My local blackwater group has stepped up their training with fully auto and 50 cal. I hunt adjacent to their training grounds. They are disguised as local law enforcement but you can tell the vehicle difference. It is almost time Sup Forums these groups will come at all us rural's as we are the best armed and best marksmen.
I was told the word came down that there are too many eaters and too many breeders. There will be no warning. The only forms of communication that will not be shut down will be the first targets ( Ham radio ) taken by these groups. The biological warfare is not as effective as previously thought. Too many of us have stored food and meds.
I shall see you on the other side. God bless and take care.
Other urls found in this thread:
Its getting bad guys I am gonna keep this warning alive as long as I can.
Thanks for the info, user. Hold fast and stay true. Godspeed all.
>too many eaters and breeders
And none of that "too many" are White. What a bunch of cunts.
I thought blackwater changed it’s name years ago
Thats what I am here for. You can tell the vehicles they drive are very heavy. They are armored, they also have been training with the troop transport equipment they just moved in. # months ago they installed a 175 ft antenna, and have full military com units operational.
These people do not care about race. They take their orders from those that enslave Governments.
It is Blackwater or a co-op of clandestine groups.but they go by a militia name here. They are too well funded in a county that has 65% section 8 niggers in the city and white land. owners in rural areas.
Proof or you’re a fucking white male
How do I find on of these groups. I have growing concerns and need to meet some like minded people.
Why not move to a safer area?
Why don't you strike them now?
The government knows who has been stockpiling food and ammo. They plan to capture these first as a means of supply. They plan to force the cities into compliance. Easily done by cutting off supplies or utilities until the populace wilfully turns over guns and goods to have their power and water restored. That is if you werent looted early on by gangs or police.
Theyll use these pmcs to do the initial dirty work. They can easily blame any wrong on them, and use it as an excuse to expand police and national guard presence.
I don't live in fear. The infrastructure is so vulerable it could be shutdown in no time. Let's see these faggots coordinate without power or communications.
I don't think you understood what OP is saying. They're not good guys. They're guys hired by bad guys to kill good guys.
Are they immortal?
Didn't think so...
You must be ex military or fed, and they only approach you.
Fuck off cia shill I know they are your boys.
No one is safe in the USA.
Very well protected these guys are under the guise of law enforcement and any trespass will be treated harshly.
I am a prime target as I have large scale Ammo reloading capabilities. It may be why they chose to set up across from me a few years ago.
These fucks have full military com systems set up. The military pays 30 mil each for these com boxes.
>Military com systems.
Radio towers can be filled.
We need some proofs bro. Get some pics then come back and make a real thread. Are we supposed to just believe you?
Im sure they have you bugged, using electronic surveillance, lines tapped and all that. They tend to practice on their neighbors.
lol retards. hey if you get gassed, how would anyone ever know?
Get you ass 1/2 mile down into their training ground and cut 3 to 4 guy wires while taking fully auto fire?
I will get you pics of tower and their militia emblem.
I am sure they do also as I carry a type 07 FFL . It seems to be my only security blanket for my children. At least if I am a slave making their munitions my kids will live.
remember ruby ridge. police snipers sat up there for days until everyone thought it settled down then bang
>months ago they installed a 175 ft antenna, and have full military com units operational.
how do you know what kind of coms they have?
>t may be why they chose to set up across from me a few years ago.
take your fucking meds you sperg
Sneak in and blow the shit up.
tell us about the (((Mercs))):
>who is their target?
>to what are they referring as "eaters and breeders"?
>what FEMA zone are they going to?
K guys I have to leave you while I go work Modz can prune the thread if wanted now, but Id ask you leave it up to warn as many as possible. I will return with more.
you told us nothing of value nigger
>Hurry up and wait for death to come, Aye!
Cool LARP.
The breeders and eaters aren't found where the living's rough numbnuts. That'd be Detroit, Chicago, CA, et al.
If your scenario is indeed real, then I welcome their arrival. I've spent 30 years in these woods. Tell them they'd better bring everything they've got.