ITT: Characters who get a lot of unjustified hate from "fans" who missed the point. I'll start

ITT: Characters who get a lot of unjustified hate from "fans" who missed the point. I'll start.

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But everyone in Evangelion was designed to be unlikable on purpose. You can understand them and empathize with them, but not liking them is the intended reaction.


I think that was suposed to be "the point", that everyone's a bit of a cunt and getting along with people means you're gonna get hurt.


But he deserved the hate for being a stupid cunt and not believing in Simon.


There is nothing wrong with having a backup plan. Simon's tactics were OK when it was just dai-gurren having adventures on their own, but now that they're responsible for the lives of a million people, they need contingencies in case the hail mary play fails.