"Name an anime that most people didn't understand."
"Name an anime that most people didn't understand."
Other urls found in this thread:
Akame ga kiru
Hunter x Hunter. Go to any thread for a shitty shonen like Boku No Shit and it is obvious they completely missed the point of HxH, and of intelligent and compelling storytelling in general.
Prisma Illya.
Most people think it's just a SoL anime with a bit of mystery in it when it clearly isn't, and there is something that cannot be understood about it until you dig deeper and focus all of your attention on it.
And most people don't seem to understand.
Ergo Proxy. Most people don't understand just how shallow and pretentious it is.
Madoka magica
Hello Kitty. Try explaining the plot. I dare you.
This template is allowed.
Elfen Lied.
that fucking image lol
Nichijou. You need a very high IQ to understand it.
Kodomo no Jikan
Evangelion - too much over analysis and pseudo-intellectual quackery on a series made for japanese teenagers with little understanding of abrahamic monotheism.
Fist or North Star
This but unironically
understanding of zen, wabi sabi, and japanese aesthetics in general amplify the appreciation/enjoyment of nichijou tenfold
shame, you seemed an honest man
I thought I understood it, but the beginning still didn't make sense. Was she having the hallucinations as a side effect of being so closely between the wired and the real world?
Keijo, a very well done sports anime that understood how to use the difference between what we perceive and what the characters perceive, the only thing people got was boobs
I love you
Someone post the Satoko greentext[/spoiler
Also Diabolik Lovers, the first season. If this was a western horror it would have been a classic in the horror comedy genre. On Sup Forums it became a meme.
>picked it up ironically to see what the hype was about
>expected to hate it because of gratuitous fanservice
>enjoyed it unironically for the sports action
>go to thread
>unf unf boobs butts hips
I kind of expected that but damn it's like nobody did anything but beat their meat to this show.
To love-ru
If it was a western supernatural romance, it would have been called Twilight
>mods deleted my post
What the fuck? Is it because of the trollface? Newfag mods, this image is an Sup Forums classic that's been posted frequently for like eight years.
Flippy flopperlers
Mawaru Penguindrum
Don't even attempt to compare the two. Diabolik Lover vampires show an understanding of the vampire as a sexual predator that has been long lost, and is seen only in stories with female
vampires. Twilight is the nbr incest of monster fuckers, there is nothing of the vampire but the name. Exactly like Beastly for that matter, and I am sure there are countless other examples in western movies.
...I'm actually half interested in this show now
But is the show any good?
It's rare to find someone who gets it on this board.
I enjoyed the show but the VN is better. You really get to explore how fucked up everyone is.
This scene demonstratea the allure of the female body which is lost on vampires. They are so far disconnected from humanity that a females nude from doesn't arouse them as they merely view them as food. Also they can't get boners cause they have no blood
That's closer to a depiction of an abusive relationship, but you are free to see it your way.
Women like it though so it doesn't matter. They sort of deserve abuse really.
Tenchi In Tokyo, as a deconstruction of the Harem.
Mind you, I'm not saying that it's good.
Neo tokyo
texhnolyze, i didn't get it either
A BONES anime with something original in it.
I'm about the finish that soon actually and my gf loved it and usually has great taste but I've found the show to be almost total pretentious shit with no real point
You could cut out half the episodes and it would be way better
Excel Saga
I endeavor to be this man.
I found the anime quite dull and more fanservicey(the only thing i enjoyed tbqh) the PLOT happened only in the last 2 episodes and it didnt make sense whatsoever but thats just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
any mahjong anime
subete ga fedora
yurikuma arashi
urara meirochou
Sennen Joyuu
What was there to not understand?
Eva 3.33
Eva is garbage. It's not hard to understand, it's just not good.
what is it then
now you made me CURIOUS
It's so clearly trying to recreate Lain and Texhnolyze without any of the things that made them good
Blue Gender
clearly Haruhi
All of them, cause if Sup Forums has taught me anything it's that the majority of people who watch anime are mentally handicapped as hell and have less cognitive capacity than a 2 year old.
Dude, reality check, you are the latter.
Mods, either come and explain why you think it should suddenly be against the rules to post an image that's been in circulation here since 2009, or stop deleting it.
aho girl
Do you mean all people or just newfags. Getting tired of those little shit making threads how they dont understand this or an anime is shit for some lame reason. The weird thing about the anime they mention is they are all pre SAO.
Mods on this board are cunts.
I wish I had watched Eureka 7 done right but with a shitty ending with Sup Forums
The Drew Carey Show
Dead Leaves
>Mention purges
>Comment deleted
Probably a lot of bait and switch anime or the ones that use some setting as a front but instead they deliver something else
like pic related
>Sell something as a harem low brow mindless action shlock comedy with big tiddies
>is actually a show about the appreciation of family and friendship and heartwarming af
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
This is a good answer. But there isn't actually anything to understand.
Wait, do you think that image is Xam'd, or are you just making a random comment?
Shinsekai Yori.
Came here to post this.
People that actually finished it beyond the logical conclusion of the bonobo thread got it though.
Did they? Going by the sheer number of people shitting on Squealer, I think not.
Punch Line
Anything with puns, because most people watch with dubs or shitty subs that rewrite the joke instead of explaining it.
This but unironically. Most people who watched/read it just did so for the lolis.
t. didn't understand it
Richard and mortus
>Rage faces were non ironically posted on this site up until like 6 years ago
Anything based off a VN, WN, or LN. Scenes that come naturally in the original material become insane plot twists for anyone who didn't read it first.
o be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Riku and Moruty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Riku’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Riku & Moruty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Riku’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Riku & Moruty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Cory in the house
Anything that was clearly meant to get a season 2 but didn't.
>lots of unanswered questions
>characters who make no sense because they never get the backstory they were meant to
This was the birthplace was it not?
naruto filler caps while not being high
TTGL and i'm being serious.
I don't know if Sup Forums is seirous or being ironic whenever they can't grasp the simple concept
Are you talking about the people who complain about the asspulls in TTGL?
Yes but....Euuuh, who can even look at these stupid things without cringing