Why is this man fuckign insane

Attached: nbm.png (568x152, 16K)

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Seems perfectly rational to me. It is true, afterall. The only people Biden's ever beaten up are little girls.

biden is a freaking psycho. kudos to Trump for calling him out.

>Biden threatens Trump Op is good!
>Trump says he'll win. Op chimps out and shits all over Sup Forums
Damn it mods, ban this guy.

Trump is in the WWE hall of fame. Id like to see him pile drive biden off the top of trump tower

>don't threaten people
What a fucking monster

And Joe Biden isn't? He threatened to beat up the President of the United States and the President responded. Nothing more to see here. Did Biden expect Trump to acquiesce to Biden's bullying tactics?

And the only world leader to headline Wrestlemania. Suck on that rest of world.

>2 old men fighting

Fucking love this timeline. I say get them In the ring

Do Lefties really think President Trump doesn't know exactly how they'll react to this? Are they that dumb? He loves being called crazy, unhinged, etc. It helps him domestically because the Left underestimates him and thinks he's a crazy man. It helps him with foreign policy because people like Rocket Man think he's unhinged and are fearful of what he might do. 4D Chess lads.

We chose chaos

Holy shit Trump gets more based by the day. He is an absolute fucking madman

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Bring back Duels

Joe Biden is insane because he is a pedophile picking a fight with the president.

I want to see a fucking cage match.

>Steve Bannon
>Sarah Sanders
>Mooch the Gooch
>Mad Dog


>Don Lemon


>Trump is an actual pedophile
>Grab them 13 year old contestants by the pussy

you mean the pedophile president trying to pick a fight with the former vice president

or does trump/epstein not count?


Everytime I start drifting away from Trump, the madman pulls me back in. I love this guy

American wrestling is like a shitty theater performance by roided up dudes, what do americans see in it?

Dumb faggot shill. If a man says he wants to fuck you up you call him on his bluff and POTUS has done just that. Andrew Jackson would be proud. Except Andrew actually dueled a man.

he doesn't beat up little girls
he loves them tenderly

Attached: joe biden 6.jpg (500x381, 38K)

Why is creepy joe Biden threatening him? Talk shit, get called out, blame the guy you talked shit to. Not only are never trumpers grown children, they’re those faggot kids nobody liked!

He is fucking insane:
>Crazy Joe Biden
>Creepy Joe Biden

Attached: biden.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

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