Thoughts about this party? Better than SD?

Thoughts about this party? Better than SD?

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The problem is the timing. The election is very close and they just started.

Sweden will become a American colony

I assume they toke the idea from "Alternative für Deutschland"/Alternative for Germany?
They took two voting periods to get to the 12.9% and are at surveys up to 16% and counting.

I am not sure how long it took but 2% so far is good.
I have trust in you guys.

Ännu ett sätt att locka väljare med fina ord, de sitter i samma sits som sd satt i för 10 år sedan och kommer hamna i samma som sd är i idag.

Motståndsrörelsen är det enda kompromisslösa alternativet.

NMR får någonstans mellan noll och "ingen bryr sig" röster.

haha, tror du seriöst att vår situation avgörs av röster? Det är dagens parlamentarism som förgiftar oss.

Men rösta på dina mellanmjölksalternativ om du vill, deras effekt är ändå 0 (se sd).


Adolf hitler needed a few periods to get into the parlament.
No party get his way in 5 years, so its ok, nit even the afd.
The jewish partys makes it easy for righ wing partys to win, just point at the mistakes of the other partys

sweden is over

Attached: Kärleken är störst av allt ❤ Tagga din älskling! #Oavsettmorgon-10154496243357204.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

AFS Is a milk toast version of the Nordic resistance movement or NMR. They are running for election this year and have a lot of support.

Jag kommer rösta på AfS eller NMR, men har inte bestämt mig vilken. Afs kommer säkert in i riksdagen först så en taktik röst på dom skulle vara logisk. Efter dom kommer in i riksdagen så blir förmodligen nästa steg att få NMR in i riksdagen.

hahaha, lär dig av historien

Totalt nederlag och nationalism vill ingen ta i med tång på 50 år?

All AfS needs is a to get popular really quick and do it big. People can change the party they vote for really fast if you tell them what they wanna hear

tänkte mer på sds utveckling, men Europas förlust i 2vk kommer ju också på tanken

they've followed my advice from two years back, positioning themselves between SD as a new center and NMR at a distant extreme. Perfect for surrounding popular issues like free speech and common sense immigration policy which really resonate with people, a non leftist pirate party.

I say God speed AfS! Good choice in name too!

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Didn't AFS hire some Iranian dude for their campaign?

yeah they welcomed an iranian guy the first they did

do a english ama session, without international community who speaks english u wont achieve nothing,people need to understand your policy and plan inorder to start memeing.

This party will only divide the votes you idiots, Faggots like these will never join a coalition with SD.

You have already lost, just please nuke yourself already or ask Russia to do it

mema sd som nya sossarna, mp,s,v,c,m, l och kd som "mördar vänstern" och afs som nya M och NMR som KD.
Det kan folk oscillera med!

>Faggots like these will never join a coalition with SD.
Neither will any one else.

At this point the main reason i vote is so i can stand there with a smug face and say ''its not my fault, i voted against this'' and ''i told you so'' in a decade or two when it finally dawns on the cretins what has happened.

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this desu.

NMR managing to get the numbers to violently revolt is really sweden's only hope at this point.

even the SD is too cuckolded to roll back the invasion.


Swedeboys still want pretty men in suits who wont do shit

i still hold out hope that there are enough real men left there to fix things. Their numbers will only swell as things spiral out of control.

NMR is growing constantly, people like them for being down to earth