Can we really trust him?
Boruto discussion
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Not even Sumire does
No he's probably the one who built the airship. Showing all those inventions really gives off the 'its too good to be true" vibes, especially when Boruto starts accepting it.
Is Mıtsuki going to eat something?
I mean, according to databook he likes scrambled eggs and dislikes certain dishes, but we never see him eating something....
She is spying on him isn't she?
Or she even still loyal to Karhell she could even be double agent...
I am worried about her Hawawa's.
Loyal to Kara.
Hell, she could even be double agent for both ANBU and Kara*
its probably this
>inb4 fanfic
Is anybody translating Boruto Saikyo Dash Generations?
not really seeing it. Akita is more likely to be connected to Kara than Sumire is, for her to be ANBU is much more likely, given that Sai is interested in helping her out.
Sarada is aware of coolest guy and Uchiha madness?
Speaking of Metal, i wonder who is his mother?
That would lower my interest to her if she already knows everything about the Uchiha past.
naw Boruto is and Kagura is
Sarada just knows about sasuke's thunder dragon
Naruto breeding hips butchered by SP
or Buntan does but sarada is saying its not correct cause of Naruto's Suppression of info about the uchiha clan
Looks better on the right tbqh
Did we get the Viz release yet? Niggerstream can’t be trusted
SP is just protecting the children
Most people say TenTen or Kurotsuchi but with Buntan from the last arc being revealed to be Raiga's daughter there is a possibility that one of the hundreds of filler girls from the Naruto series might be his mother.
Shit, so Naruto rewriting the history wasn't a meme.
Somehow sarada and mitsuki are the only interesting characters. Boruto is literally naruto. There's no difference between them.
When will finally go full edge and join team Kara?
>all the filler girls are canon
>sarada and Mitsuki are the only interesting characters
Wrong sumire exists and your too stupid to know that boruto is different then Naruto but whatever
>that priestess that was just blonde Hinata
So does that means Naruto shagged the blonde Hinata clone first?
Nothing about Boruto the series is a meme Remember the Madman is giving Mitsuki and log more Sneks siblings we going to get a sexy snek girl
she was pretty cool
Threesomes are a thing
>she's just a baby that Orochimaru or one of his lackeys carry around the whole series
won't bite the bait
I guess I'm not smart enough to deduce the subtle differences between shounen characters for a show targeted at children. That must be it.
Mitsuki´s imouto?
How’s Sumire bait?
How are they the same Enlighten me dear user
IF you can't deduce the difference between Boruto and his father, you're even a bigger retard for it, Saradick.
that would be cute
yes her and hima will be friends
Probably only what's in the history books. Uchiha Madara was a crazy radical and not indicative of Uchiha, Obito Uchiha was manipulated.
probably but thats still naruto's suppression Doesn't matter if Coolest guy was manipulated
If she was hesitating then wouldn't the ellipses come first?
Why does naruto appeal to you?
I only watch it for edgy fights, like sasuke Vs Itachi.
No, he's a weird genetic monster and hates fish and other scaled animals.
Hopefully. I'm interested in reading it but can never find the scans.
When is chunin ex arc coming?
I like the character designs and the setting even though I don't care about the ninja stuff.
>That must be it
Actually yes. For example, Boruto is a lot more mature than Naruto was at that age, and is generally snarkier and more sarcastic while Naruto was much more honest and up-front about things.
You are literally too stupid to understand characters aimed at children.
When Boruto learns a water jutsu that means the movie is near.
Yeah, but that likely means she doesn't know the real shit. I have my doubts Sasuke told him about his whole "mostly unsuccessful terrorist" phase, or the whole "Don't let your fat friend die or you too might attempt to destroy the leaf"
Absolute minimum last episode of the year.
Probable start? February. There's no way there won't be genin shenanigans. I mean you need to give the team some time to bond with Konohamaru and improve to Chunin level. I mean Sarada and Mitsuki are, and once Kakashi teaches him offensive raiton in two weeks so will Boruto, but still.
Not too soon, i hope. I wanna see team Konohamaru on some missions b4 that.
Why did Boruto needed to cheat when he is super op
end of the year
Probably I have my doubts too but she must know something cause she knows of Kirin and Sasuke made that jutsu when he was with The madman
to introduce ninja tech and to show that he's a lazy fuck that wants the shortest path to his goal
Daily reminder that Naruto had illegitimate children with her
introduce her in boruto
The priestess was from the first Shippuden movie, the Redhead from the left was the 0 tails movie, the Redhead princess on the right is from the 4th Shippuden movie. So who the fuck is that blue haired guy and that kid?
> Kawaki is the illegitimate
> He saw visions of Ninjas will bring chaos to the world once again and decides to take down the whole system
Daily reminder that if only Hashirama had taken one for the team and put his dick in crazy, the Leaf would have conquered the world.
And then prompted get stomped by the Ootsusukis because puny humans getting ahead of themselves.
so if all the filler girls are canon Sara is canon
Really, i dont know anything about her.
Gotta protect his boyfriend Sauce's smile.
They aren't all canon but they have a chance to be like Raiga and a few others.
their from Filler arcs
>he asks this
>when the dude literally used him to advertise his gauntlet
>when he entered the other world and empowered momoshiki after nardo and sauce has pretty much defeated him
Bolt, come on now.
Oh yeah Bort is going to in for a surprise to meet all of his filler half-siblings.
Rate Naruto Shippuden movies.
Lost Tower>RtN>Movie 1>Blood Prison>Bonds>Will of fire>The last
I feel like the manga frame conveys more of the 'eager' feeling that I characterize with Naruto, while the anime frame conveys more sadness and grief
a puppet princess that liked Naruto
I know I was making a joke
The reverse trap one?
Is Filler Naruto some sort sex god that attracts all the pussies? Are the fillers some sort of alternate dimension? Is Boruto some sort of alternate dimension?
>inb4 Naruto manga 699 universe is still stuck in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
naw thats a different one.
>Is Filler Naruto some sort sex god that attracts all the pussies?
Yes he's a beast in the fillers that makes all the bitches faint
>Are the fillers some sort of alternate dimension? no user
Is Boruto some sort of alternate dimension?
Heard new movie is in works right?
I wonder what's it about
> inb4 collision with RtN universe
> inb4 time travel
> inb4 both
I haven't heard that recently but a few months back there was a misprint about Gaiden that called it a movie.
Who here is looking forward to Boruto's TnJ not working half as well as Naruto's?
Instead of Sasuke, Boruto will have his own Madara moment. No talking out of this one.
Imagine the RtN Boruto
> Boruto has black hair and byakugan, loves his father but kinda sad because mom's tough love.
> Menma always be with Boruto as he isn't hokage
> Bitchnata is tough but loving mother
> Hima is emo
> Mitsuki is Yandere for Boruto
Anime/Filler Naruto is an oblivious Chad.
Game Naruto is a cunning combatant.
Manga (Canon) Naruto is...?
RTN Sarada
RTN Sumire
RTN Metal
RTN Namida
RTN Goth loli
A Retard closeted homo
A dumb codependent idiot that too much power for everybody's good
>manga class rep is a bare legged slut with heels
I didn't ask for this
Post hawawas.
The hesitation is there in the raws
Well, there is a whole bubble with only ellipsis, indicating hesitation or contemplation before she says that.
what ever happen to that filler girl that came from the future?
Co-dependent homo and overworked Japanese salaryman working his way to an early grave.
I wonder how he will react when Sauce finally bites it.
there was a filler girl from the future ?
>all this talk of filler girls
>there are people who thought Sumire was ever filler
>RTN Sarada
Boy-crazy, a parallel to her player of a father, but like her mother she is less brash.
>RTN Sumire
Dark Sumire is default, but she does have a soft and nervous side that she hates.
>RTN Metal
Overconfident and loves attention, but has less potential than his original counterpart. Also shares his dad's perverseness and cross-dressing.
>RTN Namida
Wasabi and Namida basically switch personalities.
>RTN Goth loli
Bright and cheery-looking, but doesn't smile as often as regular Goth Loli. Her rabbit is small and chibi and doesn't do anything special.
if i remember correctly don't know which episode
It would make sense if she is a spy sent by Naruto, he knows she has Anbu training. I guess we will find out in the anime.
But I thought Sumire wasn't canon?
But I really do wonder how he will react when Sauce finally bites it before he does though.
I mean just look at him when Sauce's face got a little burnt in the Boruto movie. That bridal carry.
he is banging both Akita and Sumire, right? Look how Sumire behaves as a whore on a NTR doujin towards Boruto.
ill look for it user but all I'm finding so is some girl from the kurama clan who has a split personality nothing about coming from the future
no user your a sick fuck
I thought he was going to pull a sword out of Sauce's chest and bring the world revolution or something.
Just think about how your average widow would act when their husband dies.