Houseki no Kuni

Just try to find me a gem cuter than Crying Cinnamon.
You literally can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Surprised Jade is the cutest gem.

i'd frost that cinnabon



The cutest!


Spoiler that!

The most autistic!

Don't cry for me, Crying Shinsha
The truth is, I never left you
All through my wild days, my mad existence
I kept my promise


>Oh, you think I'm cute, eh?

old naive phos is better


I hope the anime gives enough Phos reassembly footage at some point to remake the Deus Ex HR intro with it.


For the record, the last thread was the most successful thread I've made in almost a decade on this site.

Do you think the gembutts can feel phantom pain?


I cannot let you perpetuate a false truth! Red Beryl is the cutest red gem!

True cuteness requires suffering.
Where's Red Beryl's suffering?

Oh, there'll be some suffering all right.

>Beryl shows up
>Blumenkranz (Teddyloid x MONACA remix) starts playing in the background

>pic related

We're very proud of you, user.

Which remix is that? A search has failed me.

>Shinsha...I'm already a demon

Dream remix that will never happen.

Fuck, you got my hopes up.

>get caught up on the manga
What the fuck is going on anymore?

is it that bad?

It's great.

no, it's good but it's too strong

Casual Phos and Shinsha!

Houseki hands down is one of my favourite mangos.

what does it even mean?

Don't be afraid. Darkness welcome you

So I read through the whole manga today. This is going to be a disaster of colossal proportions, isn't it? Phos can't keep getting away with it.

not telling

Phossy is unbearably cute there. its blinding

Shit is going down, and going down hard.
Your gem waifu might not survive. Yes, your gem waifu specifically.

Am I a gem? I can replace Red Beryl and even...Dia.


did it take you down?

im 99.9% sure it's gonna have a good ending

You'll be FIRE

oh, yes
Sensei however won't waver

Yup. Expecting epic fuckup.

what do you mean?

Shiny diamonds
Like the eyes of a cat in the black and blue
Something is coming for you

dumb robin

>So you're a friend that's good at fucking up!


what a cute couple


>All the gems I like minus Rutile are going to the moon
It's like this plan was specifically designed to make me feel like shit.

It's more like Nier than Automata, Phos being like a better version of Kaine.

I wish I could binge the despair but I'd have to suffer for it for a period of months

But gems are immortal, arent they?

I'll be your Diamond, what do you say?

Nier A was shit
i hope it's more like Nier R/G

There are worse ends than death

I'm near certain at this point that he's just a robot performing it's tasks as programmed without understanding what's happening. If all the gems were to disappear, he'd just start crafting more of them because intNumberOfGems < 10.

(Also best gem is still on the earth)

anyone has the end card of ep 7?

What's the purpose of bringing gems on the Moon?

I don't think he can, gems are born at that valley what-its-name then he carves them to look good and not disfigured and then educates them. What I don't understand is why he stopped praying. Besides praying for others sounds retarded.

And Sensei is seen throwing his own shards over that cliff for seemingly no reason. Seeding it, maybe? Perhaps the gems are literally his children.

they need some dusting

Don't read if you don't like spoilers.
The moonies are like the Shades.
Sensei is like devola/popola but they don't ally with the Shades.
Phos is Kaine, hearing the voice of the moon people and animals, and having to deal with another personality, Lapis, in her head.

>Sensei still doesn't give in
>Moon people give a reason to fight and moon tech to the new arrivals
>We gem civil war now
>Bort VS Dia fight
I'm not ready for this.

Isn't this a reference to the fact that some diamonds come up to the world through volcanic eruptions?

Do you not know of the serpent from 25-ji no Vacances?

What if my waifu is Cicada?

But why? Only pissing of sensei?

that would mean that the thing that gives them birth is also a machine

You're waifu is too dumb to live.

What about the admirabilis?
Also did she really take the inclusions of Lapis?

But Cicada is long dead

>Also did she really take the inclusions of Lapis?
well she's quite an airhead

Never read the other manga of the author.
Are those tragic?


It was a most enjoyable thread. Grats and thank you.

>Do you not know of the serpent from 25-ji no Vacances?
user is still translating so I don't. I read just the first chapter.


More like bittersweet.

If they wanted gems to dust, they could have done it themselves. I bet the moonies could abduct every single one in a year if they tried. Come during winter when everyone, including sensei, is asleep, and they could do it in one trip. Their usual attacks are like the moon girls just coming by to play. Dusting them all isn't their strategy. It doesn't make sense, given the millions of years this conflict could have been going for and the slow rate new gems are created at.

Shinasha on a date(mistakenly believed)!

Try reading the Mushi no Uta compilation. It's fully translated.

Spoilers for Chapter 3 of 25-ji no Vacances
A giant intergalactic serpent slurps up girls tossed into the vacuum of space
No happy endings for you

Most characters in Houseki are actually expies from other manga from the author.

Yeah, read the plot on mal

I'd say it's more like she was trying out the characters before implementing them all into HnK, since the idea for Houseki came to her in high school

I demand more love for poor overlooked Euclase!

really? is there any interview of her?

The artist posts them all on his twitter

I wonder if that building had windows at one point.

I posted this a few threads ago

Here's my translation of an interview with Ichikawa Haruko from 2014 on the origin of Houseki no Kuni:

Interviewer - I
Haruko - H

I: It was surprising to learn that Ichikawa Haruko, who portrays relationships between humans and inhuman beings, chose the topic of gemstones for her first big manga. Perhaps, you were interested in gemstones in the past?

H: I can’t say I’m well educated in that field. If we’re talking about initial impulse, it has to do with high school. I studied in a Buddhist high school. Though, I didn’t know enough to enter.

I: What was it like, entering without knowledge?

H: When I entered the class on the first day, there was a handbook-sized box on my place. It had «A gift for the new student» written on it, so I opened it. Inside it were beads. They were for reading sutras before lessons.

I: Quite unexpected.

H: In regular school there is, if I’m not mistaken, such lesson as ethics, while we had Buddhism lessons instead, and for three years we studied Shinran. During those lessons, I learned of such a thing as the «Sutra of Eternal Life». One of its lines says that the «Eastern Pure Land is made of gemstones»

I: Could you tell us more about that?

H: The expression «eternal life» also has the meaning of «immeasurable lustre». The teachings of Buddha lie at the basis of the sutra, but the heaven of the Pure Land is depicted grand and pompous. When I read that sutra in high school, I though to myself that in heaven - a place where everything in existence should find salvation, only gems are but decorations.

I: I think such a thought is very much in your style. So, by transferring the feelings to gemstones rather than humans, you empathised with the gems?


Who are your top 3 gems anons? I know they're all loveable but try to decide on 3. Mine are Rutile, Phos, and Cinnabar. I finally read the manga and had trouble deciding if my third spot should go to Cairngorm, but my experience with the anime pushes me toward Cinnabar.

H: Not empathized per se, more like I though that even with Buddha’s power, saving everything in existence is a hard task. Naturally, the gems mentioned in the sutra are an allegory. In India of that time, gems were valued above all else, so metaphors cropped up, comparing gemstones with the virtues of Buddha’s followers. Therefore, to visualise heaven for commoners, it was said that «the heaven of the Pure Land is a beautiful place made of valuable gemstones».

I: But the idea for the «Land of the Lustrous» came about from a literal interpretation of that teaching.

H: I had a question: «Where would the gems for the Pure Land come from»? According to the sutra, they are natural formations, but a story of buddhas going on hunts for gems to decorate the Pure land… seems interesting, doesn’t it?

I: Why did you you choose an idea from you school days for your first big manga?

H: Before my debut, I drew web manga based on that idea. I made a few 5-6 page snippets, ~20 pages in total. After that I had my debut with «Mushi no Uta», so I left the gemstone idea behind for some time, but but when it came time for a big manga, I decided I wanted to return back to it.

I: When you drew those 20 pages, did you feel they would grow into such a deep piece of work?

H: What the story would become, I neither knew back then nor do I now. I like that uncertainty - that’s what I feel

Also you can google translate these two, the translation is almost on point.