier
It's actually far closer to Raita's version than what you see in the game. Frankly speaking nearly all the in-game models were about as sexy as a napkin, the swimsuit chapter was pretty much completely pointless thanks to the girls' popsicle stick bodies on top of the fact that all female and male characters of the same class are just different heads on the same body. Raita is extremely love him or hate him but damn it if his Alicia doesn't get me diamond solid, unlike the curveless PS2-era plank that was the in-game swimsuit Alicia.
I'll watch it once I figure out how to get past the big battle in the forest
>became a nun after the war
Don't remember that bit. All it says for her epilogue is she went innawoods to be alone.
Well how the fuck else do you keep Eidelweiss in working condition when using it as mobile cover against all those enemy tank shells? This is assuming you're playing Valkyria Chronicles and not Smoke Bomb Alicia.
Just scout rush lmao
The one with Jaeger, or the one after Alicia sprains her ankle?
All I can think of is that one tripfag from 2009 on Sup Forums who avatarfagged as that chick and had another tripfag buddy named Water who owned a TF2 server before TF2 became cancerous F2P.
You asked me what I thought of and that's the honest answer.
Thank you for sharing, 2/5 will not subscribe.
Too many changes. Some that made sense, some that were good, vast majority that were bad. Also, not A-1's best work. This was done after Black Butler, and that at least had some pretty good animation.
It should have just been episodic and focused on the soldiers
>love triangle between Welkins and Faldio
All of my why. Both Welkin and Alicia already had a third wheel that could have been milked for drama.
Well look at you and your fine tastes. Don't forget her major weakness that adds a ridiculous amount of cuteness and vulnerability to her without being too detrimental in gameplay, I'd be lying if I didn't fantasize coming to her rescue after she fired her last round and covering her as I lead her to safety at least once while playing the game. So damn desirable.
Skillwise yes, personalitywise she's a tryhard edgelord and it baffles me a bit that everyone adores her and not just for being the best sniper in gameplay. At least she isn't as bad as Cezary who is pretty much universally hated for a reason, quit being a little bitch and climb the fucking tower without pissing yourself like I told you to.
The anime made me hate the Regular Army more than I did in the game, almost to the point where their attitude was purely ludicrous.
Had some pretty good emotional moments though, imouto's death was handled a bit better than it was in the game. Now only if they didn't change Rosie's song..
Catherine is best, and needs more fanart.
>he used male snipers
>he used male engineers
>he used male shocktroopers
>he used male scouts
>he used female lancers
>Not using Ted
Alicia was the reaction face Queen of Sup Forums for a while. There were so many. But the anime itself was kind of bad.
Edy a shit, but so is anyone who isn't a scout named Alicia.
I want to cum inside Alicia's glovepussy
Dai Nana Chijo Buntai by Ogata Mamimi
That's a weird looking web blaster glove spider man is using.
Game was funnier cause is a game.
But certain cringy scenes in the game were more bearable in the anime. Some other fucked up.
I liked in the anime Alicia had more stuff to do as a Valkyria. In the game is all "hurr we can use a demigod to blow the shit up off our enemies, but fuck this, we have friendshit" and "oh poor me, i just wanted to make bread and now i'm a goddes of war, what a tragedy".
The anime was a little better from this point of view.
Actually VC3 is the only game that handled the valkyria properly. And with all the limitations of an handeld game i think is the best game for story and characters (Gisele is my waifu).
Just about the only guy I deployed most of the time was Vyse so my squad was basically like his battle harem. Hope Aika didn't get too jealous.
I think I gave Elysse a mortar, but never used it.
None of the lancers had skills that went with mortars.
Isara best girl! ;_;
>G-guys, when will I get my anime?
>Vyse and Aika say each other's names when they die in battle
It's the little things.
>No John Rambo shocktrooper with stolen Imp MG34 knockoff
0/10 worst anime adaptation.
>They killed Vyse and Aika.
Fucking why?
Largo, honey!
So how about 4?
So, was he bi or just a very people person?
What is that giant stupid weapon on her back?
I don't like where this is going.
Scouts were so freaking OP in VC1.
Close to sniper accuracy and range, 3 times the mobility of the other classes, and when elite they were able to launch granades to the other side of the map.
Just cause that was Alicia's class.
Aika was in Faldio's squad in the anime right? In that case, she just didn't die, she got fucking GLASSED.
A mortar/some dumb grenade launcher
Going to be better than Revolution was.
She's either a vakyrie or a special lancer or both
It's a mortar, I believe. If you watch the later part of the trailer, you'll see a mortar squad of ~5 mortar teams or so? Would be interesting. I never played 2 or 3 for the PSP so all I remember is being forced to try to use the other types of troopers outside of riflemen.
It's above average for a videogame anime.
Fuck you for reminding me that.
Look like Imca's weapon in VC3.
If that's so it should be a unique weapon for that character.
Fuck this.
B-but VC1 had a cute pig! It's the same!!
VC4 will have a new unit called grenadier. She seems to be that kind of unit.
arent airplanes in the canon now shouldn't we see some plane use? Hopefully. Giant land battleship looked cool, and to be fair wasn't exactly unheard of to try to build something as ridiculous as it
Like everyone else replying to your post, it's a mortar. She's carrying the shells for it in that metal case.
>field artillery/mortars
I can only get so hard.
In the era the game represents*
how was Revolution ?
Finally a valkyria that is not a scout as base/favorite class?
Wendy and Jane were my shocktrooper waifus.
I used only female characters except Welkin and Largo.
The one thing that I really liked from the anime is that they showed Welkin having to deal with his grief at losing Isara, the last family he had left. The game timeskipped forward to gloss right over it.
It doesn't matter who you choose, just as long as you don't pick filthy darcsens
The Valkyria Chronicles 3 anime was pretty good.
>intentionally gimping yourself
Luckily look like it was such a disaster they decided to go back to the origin...
Seriously... sometime i really dunno what the fuck is wrong with devs.
First they downgraded the franchise into portable and turned it into high school bullshit. Then this crap.
And even now, even admitting that steam sales have been relevant for the making of the fourth title, they announce the game as for console only.
Jap game devs are fucking retards.
It uh.. I want to give it points, since I know it's supposed to be a separate game within the same universe, but I really could not get into it.
Gameplay wise, if it did not have 'Valkyria' in the title, I may have given it more of a pass. It places so much more emphasis on melee combat, turning it into a hack and slash, with occasional "Oh yeah, you can use firearms too, but only three to five times depending on the character class."
Story was alright, a bit out there at times, but overall alright.
My main gripe with it is how the in-universe tech is all over the fucking place. They had mechs, MECHS in 1853 Europa.
The cutscenes were a grab bag of the VC1 style main cutscenes and PS2 in-game model JRPG cutscenes.
I didn't finish the game yet, don't know if I will since I'm really just not getting into it.
Also this. Just replace the dates on top with 1935 and 1853.
VC3 is just as guilty, with the dumb anime weapons.
VC2 started it with the fencers.
>Jap game devs are fucking retards.
Modern ones are, anyway. There is so much about VR that just boggles my mind. I know it's been almost 10 years since their last console VC release but.. It was just so all over the place.