You’re now realizing the only canon “boss” characters he won against were King Piccolo, Piccolo, and Frieza

>You’re now realizing the only canon “boss” characters he won against were King Piccolo, Piccolo, and Frieza


Kid Buu.

Goku Negro.

>this show sucks MC never loses
>this show sucks MC can't defeat anybody

Why does anime attract the worst kind of idiots?

Filler character. Not a boss.

Piccolo Jr. qualifies as a boss character.

Vegeta was the boss of the saiyan saga.

Doesn’t count. He held back so Vegeta could get a turn and by the time he fought again, he ran out of power to go SSJ3. Had to charge an OP Spirit Bomb with the help of Vegeta and Hercule to end the fight.

Literally the equivalent of you getting destroyed in a fighting game and you somehow land an OP ultimate attack and win.

Stay mad, Gohanretard.

Vegeta won that fight.

Gohan beat Vegeta

OP already put Piccolo(Jr.)

So you admit he won

No krillin beat vegeta

No. Krillin beat him. He smashed the shit out of Vegeta but he got rid of his tail and afterwards was going to kill everyone until Krillin surprised him which made him give up.

>Stay mad, Gohanretard.

>Gohan is still in the ring
>Filler character isn't

Technically yes but really Kid Buu won the straight fight between them.

Welp, I am officially blind.

>Red Ribbon
>King Piccolo
>Piccolo Jr
>Pure Buu


Frieza was killed by Trunks tho.

>saving the earth twice, saving Namek and then the universe by defeating Kid Buu isn't enough

more like vegeta, picolo and frieza

Take your head out of your ass, amerilard.