The left cannot function without the repression of freedom of speech. If we get the government to force "private" companies that provide speech platforms to respect freedom of speech, the left will INSTANTLY BE KEKED, shrivel and die off.
You know this to be true- any time somebody dissents on reddit, youtube or in any heavily moderated forum, one of the leftist powermod dicksucker do-it-for-free dipshits swoops in and censors the wrong think, removing the viewpoint that reflects reality and making room for more leftist mental illness and drivel to take its place.
With an Internet Bill of Rights, this can be ameliorated somewhat.
YOU CAN SIGN FROM ANY COUNTRY. This is a direct petition to the White House to get a Bill protecting freedom of speech online passed. No more of that faggot censorship on youtube and twitter. It's the only weapon they have and they still lose- imagine if our power was unleashed.
We're already at nearly 30k signatures, and we need 100k by April 3rd. It will be a challenge, but if we have daily threads and share it around, we can easily make the goal.
Facially unconstitutional, but have fun with that.
Evan Ross
>enforcing free speech is unconstitutional dumb califaggot
Andrew Thompson
>If we get the government to force "private" companies that provide speech platforms to respect freedom of speech, the left will INSTANTLY BE KEKED, shrivel and die off.
businesses have the right to serve anyone they please
Christian Sanchez
Scuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum gaaaaaaaaaang
Isaiah Brown
come the fuck on Sup Forums. we can kill our mortal enemies with this bill or something similar. this is your chance to fuck with these pinko faggots and cowards who take pride in making your lives living hell.
blocking someone on twitter is a violation of their free speech rights, as the right to free speech somehow implies the right and access to a private platform where you are able to speak
Elijah Perez
using personal muting or blocking tools is just the expression of freedom of association translated to the online real of communication
nice try shill faggot. you work for twitter? right to censor?
when steve the cuck hofffman editted comments that made reddit no longer immune to the 1996 internet act. reddit is officially responsible for everything published in their site now. that is the law.
reddit should get sued and hoffman should be canned.
David Jackson
I remember this. Did he edit comments from users specifically supporting Trump? I am not familiar with the 1966 Internet Act.
Blake Ramirez
Folks, we have a literal UK resident helping push this because they have no guns, no freedom of speech and one of their pug owners was imprisoned yesterday for the roman salute.
They know how bad it can get. They don't want America to go the way of the UK. Please helkp us push the #InternetBillOfRights
>Facially unconstitutional, but have fun with that. I doubt it. The right to peaceably assemble has even been upheld in fucking grocery store parking lots, so long as it doesn't disrupt business. Since the business of social media is literally gathering to discuss in the first place it's really not out of the question that people should be allowed to practice legal speech on the platform regardless of policy.
It isn't like a television station which has to produce segements and such being required to give you a platform. Social media is begging you to participate on the platform.
I think the right jew could win a case like this.
Bentley Scott
Bump for freedom
Daniel Gray
Cameron Jackson
bump from orwell's dystopia
Julian Rivera
Q predicted many things but he didn't see that pug joke imprisonment coming. Sorry bud.
Jaxson Watson
Leave out the part referencing conservatives. Better yet, try to frame it as though liberal voices are being suppressed, and let them destroy themselves
Chase Flores
That's a problem I noticed too. If the petition didn't reference any parties, we could get them to rope themselves.
Faceberg, Twitter, Reddit, and Google dominate the social sphere.
They have already silenced us to some degree. They want to make it appear as if all are screaming refugees welcome. They want to silence us completely.
Easton Wilson
This is where lolbertarians show their true colours. You faggots care more about the rights of corporations over the rights of individuals.
This is relevant. Currently xfinity is denying me access to Sup Forums. It's fucked m8. Censorship to the max
Jack Hall
Why are you siding with leftists and neo-liberals on this? They are the ones pushing for more online censorship and you're agreeing with them because it's a private company doing it. What the fuck is wrong with you.
Holy shit the meme I posted is perfectly apt to describe you isn't it. Holy shit.
Cooper Peterson
I know you think global sharia law is the solution Achmed, but we do things differently here in the first world.
Thomas Rivera
>muh free market There is no market you nigger. These are monopolies. They'd be lucky if they got off that easy since they're violating tons of anti-trust laws. This is why libertarians are trash.
The irony being that all these social media companies are meeting with muslim groups to establish "Sharia speech codes", and you are defending them in doing this.
You are a traitor to the West.
Nathan Long
>muh free speech >thinks the government should force private companies to post other peoples content for free. typical nu-right cuck.
David James
i will say this again: you have the right to free speech, but private institutions aren't forced in any way shape or form to provide it to you. it's a shame really, because you could have a chance at that free speech if you weren't busy licking so many boots.
Ryder Long
100% confirmed Right to Censor Shareblue kike shill
Right-wing cockroaches think compelling speech is what freedom is.
Deranged animals. Y'all need to be put down.
Anthony Hall
>but gubmint is the one allowing these monopolies herp derp Don't even bother. They're either going to tell you to create your own company or to dismantle the government which will somehow lead to increased competition.
>But private institutions aren't forced in any way shape or form to provide it to you
The nature of the internet and our increasingly globalized world puts this into question. Speech is occurring online now, not at your local community center. We can't have a company deciding what speech is acceptable given that they have monopoly power on the few forums where speech is actually heard.
Juan Brooks
Sign the petition, patriots! It takes 30 seconds.
Faceberg, Twitter, and Youtube are the new town squares. If free speech isn't protected there, WE DON'T HAVE FREE SPEECH.
These corporations are overplaying their hand by attempting to censor us now. They really thought she would win.
Dominic Perez
Make a new platform if you don't like what jewtube is doing. That's how the free market works. Any company is well within it's rights to decide what content they allow, doesn't mean you're compelled to use their service.
Camden King
nigger. also any large scale violence between American inhabitants would be the end of white America as we know it
Hudson Lewis
see >But private institutions aren't forced in any way shape or form to provide it to you The nature of the internet and our increasingly globalized world puts this into question. Speech is occurring online now, not at your local community center. We can't have a company deciding what speech is acceptable given that they have monopoly power on the few forums where speech is actually heard.
Isaiah Roberts
So what if private corporations bought every town square in every major city in the U.S. and said certain people don't have the right to assemble there? Because that's essentially what Google, Facebook and Twitter have done on the internet. Especially when you consider the fact that their sites are what generate probably 90% percent of internet traffic.
Benjamin Williams
"Right to Censor" google shill fuck off
Isaac Fisher
British intellectualism
Connor Nelson
>Make a new platform The ISPs will crush it shit faggot.
ISPs are blocking Sup Forums already.
Brandon Jackson
>reddit and youtube don't constantly censor leftist communities God I wish I lived in the world you lived in OP
Adam Roberts
>Lolbertarian intellectualism Assuming you even are a libertarian. You might be shareblue for all we know given your support for corporate censorship.
Ayden Peterson
I already have free speech.
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits
Fuck your Queen of England, Fuck Trump, Fuck Hillary, and most important, Fuck your Mother.
Oliver Edwards
You're so mad that White identity is rising all across America and Europe. You won't divide us, semite. The internet is our tool of unification and we just sounded your death knell with the election of 2016.
Your bolshevist scourge ends with me.
Jayden Morgan
When's the last time reddit or youtbe censored leftists?
William Peterson
>I already have free speech. Now go make a gun tutorial video on YouTube and enjoy your ban faggot.
Austin Murphy
Conservatives are censored a lot more although there are cases of lefties getting censored as well. With that said, we should all be able to agree that what these companies are doing is wrong no matter who they're doing it to.
>WHY Because the left has nothing going for them but lies, shaming, threats and censorship. WE HAVE THE TRUTH, WE HAVE THE FACTS.
Can you IMAGINE having conservative and right-wing twatter accounts with MILLIONS OF followers dropping REDPILLS left and right EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY while the libtards just have to watch helplessly the redeemable normies and non-retards get redpilled?
When we get rid of Internet censorship, the MSM will DIE.
ASK FOR OTHERS TO SHARE IT TOO. We need this to go viral.
When you share the link, give the people you're sharing them with the REASONS why they should sign it and SHARE IT: the total defeat the destruction of censorship will bring to the left when it happens.
Tweet this thread to all internet celebs. It's time we used them for what they are good.
SIGN THE PETITION AND SHARE IT. Deep state controlled leftard big tech is silencing conservative voices so they can cripple the GOP on the 2018 elections while See Eye Hay operatives are flooding the democratic party and want to get into congress so they can get the majority and vote to impeach Trump (see: CRUSH THEM, LETS BURN THEIR PLANS TO THE GROUND, RIP THEIR HEADS OFF AND SHIT DOWN THEIR NECKS LIKE THEY DESERVE.
But they are lying when they say they provide access to all types of voices. They need to state clearly that they discriminate based on political stance, because conservatives are getting banned without breaching the term of service, just because of their political stance.
Liam Johnson
SIGN THE PETITION AND PUSH IT EVERYWHERE. Tweet this thread to all the e-celebs, get them on board. >How to ask for the e-celeb support: Send them a DM if you can, if you can't then tweet at them. Use this script if you feel like it: >-- Hey there [NAME]! Thanks for all your great work. Could you please help us push the IBOR so we can have a censorship free internet and meet the left on equal ground for once and destroy them? Give a quick read at this thread: [LINK TO THIS THREAD or]. Thanks in advance, have a great day! >--
>WARNING Someone has split the 'Internet Bill of Rights' into 11 different petitions. The leftists are afraid. ITS A SIGN WE NEED TO PUSH THIS.
>VERY IMPORTANT It is key to get the people who are pro-free speech and have MASSIVE following to push this. Please help with spamming this thread at these social media whales. USE THE SCRIPT IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT.
>The ISPs will crush it shit faggot. good thing you guys removed net neutrality. some excellent fucking foresight.
Jaxson Butler
>CRUCIAL INFO To all the people who say to us: "Twitter isn't a government forum. They don't have to let you say anything. Make your own massively popular website.", we answer:
"When you make an online profile, you agree to not violate their standard. When a post doesn't violate those standards, but is politically different than the site's agenda, removing it is wrong. Even shill jews have a right to shitpost, as long as it's not against the set rules of the site."; and
"They make millions in ad revenue off our traffic, so they should accommodate the wants of a majority of their users. When a post is removed or profile suspended due to a post that DOES NOT violate any set rules, that equates the changing the rules of a game after it already starts. If they want to discriminate political posts of a certain type: a-okay, but some people promote their businesses, product, and methods of income there. If they want to discriminate politically, that fine, but put a big red disclaimer at the sign up that makes it crystal fuckin clear that they can and will remove posts they don't agree with, so that those of us that would like that information can have it to use. I wouldn't have made a twitter account if I knew it would be suspended after a day, see what I mean?"
Don't you want to see the left scrambling to defend this crap? "Some of these platforms further employ tracking mechanisms for monitoring an individual's digital history, which can be used to censor the individual's public communication through various censorship practices, sometimes without knowledge or awareness".
What the fuck. Is that a real tweet? Didn't realize Paul Nehlen was this much of an /ourguy/
Jose Sanders
Lefties might act all high and mighty like they care about private property rights when faced with this YUUGE threat to them because they think they can use the private rights angle against us on this , but ALWAYS REMEMBER the left PRO-ACTIVELY tries to harass people, doxx people, destroy their private property AND EVEN beat just because they disagree with someone. The shills working for David Brock even DELIGHTED THEMSELVES at the prospect of doxxing Trump supporters so they could get Trump supporters to get the SETH RICH TREATMENT (proof:
The leftists are afraid the time comes when the censorship ends, because you have nothing going for you but threats, lies, shamming and censorship.
Fuck you lefttards, you're done, we're going to rip your head off and shit down your throats once the censorship is gone. You've got nothing but lies, threats, shaming and censorship, WE HAVE THE FACTS.
One jootube becomes another jootube... why the fuck does it matter to you shill?
Notice how I said "Hub" not implying anything about porn or my morals. I think there is a "how to spot a jew" poster around here somewhere with this exact shit on it.