Can some smart monogatari intellectuals explain to me what they meant with this sequence?

Can some smart monogatari intellectuals explain to me what they meant with this sequence?


You can't really appreciate her character unless you read her dialogue in the original, a lot gets lost in translation.

Fujoshi need a good dicking?

Which chapter(s)?

It was just to show us that Kanbaru has the indisputably best body.

That being naked at home is normal and that Araragi is a disgusting person for wanting to see Kanbaru in her depressed state but is ultimately a good person because he was going to take responsibility and marry her to compensate for accidentally walking in on her.

The real question is why when your grandmother sees you naked, your first move is to stay naked rather than cover up to avoid repeating the same mistake.
Kanbaru knew Araragi was coming over, she should have prepared much better.

she still was wallowing in despair

Cool and all but you're inviting more of that exact same despair if you do nothing to help your situation.

i imagine she does stuff like this all the time to force crab to break up with him and aragi is a huge pervert but also a massive pussy so nobody really minds

Cheap fanservice, emphasis on cheap