Episode 8 thread
Juuni Taisen
Ah yes, time for the weekly dose of "everyone gets shit on by the rabbit".
It's not their fault he's too clever.
He will die, just be patient.
Doesn't explain how he got a black sclera or red pupils.
I bet his life story will be brushed to the side with another shitty story,
You have 12 warriors going at it as your main premise...at least make the fucking background stories interesting and filled with some goddamn substance.
I hope the fight with rabbit gets adapted well. Poor animation would really hinder it.
Can't wait to see more Tiger, Ox better look after her after she went through with his plan
>I bet his life story will be brushed to the side with another shitty story,
LN didnt detail Rabbits past at all.
Ima be pissed if the anime skips it too.
this episode was nothing but filler then when they adapted 2 pages of the LN in the last minute it was poorly directed and animated
i prefer no past, he is like a slasher/monster villian so he doesn't need one
director will probably give him some edgy as fuck backstory or one that appeals sympathy
it's going to be awful in the anime since the animation is bad and they are reluctant to show any real gore, his final form is going to be a giant blob of blackness or be too cartoony
I expect it to be great in the manga though
>[HorribleSubs] Juuni Taisen - 08 [720p].mkv