Anime that's better than the source manga


one punch man
yu gi oh
dragon ball

wadup come at me

Demi-chan wa kataritai


>start reading volume 1
>Please save Yuri and Fee saves space story is already the first two chapters
>no Ai until way later

also death note, overall

>stealth recommendation thread
Do we really one of these every day, OP?

fuck off

Dragonball anime was better than the manga but Z shit the bed around namek

Keep reading. The manga's story is way, way better.

The anime is good, but only when it's adapting the manga. When it goes off the rails with LOLSORANDOM comedy then it's not very good.

The Toy Box is supposed to be an isolated crew. Yuri, Fee, Hachimaki, and later Ai. That's it. There's no goofy middle management. No random temp girl. No space ninjas. It's a small group of people isolated away from everything else. The anime completely failed to depict this in favor of sophomoric-at-best attempts at humor.