ITT Villains who had moral high ground and better motives than the heroes
ITT Villains who had moral high ground and better motives than the heroes
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>anti-spirals will intervene if the population rises too high, so I'll kill everyone before they can be killed
>also I'm not going to explain my actions or anything even if it would be easy to do so, I'll just randomly start killing
Should have posted this guy.
Touko did nothing wrong in Mahou
>instead of uniting humanity within a single city where I can keep control over the population count, I'm just going to let them fuck around underground and send genetic experiments to kill them
The timeskip ruins TGLL.
Well, about as much as Nia does.
Damn I want a Hitler version of Re:Zero
Unironically this guy
>witnessed the loss of his mother at a young age
>saw despair and suffering all around him, starting with his dad first
>resented his mom because she let a pos bully and angel like her
>saw evil in the world
>swore to redefine the world itself and bring forth heaven
>gets killed by a fucking raging teen meme
The villains of TTGL think too much. The heroes don't think at all.
>instead of uniting humanity within a single city where I can keep control over the population count
That's not going to happen, you know.
The humans are going to fuck like rabbits prohibition or not and he's going to have to kill them. Then when they've been all living together for a while and have some tech and some learned history of all that's happened, they're going to want to revolt again. With the spread out method, he could at least weed out bits of the population as they crop up and/or the limited resources prevent them from having too many surviving babies.
Both plans don't (didn't) work but Lordgenome managed to keep his plan going for over a thousand years.
>Good reasons
They were just to beta to fight back. Thankfully Simon was there to win the fight.
>I will use terror and still eat tasty humans
I don't think so
A brave man who stood up against the entire world to create a dream where everyone could be with their waifu.
>Child rapist
>High moral ground
Over Heaven is not canon.
Now pic related is one who absolutely did nothing wrong.
>unironically defending Dio
>unironically defending the superman of villains
Fuck off fag, Araki literally canoned overheaven by drawing the cover
The obvious answer to overpopulation is taxation odd that he failed to realize.
I guess Jorge Joestar must be canon then.
>was faced with a rather simple task of preventing his siblings from incest
>somehow it resulted into him having to restart the entire fucking universe
That's Mr.Bean-tier of fucking things up.
>implying he wasn't resetting the universe in order to bring happiness to mankind
Anyone who's seen Noein, what do you think of this guy?
Certainly didn't have the moral high ground, but I kind of wanted him to win anyway.
Evil cake
I don't think he was wrong to think the way he did considering all the suffering he witnessed throughout all the dimensions, but his plan was pretty much a dice roll so he was hard to get behind.
>resetting the universe in order to bring happiness to those few ones who survived through nuclear stands like Heavy Weather and Bohemian Rhapsody, then somehow weren't killed by accelerating time, made it safely to the vanishing point and were not replaced by their own carbon copy
Pucci's final bodycount is probably well in the millions, with everything he caused directly and indirectly.
My boy right here
Dirty red btfo
>murdering a bunch of lolis and making them into soup
Frankly he was justified up until the soup.
since when you were under the assumption that it wasn't?
A 14yo is not a child user. Dont be a cuck
>Moral High Ground
>Recklessly endangers the lives of innocent teens out of spite
>Better Motives
>Just wants the credit for herself instead of helping someone more capable
Also no.
He's trying to save the world from the 2000 year curse. It's totally justified. And he only used worthless people in his experiments.
Valentine said it was Lucy's childishness that made his cock wet. He'd probably fuck Lucy's baby if he was successful, don't fool yourself my man
>Loli soup
Just move away from the crater nigga
>Trying to safe
Fuck no, he was digging shit for himself
Sterilization, abortion, and laboratory-controlled reproduction. Use historical revisionism as necessary.
Too easy for Hitler.
Dio's endgame was creating [Heaven] even in the manga, Pucci is merely following his plan. Of course, he would conquer the world and rule over [Heaven] but he'd still create it.
that sounds pretty based to me
>3 retard kids show up
>destroy most of your base along with dozens of people
>kill you twice
>fuck up the greatest experiment of your life
>corrupt your daughter's mind to the point where she chooses them over you
>take a fat steaming shit on your place of prayer and meditation
>can't even comfort yourself with religion because every time you go to pray you'll be reminded of the pile of turds that was left there just for you
Bondrewd gives me second-hand embarrassment.
>A fucking psycho robot child with kemono tendency commanded by a failed test and the lord of the poop Riko
He was noble and his actions were justified
Amen Satan.
Though to be fair to the first point, it's his own fault really that the robot learned the glories of kemono.
>made himself kemono
>kemono-lover robot still nuked him
Truly JUST.
You called?
You're just rewriting the plot to Equilibrium at this point.
Say no to kink shaming
t. Gendo
t. Shinji
>I'll kill everyone before they can be killed
Is this the most retarded "totally morally gray" character motivation that's ever been created?
I don't get it. The "humans" were the villains.
Squealer's punishment was pure evil. Any race that believes something like that is ok is a race that deserves to be genocided.
t/l note: dogs eat dog food
I mean, he did what he thought was right to ensure the continuation of his race, even if he was a complete jackass about it.
Problem was he somehow hadn't realized what genre he existed in; something everyone else he knew had.
Hardly a "villain", but listed as an antagonist
>Moral high ground
Doesn't kill innocent people for fun (does kill mass murderers and pedophiles for fun, though)
Wants to kill a genocidal mass murderer for amputating his right arm and blinding him
>Moral high ground
Directly invoked another European war just so she could feed off hatred and fear
Waah I didn't get picked to be special I wanna be special
>Directly invoked another European war just so she could feed off hatred and fear
Technically she just incited sports riots. That alone probably wouldn't have led to outright war.
The nuke she accidentally launched, on the other hand...
>I'll kill everyone before they can be killed
Rossiu haters don't pay attention of the series, huh.
His plan was pants on head retarded. Literally suicide.
His plan was perfectly logical.
Problem being he forgot he exists in a world that doesn't run on logic.
You're the one who doesn't run on logic. Rossiu's plan was
>destroying the only military asset they had that was worth shit
>executing the best pilot for no reason except appealing to a mob of a few dozen people angry their houses got destroyed to save their lives
>running away on a spaceship while leaving 4/5 of the population to die on Earth
>hoping the Antispirals wouldn't attack them on space so they could (maybe?) come back on Earth a few years later
Needless to say, the Antispirals aren't dumb enough to let a giant ass spaceship filled with 200 000 people go away unnoticed so they attacked them and Rossiu could only shit and kill himself.
This plan doesn't make sense in any kind of universe. It's pure retardation and Rossiu understood it so well he wanted to put a bullet in his head to forget he ever had this shit idea
>gets BTFO when Aoko gets the family circuits (because she's superior) despite being the younger sibling which would normally mean getting sent to a rival family to get worm raped.
>be butt hurt and killed her grandfather
>sold her hair to get familiar in an attempt to one up Aoko because she's so ass blasted
>familiar ends up killing Soujuurou yet fails to defeat Aoko
>Aoko wrecks Touko proving once again she's superior the superior sister/Aozaki/magus/true-magician
>goes back to revive Soujuurou with BLUE
Dirty red did nothing right.
>Be Aoko
>Be Dirty Red
Mortalfaggots btfo
>Superior circuits
>Superior Magus
Nice headcanon anonon.
>You're saying as if a family can only be made with blood relations. I do not think that is the case. A compassionate heart is what makes people a family. Blood does not help much in that regard. Love. It's love, Nanachi.
Why haters can't fucking understand simple aspects of TTGL?
Wyald did nothing wrong, he was just having some fun
This. Rossiu sucked at being coldly logical and pragmatic. He just seemed like kind of a dumbass who'd let his power go to his head.
>creates system where some of the memories from one frankenstein meat doll moves to another frankenstein meat doll.
>Being so casual he thinks Touko "reincarnates"
Dirty red isn't even really "alive" in that sense. She still ages and dies if her dolls run out.
Only true reincarnation is heaven's feel. A true magic. Touko can't into true magic like Aoko because she's shit.
Meruem has a point.
He's in over his head like everyone else. But he's also the one least able to just walk away from the government. He sucked at being cold and pragmatic because he had no experience and was always one of the more weak-willed and panicky cast members. If he really was power mad than he wouldn't have tried to eat a gun once everything calmed down and he found himself still at the top.
>antagonist does not concern himself with morality and wins
>dolls age
>Also not reading SF
Are you alright user?
Wait Touko is in strange/fake?
Also isn't an important point about the dolls that they are perfect replicas of herself down to age?
>MC realizes the villains are not bad guys
Theyre puppets user,not homonculi.
Well yes they are puppets.
you're a puppet
Do puppets age? Do dormant Toukos starve and wither to death?
Theres your answer user
youre a muppet
>Do puppets age?
>Do dormant Toukos starve and wither to death?
Not when stored properly
All Tomaru wanted to do was love his family.
Thats silly, puppets arent biologically human. They just look like one
So how does this end happening? Like... what series of events leads his family to be this inbred, and everyone ok with it?
Also, how fucking old is this guy by that time?
>destroying the only military asset they had that was worth shit
Because he thought they wouldn't need it when they were hiding form the anti-spyrals and that the time it gave them would've given him enough resources to figure out how to fight them without relying on one guy.
>executing the best pilot for no reason except appealing to a mob of a few dozen people angry their houses got destroyed to save their lives
The civilians were retarded, no one is disputing that. But if Rossieu enacted his plan while all the rioting was going on it would have failed spectacularly.
>running away on a spaceship while leaving 4/5 of the population to die on Earth
It was either that or let everyone die
>hoping the Antispirals wouldn't attack them on space so they could (maybe?) come back on Earth a few years later
This is the only truly stupid part. Why would he not think they could attack them in space? They are Ayy lmoas who travel through the cosmos, it was really dumb to think they wouldn't have ships waiting to attack.
>Why would he not think they could attack them in space? They are Ayy lmoas who travel through the cosmos, it was really dumb to think they wouldn't have ships waiting to attack.
Maybe he was hoping that once 4/5ths of the population was slaughtered by the moon impact, they'd leave the rest alone?
>Because he thought they wouldn't need it when they were hiding form the anti-spyrals and that the time it gave them would've given him enough resources to figure out how to fight them without relying on one guy.
That's called wishful thinking aka retardation. "If we're lucky enough we'll never have to fight so let's just throw away the army for no reason!"
>But if Rossieu enacted his plan while all the rioting was going on it would have failed spectacularly.
Rossiu could've calmed them without this bullshit. He could've faked Simon's execution too.
>It was either that or let everyone die
Fleeing was a gamble, the same as fighting, except fleeing would always kill 4/5 of Earth even in case of success, fighting wouldn't
I get the "Rossiu tries to be pragmatic and not overestimate their odds" narrative but it doesn't change the fact that he took terrible unnecessary decisions
>merely enacting pleasures based on his wealth
>cleaning the trash of society whilst giving them another shot at living
zero problems here
Team Gurren really did have shit motives when you get right down to it.
Surprised it took so long to be posted really.