Nightmare Funk

Finally got me typesetter, so here's a project I wanted to do for a while, a 4 volume long manga published a few years back in Jump SQ. It's a story about an unlikely duo of a mysterious assassin and a detective who sees prophetic dreams. Action and violence and various fetishes included.

Check it out if you want to.





Thanks, looks interesting.







Aw yes, the artstyle is great

thanks for translating second chapter as well, it contains the absolutely fundamental know-how about defeating truck-kun








Certainly not a boring read.

Loved the art from the first sight.

I've just googled the author, its dude from Reverse trap on ice
and there i've always thought that it was female author











Cool. I think I dumped this forever ago, nice to see it scanlated. Shame it's only 4 volumes, but I suppose it's a miracle it lasted that long in Jump.











welp. the writing isn't so great. Characters and their chemistry is top notch, comedy at least in these 2 chapters is pretty ok, but there are no surprises. Maybe if there were at least more important, fancy looking characters like in Black lagoon, apart from twins i don't remember anyone else from this manga.

I wonder why doesn't this artist work with better writers. This artstyle would make glorious shounen.

hello there, Detective Gumshoe




Shame it had to end like that, but I guess that's Jump for you.




modest levels of gratuitous censorship...



Yeah, I definitely have a little thing for the art.


I recognise that jaw, eyebrows and haircut. but the expression is different to jump's longest run series...

Yup, that's him. I like his big panels.

It's SQ, but yeah. And tehre are no exorcists in this manga, so its chances were even lower.

Takemura uses contrast pretty well. Bold lines, big clear panels, simple but effective composition. It is nice, I hope he returns again.

Klaus is that self-aware.



























This chapter will be a ride



All good cops have something from Ryotsu, but only Ryotsu has teh magnificent unibrow.

It is a blast indeed.











