Seriously Why did you vote for him?

What for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lesser of Two Evils, faggot.

shitposting on twitter
I'm not disappointed

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Why not? Would you have rather had J.E.B.?

He has still passed a lot of good policy and caused a lot of good libtard idiocy more than most presidents can say

Sick of politicians... This is a warning to republicans. They are failing miserably though... will implode in November. They didn't take the hint

I didn't. My guy lost.

So that the opposition didn't get the chance to enact her reptilian plans.

He was the 'chaos candidate' so I wanted to take a gamble and see where he would take us.
I knew exactly what to expect from Clinton.

To trigger the libcucks at my small school lol

Also this

I didn't I forgot to register. But I will in 2020.

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The american establishment response to the EU refugee crisis(mirror and accelerate) ensured his win. I knew who and what I was voting for. My golden boulder. We rolled and we rolled.

this, obviously I couldn't vote but if i could have voted for him i would have cuz I hate the libcucks and the Lügenpresse way more than I like him anyway

To make life miserable to leftist scum and hopefully get a few good things done.

OK GUYS. Listen here for a second. Take a look at this thread and the other threads on Sup Forums. Please, I implore you. Memeflag shill OP is complaining and asking us why we voted for Trump and then there's a ton of demoralization threads about Trump being a neocon warmonger.

This tells me that this move wasn't good for Israel since all the shill on this board are kikes. Maybe he's forcing Israel into a position they don't want to be in.

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To keep Hillary out.

Cause it was funny

He's a cuck like me

to piss off faggots like you

You know, you can just register at your voting station, and it takes like 5 minutes.
I guess I also forgot to register, could have sworn I had done it. But was told I was not when I went to vote. I had to fill out like one page of some things, and was allowed to vote.

when is he building the wall

why do they always have rape eyes?

Because we think a reality star is vastly more qualified to run the government than the people that were running the government.

Not Hillary/Them
Just goes to show how powerful the deep/shadow is.
Do not forget how powerless US Presidents really are.

To destroy the Jewish media stranglehold over the public, they lose more credibility and viewers every day.

Trump 2020

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Cuz Hillary we know for sure is not only a globalist warmonger but also a progressive with commie friends

cause Trump wasn't trying to save child trafficers from prison

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President Donald J Trump will save or destroy the world. Either outcome is acceptable.




WE AT Sup Forums have the power to elect govts

ironic as trump is letting in a flood of illegal immigrants still and even tried to let more in. trumps just another kike shill. fucking redddit posters please go.

I live in Michigan and looked it up that day and it said it takes 2 months before an election to re-register before you can vote.

[citation needed]

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4 more years libshit.

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I didn't. Voted for Stein. Would have voted for Clinton if I lived in a swing state.

I know the feels

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Dude Stop it. Get some help.

Voting is a game, just go rer the Lulzzz man

Who cares who wins they all do the same shit year after year

H i l l a r y
C l i n t o n

As Female President of the United States

>making money on the stock market
>up 50k in 401k and IRA
>up 10k in stocks
4 more years

It was her turn!


The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

Because fuck you that's why

I think he's a lying piece of shit both in his personal life and his politics, and we're never going to get the severe immigration crackdown necessary to save this country, but he's still not Hillary Clinton.
The answer is always going to be "he's not Hillary Clinton"

I feel bad for the Pauls but frankly this country probably wouldn't ever elect them in this day and age. The people have rotted and the nation followed suit, not the other way around. There's no political solution.

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teh lulz

I didn't vote desu. I don't have much faith in the system anymore, too exploitable. When dead people and noncitizens can vote, I just don't see the point.

shill thread number 20

Because a vote for Hillary was a vote for luciferianism, and pedophilia.

does Sup Forums even vote?

>Why did you vote for Candidate Chaos?

It's like you're lost.

Because of Reaganesque policies, king troll, fucking up the establishment and a big fuck you to you op. Enjoy the ride!