Quick question

I just stumbled upon the "did you just assume my gender" meme and I wonder if there's a video of it? I can't find anything!
Thanks in advance

Attached: did-you-just-assume-my-gender-memegenerator-net-where-did-the-27999398.png (500x479, 100K)

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I had no idea that was from the aids Skrillex vídeo

Poor girl got meme’d hard and she was pretty normal throughout most of the video, but made a dumb face once.

It's just gold with him and Carl the cuck.

it isnt in there though

I think that bug eyed lady works at the local staples... fat women boss, most employees are lesbians, and s few dungeons and dragons cucks

>if I cut my hair to a combover, I’m a man

It’s not from that video, but a similar one at a Trump rally/protest. I can’t find it though.

I had forgotten how disgustingly greasy his hair is.

I've been trying to find this video for so long now it hurts, someone please LINK IT

It is hard as fuck to find it :-\


im tryin to find it hang on

pretty much impossible to find when reverse image searching, all the videos just use the still image. maybe with some luck and further searching though.

Attached: millenial-sotu.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

it came out within 2 weeks of carl the cuck im pretty sure

I wanna say university school rally/protest


Found it:


Look how afraid that cuck is of the boomer when the boomer got in his face. He grabbed his slave real quick to protect him. "I need some black muscle over here!" HAHAHA.

If a lefty boomer came at me I'd leg sweep his bitch ass.


Jesus thank you have my babies

Thanks bro! :-D

did we never find this womans real name or give her a meme name?

> There is a rape crisis in America
> We shouldnt stop importing unlimited amounts of foreigners

Attached: 800px-Muzorewa_1975_b.jpg (800x1206, 132K)

My fucking sides

Attached: 26990F50-27EF-4560-AE30-07D3B2D5E78C.jpg (320x246, 22K)

God I fucking hate these parasites.

Quick Sup Forums, come up with the best name for this meme doe

>1 in 3 women are raped in the US
Do these deluded cunts really believe this shit? It's probably 1 in 100, if not less.

1 in 3

Hahaha, that watch, "gold" digital Casio watch

Attached: whatdapimp.jpg (367x266, 26K)

What time in the video does she say it

I’ve heard 1/3, 1/5, 1/7 and so on. The studies that try to determine the number are at fault. Many are voluntary surveys where those personally affected are more likely to respond positively to a question about rape.The broadening definition of rape is a problem too.

>I agree, we should look into what kinds of people are doing the raping
>Racist much?

Women today get drunk, fuck some guy, regret, and call it rape. Somehow the drunk guy fucking a drunk woman is responsible.

She never actually says did you assume my gender, just some stuff about rape stats. She didn’t really deserve to be meme’d so hard, she didn’t really do anything. Not nearly as bad as AIDs Skrillex, Triggly Puff, or Big Red. This girl just mostly looks like she has a stomachache throughout the video.

love this video, it shows the ridicule we probably did not grow up with

Aids Skrillex still working as a cashier? That white privilege is hitting hard

boomers can't stand being reminded that they're old

Afaik that phrase was made with a meme generator, but it blends nicely with the still

I think he got promoted to “guy who smashes the dumpsters together”

>Man explains rape crisis in Sweden
>"Did u know dat 1 in 3 women here in America is raped?"

I don't think she has anything to worry about. Not that that statistic is even remotely real. She should move to Sweden to get laid.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.50.26 PM.png (556x552, 519K)

How is no one talking about the fact that he asked if the guy had seen American Psycho?

"Have you seen American Psycho? Do you know how many people that man killed?
Four hundred people."


american sniper