One Piece

Spoiler out!

From Redon
- Pudding, Chiffon and Sanji (he's dress up) go to the boat with the weeding cake but Oven step in.
- Oven attacks Chiffon but Sanji and Pound save her.
- Chiffon hides in the wedding cake carriage but Oven finds her. Bege and the Fire Tank Pirates appear and attack Oven.
- Luffy is in "Chips Island" with Brulee. He thinks in Rayleigh and decides he must defeat Katakuri.

Full summary.

Title: Zish Ish How I Live

Sanji and co start moving the cake to the port. They meet oven outside.
Oven lets pudding pass but tackles Chiffon down. Chiffon swears to help make the cake to the end but Oven calls her a traitor and prepares to take her out.

Pound tries to rescue Chiffon. Sanji (in disguise) helps chiffon escape while Pound takes the attention.
Oven catches up to Chiffon. Oven gets a call from his den-den-mushi telling him that Bege’s ship is heading towards Cacao Island and is being pursued.

Oven uses Chiffon as hostage for Bege to dock at the port and surrender. Bege complies.
Bege reaches the port and shoots Oven but is surrounded from the sea.

[Sunny’s side] Carrot: I wonder if it’s a full moon tonight

[Luffy’s side] Luffy jumps between the various towns and mirro-world. Luffy tries to figure out how to beat Katakuri.

Flashback to Rayleigh saying that Haki’s potential can only be truly released in an extreme battle, by facing stronger enemies, you will also stronger and stronger.

Luffy wonders if he can also see the future a little and announces that he wants to beat Katakuri at full power

[886 End]


Marine who ate the hito hito no mi, model: pirate WHEN?

Who could have predicted that Luffy was gonna pull another power from his ass?

Based Bege.

We all couldn't because Oda doesn't do asspulls.

Man, Oda is such a hack writer. Luffy wasn't able to do shit to Cracker for 11 hours.



Good luck at beating Katakuri at his best lol

Ultra Instinct Luffy soon?


"Well done defeating Katakuri, Straw Hat, well done... HOWEVER"

Even if Luffy somehow asspulls surpassing Sanji in observation, its still gonna be inferior to Katakuri since its been proven Katakuri has better haki than Luffy.

You don't become pro in haki in just a few minutes.

But he's just copying what Katakuri is doing, something we've seen Sandersonia or the priests from Skypiea do ages ago. Why is it an asspull now?

I mean, getting stronger from fighting isn't exactly a new revelation. We can notice that from watching characters fight over the series. Physical strength, haki, manipulating your DF power. I suppose it is just pointing it out clearly.

Why does everyone jerk off to king's haki when it's literally useless? Woohoo knocked out some fodder and saved 5 minutes

>better than Sanji
Stop this meme. It was never stated that Sanji is better than Luffy at observation, just that Sanji's observation is better than Sanji's armament.


Not even mad.

Sanji knows how to find Nami and dodge a jellybean yet Luffy was tricked by Dofla's string clone so Luffy's observation is pretty shit.


He's not dong anything yet, he's just speculating that he could develop his Haki to the same degree as Katakuri, like "shit, if he can do that, maybe I'll be able to do it someday too."

Goda does it again! Katafags btfo!

And Luffy dodged some of katakuri's attacks too. Luffy is better than Sanji at literally everything involved with fighting and related skills.



conquerors haki is basically a glorified date-rape drug

it serves no actual purpose in combat, every single scenario where i'm like "oh cool, this is a perfect opportunity for luffy to use it" you know what he fucking does? GOMU GOMU NO, MUCHI! GOMU GOMU NO, GATLING GUN!

i think after witnessing luffy refuse to use it when confronted with big moms armor, i just gave up on it being nothing more than a plot device


That's not haki, that's just Luffy using his reflexes to see the future, they're totally different concepts.


So Luffys plan is to keep going back to the mirror world to get his ass beat by Kata until he levels up enough to beat him? I never thought I'd see the day when literal MMO-style EXP grinding would actually be a plot point in a manga, well done



army* not armor

That's literally how every fight in Shounens go

even in hokuto no ken

Any swordsman in One Piece can do that.

They imagine themselves being cut before they move.

Grinding is pretty much how any sports anime works though. And any martial arts anime.

>It's a "rayleigh flashback unlocks a new power" episode

dumb frogposter

Bege confirmed best boy

dumb frogposter

What is Oda's asspull for Luffy being able to always find the location Katakuri is at since the Mirror World is so big and nearby mirrors are already destroyed?

Also, is Luffy gonna ignore his blood loss or something?

Brulee looks unconscious right now and he can't enter when she's KOed.

>monkey god awakening confirmed
>rabbit god awakening: full moon confirmed
>okama awakening right around the corner

What will be Bege's awakening

>Who could have predicted that Luffy was gonna pull another power from his ass?
anyone who read this manga for more than 10 chapters

>Luffy teeth are perfectly complete again
Can somebody explain this?

Yeah, but this is basically boss grinding for EXP. Shounen protags usually don't keep going back to the same boss over and over to raise their powerlevels


Turn other things into his castle?

That actually sounds pretty OP.

dumb frogposter

nah, this is more like finding a new tutorial for an OP move



>Rayleigh saying that Haki’s potential can only be truly released in an extreme battle, by facing stronger enemies, you will also stronger and stronger

>Observation haki
>New power
Dumb frogposter

Milk. Or did he lose teeth again?

Luffy was basically grinding with Cracker too. He has been training hard.


inb4 Luffy is defeated before he can accomplish anything

>by facing stronger enemies, you will also stronger and stronger
Well he's not wrong

dumb frogposter

I kind of like that Kata has been an unwilling sensei to Luffy these past eight or so chapters, this is exactly the sort of New World tough love Luffys had coming for the longest time

Milk can regrow bones, this was established during Thriller Bark.

Like when Zoro learned to cut steel from an intense fight with Dem Boners?

Life return. Luffy has being using it since Whiskey Peak.

Shanks destroyed parts of the WB's ship with it, it may be used offensively by masters

No wonder Zoro's so strong, he's been EXP grinding against an unbeatable opponent these last two years, unlike Luffy and Sanji, who beat their bosses relatively quickly and/or ran away from them, respectively

He drank Nami's milk, speedreader.

More spoiler pics

My kuroi friend. Hopefully it doesn't remain unwilling though. I want them to warm up to one another and have tea together.

>its a Luffy eats 1 ton of mochi and doesnt die from liver failure episode

>Is Luffy going to ignore his blood loss
I can count the times blood loss mattered in One Piece on one hand and have fingers left over.
Also he's literally talking to Brulee

>Luffy gets multiple new techniques in East Blue
>Perfectly fine
>Luffy gets multiple new techniques and power ups on the Grand Line
>Perfectly fine
>In the space of 300 chapters Luffy has just starting hinting at one single power up in the New World


I like that Luffys using GUERRILLA tactics to win as opposed to bashing his head on the boss over and over until one of them drops. Our boys getting smarter

>liver failure
Can glucids do that? Are they hard to break down into nutrient or something?

Katakuri doing a good job training Luffy. Kata 4 nakama

>Oda is a hack
In other news water is wet

He was using his reflexes to cut steel.

Spee D. Readers, user

Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to be Katakuri, fighting such a bullshit opponent?


Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread the Boku no Hero general’s two pages down.

That was just because Shanks is so fucking strong the pressure his spirit gives off is extremely heavy, it was spelled out by Marco

While I agree with what you are saying, it's a bit different really. Gears and Haki aren't the same as his regular abilities. But yeah, he obviously needs to progress.

That's just Luffy using common sense though.

>I'm not going to make a counterpoint, I'm just going to insult him and hope that's enough
How's the liberal arts degree going?

So? It means his spirit can affect matter.

If that was an issue then Big Mom and her family would all be fucking dead from diabetes

>OPfags are assblasted
In other news water is wet

We already have a spoiler image, so chapter today?

If Rayleigh knew that the best way to farm Haki EXP was to keep fighting an overwhelmingly strong opponent, why didn't he become Luffy's "final boss" after he beat up all the islands animals? Nigga just let Luffy have a years holiday after beating the island bosses instead of getting him on that EXP grind

Exactly! Based Oda!!!
I bet Rayleigh gave him the talk as well.

>no power-up in any battle shonen from now on is safe from O posting and the like



>unusually calm
>that level of foresight when Luffy almost always goes against what common sense dictates
>arc where Luffy and Coby are getting progressively more adjusted to Haki
I’d sooner buy Zoro using his reflexes than Luffy using his common sense

Because they could never fight seriously without Luffy dying.

>One piece has a shit writing
In other news water is wet

I haven't read Wan Piss in a while.

Have Sanji and Nami fucked yet?

Well yeah, wood, and even then it was just splintering some rails and popping up deck planks. CoC is a representation of a person's spirit, it's not a physical weapon. When someone busts out CoC he's basically having a fucking spirit fight with everyone caught in it, a battle of wills