>company going under
>passes away shortly after
>company going under
>passes away shortly after
As a 90S KID, this is quite an unfortunate ending to read about
Once a Toys R Us kid, always a Toys R Us kid...
another dead canary in the coal mine dug towards 'mutt extinction
Always enjoyed shopping for Lego there as a kid, or even just to ride the electric cars around the store causing havoc.
Thanks for making a business that many kids loved throughout childhood
>Charles Lazarus
eh he'll be back soon.
Beat me to it
>he thinks we're not taking the rest of the world with us when we go
No wonder you retards lost a war to birds
My grandfather used to take me to Toy's R Us and got me whatever I wanted. It was always magical. Im going to miss that.
>Lazarus joke
Fucking checked.
>samson option
why does not that surprise me...?
The only place where they had my favourite character from SS.
I don't know what you guys are talking about.
Toysrus was shitty.
I enjoyed the store as a child, but it's just another kike biting the dust at this point.
F, lazarusbergshekelstein
Meh...don't care, TrU hasn't been cool since the 90's. Then they went and banned "war toys" making only faggy shit available. Fuck em and good riddance.
F :( I will miss Toys R Us.